The Day of the Lord

  1Blow the trumpet in Zion,
   And sound an alarm in My holy mountain!
   Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble;
   For the day of the Lord is coming,
   For it is at hand:
   2A day of darkness and gloominess,
   A day of clouds and thick darkness,
   Like the morning clouds spread over the mountains.
   A people come, great and strong,
   The like of whom has never been;
   Nor will there ever be any such after them,
   Even for many successive generations.
  3A fire devours before them,
   And behind them a flame burns;
   The land is like the Garden of Eden before them,
   And behind them a desolate wilderness;
   Surely nothing shall escape them.
   4Their appearance is like the appearance of horses;
   And like swift steeds, so they run.
   5With a noise like chariots
   Over mountaintops they leap,
   Like the noise of a flaming fire that devours the stubble,
   Like a strong people set in battle array.
  6Before them the people writhe in pain;
   All faces are drained of color.
   7They run like mighty men,
   They climb the wall like men of war;
   Every one marches in formation,
   And they do not break ranks.
   8They do not push one another;
   Every one marches in his own column.
   Though they lunge between the weapons,
   They are not cut down.
   9They run to and fro in the city,
   They run on the wall;
   They climb into the houses,
   They enter at the windows like a thief.
  10The earth quakes before them,
   The heavens tremble;
   The sun and moon grow dark,
   And the stars diminish their brightness.
   11The Lord gives voice before His army,
   For His camp is very great;
   For strong is the One who executes His word.
   For the day of the Lordis great and very terrible;
   Who can endure it?

A Call to Repentance

  12“Now, therefore,” says the Lord,
   “Turn to Me with all your heart,
   With fasting, with weeping, and with mourning.”
   13So rend your heart, and not your garments;
   Return to the Lord your God,
   For He isgracious and merciful,
   Slow to anger, and of great kindness;
   And He relents from doing harm.
   14Who knows if He will turn and relent,
   And leave a blessing behind Him—
   A grain offering and a drink offering
   For the Lord your God?
   15Blow the trumpet in Zion,
   Consecrate a fast,
   Call a sacred assembly;
   16Gather the people,
   Sanctify the congregation,
   Assemble the elders,
   Gather the children and nursing babes;
   Let the bridegroom go out from his chamber,
   And the bride from her dressing room.
   17Let the priests, who minister to the Lord,
   Weep between the porch and the altar;
   Let them say, “Spare Your people, O Lord,
   And do not give Your heritage to reproach,
   That the nations should rule over them.
   Why should they say among the peoples,
   ‘Where is their God?’ ”

The Land Refreshed

  18Then the Lord will be zealous for His land,
   And pity His people.
   19The Lord will answer and say to His people,
   “Behold, I will send you grain and new wine and oil,
   And you will be satisfied by them;
   I will no longer make you a reproach among the nations.
  20“But I will remove far from you the northern army,
   And will drive him away into a barren and desolate land,
   With his face toward the eastern sea
   And his back toward the western sea;
   His stench will come up,
   And his foul odor will rise,
   Because he has done monstrous things.”
  21Fear not, O land;
   Be glad and rejoice,
   For the Lord has done marvelous things!
   22Do not be afraid, you beasts of the field;
   For the open pastures are springing up,
   And the tree bears its fruit;
   The fig tree and the vine yield their strength.
   23Be glad then, you children of Zion,
   And rejoice in the Lord your God;
   For He has given you the former rain faithfully,
   And He will cause the rain to come down for you—
   The former rain,
   And the latter rain in the first month.
   24The threshing floors shall be full of wheat,
   And the vats shall overflow with new wine and oil.
  25“So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten,
   The crawling locust,
   The consuming locust,
   And the chewing locust,
   My great army which I sent among you.
   26You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied,
   And praise the name of the Lord your God,
   Who has dealt wondrously with you;
   And My people shall never be put to shame.
   27Then you shall know that I amin the midst of Israel:
   I am the Lord your God
   And there is no other.
   My people shall never be put to shame.

