Preparations for Building the Temple

1Solomon gave orders to build a temple for the Name of the Lord and a royal palace for himself. 2He conscripted 70,000 men as carriers and 80,000 as stonecutters in the hills and 3,600 as foremen over them.
3Solomon sent this message to Hiram king of Tyre:
 “Send me cedar logs as you did for my father David when you sent him cedar to build a palace to live in.
4Now I am about to build a temple for the Name of the Lord my God and to dedicate it to him for burning fragrant incense before him, for setting out the consecrated bread regularly, and for making burnt offerings every morning and evening and on the Sabbaths, at the New Moons and at the appointed festivals of the Lord our God. This is a lasting ordinance for Israel.
5“The temple I am going to build will be great, because our God is greater than all other gods. 6But who is able to build a temple for him, since the heavens, even the highest heavens, cannot contain him? Who then am I to build a temple for him, except as a place to burn sacrifices before him?
7“Send me, therefore, a man skilled to work in gold and silver, bronze and iron, and in purple, crimson and blue yarn, and experienced in the art of engraving, to work in Judah and Jerusalem with my skilled workers, whom my father David provided.
8“Send me also cedar, juniper and algum logs from Lebanon, for I know that your servants are skilled in cutting timber there. My servants will work with yours 9to provide me with plenty of lumber, because the temple I build must be large and magnificent. 10I will give your servants, the woodsmen who cut the timber, twenty thousand cors of ground wheat, twenty thousand cors of barley, twenty thousand baths of wine and twenty thousand baths of olive oil.”
11Hiram king of Tyre replied by letter to Solomon:
 “Because the Lord loves his people, he has made you their king.”
12And Hiram added:
 “Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, who made heaven and earth! He has given King David a wise son, endowed with intelligence and discernment, who will build a temple for the Lord and a palace for himself.
13“I am sending you Huram-Abi, a man of great skill, 14whose mother was from Dan and whose father was from Tyre. He is trained to work in gold and silver, bronze and iron, stone and wood, and with purple and blue and crimson yarn and fine linen. He is experienced in all kinds of engraving and can execute any design given to him. He will work with your skilled workers and with those of my lord, David your father.
15“Now let my lord send his servants the wheat and barley and the olive oil and wine he promised, 16and we will cut all the logs from Lebanon that you need and will float them as rafts by sea down to Joppa. You can then take them up to Jerusalem.”
17Solomon took a census of all the foreigners residing in Israel, after the census his father David had taken; and they were found to be 153,600. 18He assigned 70,000 of them to be carriers and 80,000 to be stonecutters in the hills, with 3,600 foremen over them to keep the people working.


