Judgment on Israel’s Enemies

1A prophecy:
  The word of the Lord is against the land of Hadrak
   and will come to rest on Damascus—
  for the eyes of all people and all the tribes of Israel
   are on the Lord—
  2and on Hamath too, which borders on it,
   and on Tyre and Sidon, though they are very skillful.
  3Tyre has built herself a stronghold;
   she has heaped up silver like dust,
   and gold like the dirt of the streets.
  4But the Lord will take away her possessions
   and destroy her power on the sea,
   and she will be consumed by fire.
  5Ashkelon will see it and fear;
   Gaza will writhe in agony,
   and Ekron too, for her hope will wither.
  Gaza will lose her king
   and Ashkelon will be deserted.
  6A mongrel people will occupy Ashdod,
   and I will put an end to the pride of the Philistines.
  7I will take the blood from their mouths,
   the forbidden food from between their teeth.
  Those who are left will belong to our God
   and become a clan in Judah,
   and Ekron will be like the Jebusites.
  8But I will encamp at my temple
   to guard it against marauding forces.
  Never again will an oppressor overrun my people,
   for now I am keeping watch.

The Coming of Zion’s King

  9Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion!
   Shout, Daughter Jerusalem!
  See, your king comes to you,
   righteous and victorious,
  lowly and riding on a donkey,
   on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
  10I will take away the chariots from Ephraim
   and the warhorses from Jerusalem,
   and the battle bow will be broken.
  He will proclaim peace to the nations.
   His rule will extend from sea to sea
   and from the River to the ends of the earth.
  11As for you, because of the blood of my covenant with you,
   I will free your prisoners from the waterless pit.
  12Return to your fortress, you prisoners of hope;
   even now I announce that I will restore twice as much to you.
  13I will bend Judah as I bend my bow
   and fill it with Ephraim.
  I will rouse your sons, Zion,
   against your sons, Greece,
   and make you like a warrior’s sword.

The Lord Will Appear

  14Then the Lord will appear over them;
   his arrow will flash like lightning.
  The Sovereign Lord will sound the trumpet;
   he will march in the storms of the south,
   15and the Lord Almighty will shield them.
  They will destroy
   and overcome with slingstones.
  They will drink and roar as with wine;
   they will be full like a bowl
   used for sprinkling the corners of the altar.
  16The Lord their God will save his people on that day
   as a shepherd saves his flock.
  They will sparkle in his land
   like jewels in a crown.
  17How attractive and beautiful they will be!
   Grain will make the young men thrive,
   and new wine the young women.


Teem txim rau tej tebchaws uas nyob ib ncig

Yawmsaub cov lus
  1Yawmsaub hais lus tawm tsam Halaj tebchaws
   thiab yuav los nyob
   rau saum lub nroog Damaxaka.
  Ib tsoom tebchaws
   thiab cov Yixayee txhua xeem
   yuav tsa muag ntsia Yawmsaub.
  2Thiab tawm tsam lub moos Hama
   uas nyob npuas nkaus lawv ciam teb
  thiab tawm tsam lub nroog Thailab
   thiab lub moos Xaidoo
   uas muaj kev txawj ntse heev.
  3Thailab ua ntsa loog thaiv lub moos cia,
   thiab sau tau nyiaj ntau
   yam nkaus li tej niag pawg hmoov av
  thiab sau tau kub ntau yam nkaus li
   tej niag plas hmoov av hauv tej kev,
  4tiamsis Yawmsaub yuav sau zog
   tej qhov txhia chaw hauv lub moos
   huvsi coj mus,
  thiab muab tej nyiaj txiag
   laim rau hauv hiavtxwv,
  thiab lub moos ntawd
   yuav raug hluavtaws kub hnyiab tag huvsi.
  5Lub moos Akheloo yuav pom
   thiab yuav ntshai,
  lub moos Kaxa yuav pom
   mas ib ce yuav tshee hnyo,
  lub moos Ekhoo kuj ib yam nkaus
   vim yog nws lub chaw vam ploj tag lawm.
  Tus vajntxwv uas kav lub moos Kaxa
   yuav puam tsuaj,
  yuav tsis muaj neeg nyob
   hauv lub moos Akheloo lawm,
  6cov neeg txuam tsoov
   yuav los nyob hauv lub moos Asadau.
  Kuv yuav rhuav tshem
   cov Filixatee tej kev khav theeb
   kom ploj mus.
  7Kuv yuav muab cov ntshav uas lawv noj
   rho hauv lawv qhov ncauj los,
  kuv yuav muab tej nqaij qias vuab tsuab
   rho hauv lawv kaus hniav los.
  Cov neeg uas tseem tshuav nyob
   yuav los ua peb tus Vajtswv li neeg
  thiab yuav zoo ib yam li
   ib cum neeg hauv Yuda.
   Ekhoo yuav zoo yam li cov neeg Yenpu.
  8Thiab kuv yuav zov kuv lub tsev
   tsis pub leejtwg coj tau
   tub rog mus mus los los.
  Thiab yuav tsis muaj leejtwg tuaj quab yuam
   tsim txom tau kuv cov neeg dua li lawm
   vim nimno kuv ntsia ntsoov lawv lawm.