God’s Spirit Poured Out

  28“And it shall come to pass afterward
   That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh;
   Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
   Your old men shall dream dreams,
   Your young men shall see visions.
   29And also on Mymenservants and on My maidservants
   I will pour out My Spirit in those days.
  30“And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth:
   Blood and fire and pillars of smoke.
   31The sun shall be turned into darkness,
   And the moon into blood,
   Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord.
   32And it shall come to pass
   Thatwhoever calls on the name of the Lord
   Shall be saved.
   For in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be deliverance,
   As the Lord has said,
   Among the remnant whom the Lord calls.


Ziouv Nyei Hnoi Oix Taux

  1Oix zuqc yiem ⟨Si^on⟩ biomv jorng,
   yiem yie nyei cing-nzengc mbong biomv qiex mbui.
  Guoqv gu'nyuoz yietc zungv mienh oix zuqc sin zinx,
   weic zuqc Ziouv nyei hnoi oix taux,
   zungv taux fatv aqv.
  2Benx norm hmuangx nyei hnoi, lungh yiem-yiem wuov,
   benx norm maaih mbuonx, mapv hmuangx nyei hnoi.
  Hnangv hmuangx om jienv mbong-ningv gu'nguaaic,
   maaih yietc domh guanh mienh youc hlo youc henv daaih.
  Yiem loz-hnoi daaih maiv maaih jiex hnangv naaiv.
   Nqa'haav hingv taux maanc gouv maanc doic yaac maiv maaih.
  3Yiem ninh mbuo nza'hmien maengx maaih douz buov qui,
   yiem ninh mbuo nqa'haav maengx yaac maaih douz-mbietc zieqc jienv.
  Ninh mbuo maiv gaengh daaih nyei ziangh hoc
   deic-bung se hnangv E^nden Huingx.
  Jiez liuz, nqa'haav benx baaic waaic nyei deic-bung-huaang,
   maiv maaih haaix nyungc haih biaux duqv ndutv ninh mbuo.
  4Ninh mbuo nyei fangx zeiv hnangv maaz,
   ninh mbuo tiux hnangv mborqv jaax nyei maaz tiux.
  5Ninh mbuo tiux gan mbong-ningv mingh,
   qiex mbui hnangv mborqv jaax nyei maaz-cie,
  hnangv douz zieqc mbiauh nqaauv gorn
   mbeux nyei qiex mbui,
  yaac hnangv guanh henv haic nyei baeng
   mbaih jienv cuotv mingh mborqv jaax.
  6Zuangx fingx yietv buatc, ninh mbuo hnyouv waaic nzengc.
   Dauh dauh mienh nyei hmien mbienc nzengc.
  7Ninh mbuo hnangv henv haic nyei baeng tiux,
   yaac hnangv mborqv jaax nyei baeng biu faaux zingh laatc.
  Ninh mbuo mingh benx yietc mbaih, yietc mbaih,
   maiv bun ninh mbuo nyei guanh lunc.
  8Ninh mbuo laanh maiv nziangc zuqc laanh,
   gorqv-mienh baeng zaqc yangh hungx jienv wuov ndaangc mingh.
  Ninh mbuo borngz tong mborqv jaax nyei ga'naaiv,
   maiv maaih haaix nyungc dangv duqv jienv.
  9Ninh mbuo borngz bieqc zingh gu'nyuoz,
   tiux zingh laatc gu'nguaaic.
  Ninh mbuo nyorng bieqc biauv,
   nyorng bieqc fong muonh hnangv janx-zaqc.
  10Yiem ninh mbuo nyei wuov ndaangc maengx ndau dongz,
   aengx ndanc zuqc lungh nyanh nyanh nyei.
  Mba'hnoi caux hlaax hmuangx mi'aqv,
   hleix yaac maiv ziux njang.
  11Ziouv yiem ninh nyei jun-baeng guanh nyei wuov ndaangc maengx
   cuotv qiex mbui.
  Ninh nyei baeng-guanh za'gengh! hlo haic.
   Muangx ninh hatc nyei waac wuov deix yaac henv.
  Ziouv nyei hnoi za'gengh hlo haic, gamh nziex haic nyei hnoi.
   Haaix dauh haih diev duqv?