Thrũan Táq Dống Sang Toâr

1Puo Sa-lamôn thrũan táq Dống Sang Toâr dŏq cỡt ntốq sang toam Yiang Sursĩ; cớp án ễ táq dống yỗn án ỡt. 2Án ớn 70,000 cũai samiang pỡq ngcỗi crơng ễ táq Dống Sang Toâr, cớp 80,000 náq yỗn pỡq tốc tamáu tâng máh dũal cớp cóh ki. Cớp bữn cũai sốt dŏq nhêng salĩq máh cũai táq ranáq la 3,600 náq.
3Sa-lamôn ớn cũai ranễng pỡq atỡng Hi-ram puo vil Ti-rơ neq: “Sễq anhia táq chóq cứq samoât anhia khoiq táq chóq puo Davĩt mpoaq cứq, bo anhia chếq aluang sê-da cỡt langhoiq yỗn án táq dống ỡt. 4Cứq ntôm ễ táq Dống Sang Toâr yỗn Yiang Sursĩ, Ncháu cứq. Dống sang ki cỡt ntốq miar khong Yiang Sursĩ, dŏq hếq cớp máh cũai proai hếq chŏ́ng crơng phuom chiau sang án. Tâng ntốq ki hếq ễ chiau sang bễng mi yỗn Yiang Sursĩ. Cớp hếq ễ bốh crơng chiau sang cu tarưp tabữ tâng Tangái Rlu, tâng tangái casâi mbỡiq loŏh, cớp tâng tangái rit canŏ́h hỡ, dŏq chiau sang yỗn Yiang Sursĩ, Ncháu tỗp hếq. Án khoiq patâp tỗp I-sarel yỗn táq níc máh ranáq ki. 5Hếq chanchớm ễ táq dống sang toâr lứq, yuaq Yiang Sursĩ hếq la sốt toâr clữi nheq tễ yiang canŏ́h. 6Ma noau têq táq dống sang yỗn Yiang Sursĩ ỡt? Paloŏng sarỡih lứq la tỡ bữn la‑a dũ yỗn án ỡt. Khân ngkíq, hếq tỡ rơi táq dống sang yỗn án ỡt, ma mpỡl têq táq ống ntốq dŏq bốh crơng chiau sang yỗn án sâng. 7Yuaq ngkíq, sanua sễq anhia ớn muoi noaq cũai chiang ca khễuq táq crơng cớp khũar pachĩr yễng, práq, sapoan, cớp tac; dếh khễuq tan aroâiq santứm ễng, cusâu cớp satong, dŏq alới táq ranáq parnơi cớp cũai chiang tâng cruang Yuda cớp vil Yaru-salem, parnơi cớp máh cũai ca puo Davĩt, mpoaq hếq khoiq rưoh dŏq. 8Hếq dáng samoât lứq cũai chiang anhia moang khễuq tamư aluang. Ngkíq sễq anhia asuoi máh aluang sê-da, sango, cớp sarữi tễ cóh Lê-banôn yỗn hếq. Cớp hếq pruam ễ ớn cũai hếq pỡq rachuai tỗp anhia tễ ranáq chuaq máh aluang ki, 9yuaq hếq chanchớm ễ táq dống sang nâi yỗn toâr cớp nêuq o lứq. 10Hếq lứq asuoi sanyam yỗn máh cũai tamư aluang, bữn neq: Racáu bali 100,000 achoiq, racáu mi 100,000 achoiq, blŏ́ng nho 440,000 lit, cớp dỡq nsễng o‑li‑vê 440,000 lit.”
11Puo Hi-ram cơiq choâiq thỡ ta‑ỡi puo Sa-lamôn neq: “Cỗ Yiang Sursĩ ayooq cũai proai án, ngkíq án yỗn anhia cỡt puo tỗp alới. 12Lứq khễn Yiang Sursĩ, Ncháu tỗp I-sarel, án ca tễng paloŏng cớp cốc cutễq nâi! Án khoiq yỗn puo Davĩt bữn con samiang roan rangoaiq lứq, dáng sa‑ữi ramứh, cớp khễuq sa‑ữi ngê. Sanua anhia aloŏh ngê dŏq táq dống sang yỗn Yiang Sursĩ, cớp táq dống yỗn anhia ỡt hỡ. 13Cứq ớn Huram Abi toâq pỡ anhia; án la cũai chiang roan rangoaiq cớp khễuq lứq. 14Mpiq án tễ tỗp Dan, ma mpoaq án tễ vil Ti-rơ. Án khễuq táq crơng toâq práq, yễng, sapoan, tac, tamáu, cớp aluang. Án dáng tan aroâiq santứm satong, ễng, cusâu, cớp aroâiq busín o hỡ; dếh têq khũar dũ ramứh, cớp têq táq dũ ramứh samoât anhia yoc ễ bữn. Sễq anhia yỗn án táq parnơi cớp cũai chiang anhia, cớp cũai chiang táq ranáq yỗn puo Davĩt mpoaq anhia hỡ. 15Ngkíq, sanua sễq anhia thrũan asuoi sanyam, bữn neq: Racáu bali, racáu mi, blŏ́ng nho, cớp dỡq nsễng o‑li‑vê, samoât anhia khoiq ữq dŏq chơ. 16Tỗp hếq lứq tamư aluang ca anhia yoc ễ bữn tễ cóh Lê-banôn, cớp asuoi yỗn anhia na boq samoât ra‑áu, chơ alỗi tâng dỡq mưt toau toâq pỡ vil Yôp-pa. Vớt ki anhia ễn ngcỗi dững achu pỡ vil Yaru-salem.”

Tabŏ́q Ễ Táq Dống Sang Toâr

17Puo Sa-lamôn chĩc máh thrỗq cũai tễ cruang canŏ́h ca ỡt tâng cutễq tỗp I-sarel; án táq samoât puo Davĩt, mpoaq án, khoiq táq tễ nhũang chơ. Nheq tữh cũai tễ cruang canŏ́h la 153,600 náq. 18Án ớn 70,000 náq tễ tỗp ki ngcỗi crơng ễ táq dống, 80,000 náq tốc tamáu tâng pỡng cóh, cớp 3,600 náq taniap máh cũai táq ranáq.