Tus vajntxwv uas yuav kav Xi‑oo

  9Xi‑oo tus ntxhais 'e,
   cia li zoo siab xyiv fab kawg,
   Yeluxalees tus ntxhais 'e, cia li qw nrov.
  Saib maj, koj tus vajntxwv tabtom los cuag koj.
   Nws yog tus ncaj ncees
   thiab yog tus kov yeej.
  Nws txo nws lub hwjchim
   thiab caij ib tug nees luav,
   yog caij menyuam nees luav los.
  10Kuv yuav muab tej tsheb ua rog
   rhuav tshem hauv Efa‑i tebchaws mus
  thiab yuav muab cov nees ua rog
   tshem tawm hauv Yeluxalees mus.
  Tej hneev tua rog
   yuav raug muab rhuav tshem,
  mas tus vajntxwv yuav tu
   kom muaj kev thaj yeeb
   nyab xeeb rau ib tsoom tebchaws.
  Nws yuav kav txij ntua ntawm lub hiavtxwv no
   mus txog lub hiavtxwv tim ub,
  thiab ntawm tus niag dej Yufeti
   mus txog qab ntuj kawg.

Xi‑oo yuav rov zoo li qub

  11Koj ne, vim yog cov ntshav
   uas ua lub hom thawj nias rau tej lus
   uas kuv cog tseg rau koj,
  mas kuv yuav tso
   koj cov uas raug muab kaw lawm
   dim hauv lub qhov qhuav ntawd.
  12Cov neeg uas raug luag kaw
   uas tseem muaj vam 'e,
   cia li rov qab mus rau nej lub chaw ruaj khov.
  Hnub no kuv tshaj tawm rau nej tias,
   kuv yuav thim ob npaug rau nej.
  13Kuv twb muab Yuda nta
   rawv li tus qhaub hneev,
  thiab muab Efa‑i ua rab xub
   coj los nruab rau lawm.
  Xi‑oo 'e, kuv yuav sau koj cov tub huvsi
   mus ntaus Kili cov tub
  thiab yuav tuav nej
   yam nkaus li cov tub rog tuav rab ntaj.
  14Mas Yawmsaub yuav tshwm rau saum lawv
   thiab Yawmsaub cov xub yuav ya mus
   yam nkaus li xob laim.
  Vajtswv Yawmsaub yuav tshuab raj kub yaj
   thiab yuav nrog lub khaub zeeg cua
   nram qab ntug mus.
  15Yawmsaub uas muaj hwjchim loj kawg nkaus
   yuav tsom kwm lawv,
  mas lawv yuav rhuav tshem tsuj pes ntiag
   cov uas txawj xuas hlua fiav ntaus qe zeb.
  Lawv yuav noj yuav haus qw ua tsuj ua tsaug
   yam li haus cawv txiv hmab.
  Lawv yuav tsau npo yam nkaus li
   lub phaj uas rau cov ntshav
  thiab ntub yam nkaus li
   cov kub thaj ntub ntshav.
  16Hnub ntawd mas Yawmsaub
   uas yog lawv tus Vajtswv yuav cawm lawv
  vim lawv yog nws li neeg
   ib yam li yog nws pab yaj.
  Lawv yuav ci ntsa iab
   rau hauv nws lub tebchaws
  yam nkaus li tej qe zeb hlaws
   uas ci ci hauv lub mom kub.
  17Lub tebchaws yuav zoo
   thiab zoo nkauj tiag tiag li lauj!
  Tej qoob yuav ua rau
   cov tub hluas kheev hlob
  thiab tej cawv txiv hmab tshiab
   yuav ua rau cov ntxhais hluas hlob zoo.