Goiv Hnyouv Nzuonx Daaih Lorz Ziouv

  12Ziouv gorngv,
   “Maiv gunv hnangv naaic,
  meih mbuo oix zuqc zei maiv nyanc haaix nyungc
   oix zuqc nzauh, oix zuqc nyiemv jienv
   longc nzengc hnyouv nzuonx daaih lorz yie.”
  13Oix zuqc betv meih mbuo nyei hnyouv,
   maiv zeiz ⟨betv meih mbuo nyei lui-houx.⟩
  Nzuonx daaih lorz Ziouv, meih mbuo nyei Tin-Hungh,
   weic zuqc ninh maaih en-zingh yaac korv-lienh mienh.
  Ninh maiv qiex jiez siepv,
   ninh za'gengh! ziepc zuoqv nyei hnamv mienh.
   Ninh yaac goiv hnyouv maiv bun zuqc domh zeqc naanc.
  14Haaix dauh haih hiuv duqv?
   Nziex ninh haih goiv za'eix ziouc korv-lienh mienh,
   yaac ceix fuqv bun ninh mbuo
  maaih fongc horc nyei laangh ziqc caux ciev ziec nyei ga'naaiv
   bun Ziouv, meih mbuo nyei Tin-Hungh.
  15Oix zuqc yiem Si^on biomv jorng.
   Oix zuqc dingc ziangx norm zei maiv nyanc haaix nyungc nyei hnoi,
   heuc mienh gapv zunv zoux leiz-baaix.
  16Oix zuqc mbuox zuangx baeqc fingx gapv zunv
   aengx saax gapv zunv nyei mienh cing-nzengc.
  Bun zuangx mienh gox daaih zunv.
   Dorh fu'jueiv, liemh hopv jienv nyorx nyei gu'nguaaz gapv zunv daaih.
  Siang-laangh caux siang-mbuangz
   oix zuqc cuotv ninh mbuo nyei gen daaih.
  17Bun fu-sux Ziouv nyei sai mienh
   yiem capv cuotv zaangc Tin-Hungh nyei biauv nza'hmien maengx caux ziec-dorngh mbu'ndongx nyiemv,
  aengx gorngv, “Ziouv aac,
   tov korv-lienh meih nyei baeqc fingx.
  Maiv dungx bun meih nzipc nyei buonc zuqc mienh huotv,
   zuqc maanc guoqv mienh longc zoux gouv gorngv.
  Yiem maanc fingx mbu'ndongx mienh weic haaix diuc oix zuqc gorngv,
   ‘Ninh mbuo nyei Tin-Hungh yiem haaix?’+”

