
1Then Job replied:
  2“How long will you torment me
   and crush me with words?
  3Ten times now you have reproached me;
   shamelessly you attack me.
  4If it is true that I have gone astray,
   my error remains my concern alone.
  5If indeed you would exalt yourselves above me
   and use my humiliation against me,
  6then know that God has wronged me
   and drawn his net around me.

  7“Though I cry, ‘Violence!’ I get no response;
   though I call for help, there is no justice.
  8He has blocked my way so I cannot pass;
   he has shrouded my paths in darkness.
  9He has stripped me of my honor
   and removed the crown from my head.
  10He tears me down on every side till I am gone;
   he uproots my hope like a tree.
  11His anger burns against me;
   he counts me among his enemies.
  12His troops advance in force;
   they build a siege ramp against me
   and encamp around my tent.

  13“He has alienated my family from me;
   my acquaintances are completely estranged from me.
  14My relatives have gone away;
   my closest friends have forgotten me.
  15My guests and my female servants count me a foreigner;
   they look on me as on a stranger.
  16I summon my servant, but he does not answer,
   though I beg him with my own mouth.
  17My breath is offensive to my wife;
   I am loathsome to my own family.
  18Even the little boys scorn me;
   when I appear, they ridicule me.
  19All my intimate friends detest me;
   those I love have turned against me.
  20I am nothing but skin and bones;
   I have escaped only by the skin of my teeth.

  21“Have pity on me, my friends, have pity,
   for the hand of God has struck me.
  22Why do you pursue me as God does?
   Will you never get enough of my flesh?

  23“Oh, that my words were recorded,
   that they were written on a scroll,
  24that they were inscribed with an iron tool on lead,
   or engraved in rock forever!
  25I know that my redeemer lives,
   and that in the end he will stand on the earth.
  26And after my skin has been destroyed,
   yet in my flesh I will see God;
  27I myself will see him
   with my own eyes—I, and not another.
   How my heart yearns within me!

  28“If you say, ‘How we will hound him,
   since the root of the trouble lies in him,
  29you should fear the sword yourselves;
   for wrath will bring punishment by the sword,
   and then you will know that there is judgment.


Y-Yôp Mĭn Aê Diê Srăng Yap Ñu Kpă

1Y-Yôp lŏ wĭt lač:
  2“Dŭm boh sui Diih srăng bi knap kâo,
   leh anăn bi mčah kâo đơ điêt hŏng klei blŭ?
  3Anei jing pluh bliư̆ leh diih ƀuah kơ kâo;
   diih amâo hêñ ôh ngă klei jhat kơ kâo.
  4Leh anăn tơdah sĭt kâo jing soh leh,
   klei soh anăn lĕ kơ kâo pô.
  5Tơdah sĭt nik ih bi mđĭ diih pô ngă kơ kâo,
   leh anăn brei klei knap mñai kâo jing klei diih mă bi mgăl hŏng kâo,
  6snăn brei diih thâo kơ Aê Diê yơh ngă kơ kâo,
   leh anăn ñu bi djŏ kâo hlăm ñuăl ñu.
  7Nĕ anei kâo ur, ‘Mâo klei jŭ jhat!’ ƀiădah arăng amâo lŏ wĭt lač kơ kâo ôh;
   kâo ur kraih, ƀiădah arăng amâo ngă klei djŏ ôh.
  8Ñu ƀư̆ mnư̆ bi gun êlan kâo, snăn kâo amâo dưi găn ôh,
   leh anăn ñu guôm hŏng klei mmăt ti jih klông kâo êbat.
  9Ñu toh hĕ leh mơ̆ng kâo klei guh kơang kâo,
   leh anăn mă mđuĕ hĕ đuôn mtao mơ̆ng boh kŏ kâo.
  10Ñu bi mčah kâo leh jŭm gah găn tơl kâo đuĕ nao;
   ñu bi luč klei kâo čang hmăng msĕ si arăng buč leh sa ƀĕ ana kyâo.
  11Ñu čuh ai ngêñ kơ kâo leh,
   leh anăn yap kâo jing pô roh ñu.
  12Phung kahan ñu ksŭng hriê mbĭt;
   diñu wang čiăng ngă kơ kâo
   leh anăn dôk jŭm dar sang čhiăm kâo.

  13Ñu bi kbưi hĕ phung ayŏng adei kâo mơ̆ng kâo,
   leh anăn brei phung mah jiăng kâo jing tue sĭt nik kơ kâo.
  14Găp djuê kâo lui hĕ leh kâo,
   leh anăn phung mah jiăng sĭt suôr kâo wơr bĭt leh kâo.
  15Phung hriê čhưn dôk hlăm sang kâo yap kâo jing tue;
   phung dĭng buăl mniê kâo yap kâo msĕ si sa čô tue;
   kâo jing leh pô diñu amâo thâo kral ôh.
  16Kâo iêu dĭng buăl kâo, ƀiădah ñu amâo lŏ wĭt lač ôh kơ kâo;
   wăt tơdah kâo kwưh kơ ñu hŏng ƀăng êgei kâo.
  17Mnâo kâo jing mnơ̆ng mô̆ kâo amâo dưi tŭ,
   phung anak êkei amĭ kâo bi êmut kơ kâo.
  18Wăt phung hđeh điêt bi êmut kơ kâo;
   tơdah kâo kgŭ, diñu tlao mưč kơ kâo.
  19Jih jang phung mah jiăng kâo sĭt suôr bi êmut snăk kơ kâo;
   phung kâo khăp leh wir ngă kơ kâo mơh.
  20Kâo êwang snăk tơl bi êdah klang kleh,
   kâo dôk hdĭp mă knŏng êwa ƀơp ƀơp ti ƀăng êgei.
  21Pap mñai kơ kâo đa, pap mñai kơ kâo bĕ,
   Ơ diih, phung mah jiăng kâo,
   kyuadah kngan Aê Diê čăm kâo leh!
  22Si ngă diih tiŏ kâo msĕ si Aê Diê mơh?
   Si ngă diih amâo hrăp ôh mă kđeh kâo?

  23Ơ čiăng snăk arăng čih hĕ leh klei kâo blŭ!
   Čiăng snăk arăng čih pioh hĕ digơ̆ hlăm sa pŏk hdruôm hră!
  24Čiăng snăk hŏng giê čih msei leh anăn kmrak
   arăng ktur digơ̆ ti boh tâo brei dôk nanao!
  25Kyuadah kâo thâo Pô Bi Tui kâo dôk hdĭp,
   leh anăn ti knhal tuč ñu srăng dôk dơ̆ng ti dlông lăn ala.
  26Leh anăn tơdah klĭt kâo rai leh jih,
   ăt hlăm asei mlei kâo srăng ƀuh Aê Diê,
  27kâo srăng ƀuh ñu hŏng ală kâo pô yơh,
   amâo djŏ pô mkăn ôh.
   Ai tiê kâo dôk čang klei anăn!
  28Tơdah diih lač, ‘Si drei srăng tiŏ ñu?’
   leh anăn ‘Phŭn klei dleh anei kbiă mơ̆ng ñu,’
  29huĭ bĕ kơ đao gưm,
   kyuadah klei ngêñ bi truh klei bi kmhal hŏng đao gưm,
   čiăng kơ diih dưi thâo mâo klei phat kđi.”