Ziouv Dau Nyei Waac

  18Wuov zanc Ziouv oix nzaeng jienv ninh nyei deic-bung,
   yaac oix korv-lienh ninh nyei baeqc fingx.
  19Ziouv oix dau ninh nyei baeqc fingx gorngv,
   “Yie oix bun meih mbuo duqv laangh ziqc, siang-a'ngunc diuv caux ga'lanv youh,
   meih mbuo ziouc duqv nyanc beuv.
  Yie maiv aengx bun meih mbuo
   yiem maanc fingx mbu'ndongx zuqc ninh mbuo huotv.
  20“Yie oix zunc yiem baqv bung daaih nyei domh guanh leih meih mbuo go,
   yaac zunc ninh bieqc norm deic-bung-huaang, deic-bung-haanz.
   Nza'hmien wuov guanh oix zunc bieqc dong bung nyei koiv,
   nqa'haav nqaang wuov guanh zunc bieqc fai bung nyei koiv.
  Zueix nyei qiex ziouc faaux,
   ninh huv zueix nyei qiex congx faaux lungh,
   laaix ninh zoux hlo haic nyei domh sic.”
  21Ndau aah! Maiv dungx gamh nziex.
   Oix zuqc njien-youh orn-lorqc,
   weic zuqc Ziouv zoux hlo haic nyei sic.
  22Lomc-huaang nyei hieh zoih aah! Maiv dungx gamh nziex.
   Weic zuqc deic-bung-huaang nyei miev-ciangv cuotv miev nyiemz aqv.
  Ndiangx yaac ziangh biouv.
   Ngongh nyorx ndiangx caux a'ngunc hmei ziangh biouv gitv.
  23O Si^on nyei mienh aah! Oix zuqc a'hneiv.
   Oix zuqc weic Ziouv, meih mbuo nyei Tin-Hungh, njien-youh,
  weic zuqc ninh ziux ziangh hoc ceix cun-gen mbiungc,
  ninh bun mbiungc duih njiec,
   maaih cun-gen caux ciou-gen mbiungc hnangv zinh ndaangc wuov nor.
  24Mborqv mbiauh nyei ciangv ziouc maaih mbiauh buangv nzengc.
   A'ngunc diuv caux ga'lanv youh zungv mienz cuotv siou nyei dorngx.
  25“Jopv-nyeic nyanc waaic ga'naaiv nyei hnyangx-soux yie oix jaauv meih mbuo,
   se domh jopv-nyeic caux jopv-nyeic ndaix,
   caux jopv-nyeic tiux caux jopv-nyeic guanh,
  dongh yie fungx daaih bieqc meih mbuo mbu'ndongx nyei domh guanh.
  26Meih mbuo duqv nyanc gaux, duqv nyanc beuv nzengc.
   Meih mbuo ziouc ceng Ziouv, meih mbuo nyei Tin-Hungh nyei mengh,
  dongh weic meih mbuo zoux mbuoqc horngh nyei sic wuov dauh.
   Yie nyei baeqc fingx yietc liuz maiv zuqc aengx baaic hmien.
  27Meih mbuo ziouc hiuv duqv yie yiem I^saa^laa^en Mienh mbu'ndongx,
   yaac hiuv duqv yie se Ziouv, meih mbuo nyei Tin-Hungh,
   maiv maaih ganh dauh.
  Yie nyei baeqc fingx yietc liuz maiv zuqc aengx baaic hmien.

Tin-Hungh Dox Singx Lingh Njiec

  28“Hoz daaih
   yie oix dox yie nyei Singx Lingh ceix bun maanc mienh.
  Meih mbuo nyei dorn, meih mbuo nyei sieqv oix tengx yie douc waac.
   Meih mbuo nyei mienh gox mienh oix mbeix mbeix.
   Meih mbuo nyei mienh lunx mienh oix buatc hinc yaangh nyei sic.
  29Yiem wuov deix hnoi yie yaac oix dox yie nyei Singx Lingh
   ceix bun liemh m'jangc bou, m'sieqv bou.
  30Yie oix yiem lungh yiem ndau
   zoux cuotv mbuoqc horngh nyei sic,
   maaih nziaamv, maaih douz, maaih douz-sioux-don.
  31Ziouv nyei wuov norm gamh nziex haic nyei domh hnoi maiv gaengh taux,
   mba'hnoi oix hmuangx mingh,
   hlaax yaac oix siqv hnangv nziaamv nor.
  32Taux wuov zanc haaix dauh heuc Ziouv nyei mbuox,
   wuov dauh ziouc duqv njoux.
  Yiem Si^on Mbong caux Ye^lu^saa^lem Zingh,
   ziouc maaih biaux ndutv nyei mienh hnangv Ziouv gorngv nor.
  Yiem naaiv deix duqv maengc cuotv nyei mienh mbu'ndongx
   maaih Ziouv heuc daaih nyei mienh.