Widows, Elders and Slaves

1Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but exhort him as if he were your father. Treat younger men as brothers, 2older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters, with absolute purity.
3Give proper recognition to those widows who are really in need. 4But if a widow has children or grandchildren, these should learn first of all to put their religion into practice by caring for their own family and so repaying their parents and grandparents, for this is pleasing to God. 5The widow who is really in need and left all alone puts her hope in God and continues night and day to pray and to ask God for help. 6But the widow who lives for pleasure is dead even while she lives. 7Give the people these instructions, so that no one may be open to blame. 8Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
9No widow may be put on the list of widows unless she is over sixty, has been faithful to her husband, 10and is well known for her good deeds, such as bringing up children, showing hospitality, washing the feet of the Lord’s people, helping those in trouble and devoting herself to all kinds of good deeds.
11As for younger widows, do not put them on such a list. For when their sensual desires overcome their dedication to Christ, they want to marry. 12Thus they bring judgment on themselves, because they have broken their first pledge. 13Besides, they get into the habit of being idle and going about from house to house. And not only do they become idlers, but also busybodies who talk nonsense, saying things they ought not to. 14So I counsel younger widows to marry, to have children, to manage their homes and to give the enemy no opportunity for slander. 15Some have in fact already turned away to follow Satan.
16If any woman who is a believer has widows in her care, she should continue to help them and not let the church be burdened with them, so that the church can help those widows who are really in need.
17The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching. 18For Scripture says, “Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain,” and “The worker deserves his wages.” 19Do not entertain an accusation against an elder unless it is brought by two or three witnesses. 20But those elders who are sinning you are to reprove before everyone, so that the others may take warning. 21I charge you, in the sight of God and Christ Jesus and the elect angels, to keep these instructions without partiality, and to do nothing out of favoritism.
22Do not be hasty in the laying on of hands, and do not share in the sins of others. Keep yourself pure.
23Stop drinking only water, and use a little wine because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses.
24The sins of some are obvious, reaching the place of judgment ahead of them; the sins of others trail behind them. 25In the same way, good deeds are obvious, and even those that are not obvious cannot remain hidden forever.


Ranáq Ntrớu Ti-muthê Táq Yỗn Tỗp Sa‑âm

1Mới chỗi pai tacáh toâq mới sưoq máh cũai samiang thâu, ma cóq mới pai laviei ariang mới atỡng mpoaq mới. Máh alới ca noâng póng, cóq mới táq chóq alới ariang sễm ai mới. 2Máh cũai mansễm thâu, cóq mới táq chóq alới ariang mpiq mới. Cớp máh mansễm noâng póng, cóq mới táq o chóq alới ariang amuaq mới.
3Cóq mới yám noap máh cán cumai ca ŏ́q cũai chuai. 4Ma khân cán cumai noâng bữn con cớp châu, ki o yỗn alới ki apáh mứt pahỡm puai ngê Yiang Sursĩ na alới siem án, yuaq ranáq nâi la alới culáh loah cóng yỗn mpiq mpoaq, ayoaq achuaih. Máh ranáq ki la o yáng moat Yiang Sursĩ. 5Ma cán cumai ŏ́q cũai chuai, án ngcuang ống Yiang Sursĩ toâp chuai án, cớp án câu sễq níc tễ Yiang Sursĩ cu rangái cu sadâu. 6Ma khân cán cumai ĩt rangứh án bữm cớp yoc ễ puai ŏ́c bũi tâng dỡi nâi sâng, lứq pai mansễm ki noâng tamoong, ma riang án khoiq cuchĩt chơ. 7Cóq mới atỡng alới máh ŏ́c nâi yỗn cũai canŏ́h tỡ têq tếq alới. 8Ma khân bữn noau tỡ ễq siem sễm ai, tỡ la cũai tâng dống sũ, cũai ki la samoât riang án táh ngê sa‑âm Yê-su Crĩt tê. Ngkíq án cỡt sâuq hỡn tễ cũai tỡ yũah sa‑âm.
9Chỗi chĩc ramứh cán cumai tâng choâiq bữn ramứh cán cumai tỗp sa‑âm noau chuai, khân anhúq án tỡ yũah toâq tapoât chít cumo. Cớp cóq án la mansễm bữn ống muoi lám cayac sâng. 10Cóq bữn cũai canŏ́h khễn án, pai án táq ranáq o níc neq: Án rabán o con acái án. Án táq o chóq cũai tamoi. Án táq o chóq nheq tữh tỗp sa‑âm samoât riang án cỡt sũl alới. Án chuai cũai ramóh túh coat. Cớp án táq dũ ranáq o canŏ́h hỡ.
11Ma máh cán cumai noâng póng, mới chỗi chĩc ramứh alới tâng pơ choâiq ki. Cŏh lơ alới chuaq cayac tamái ễn, chơ alới táh chíq ngê Crĩt. 12Ngkíq alới táq lôih, yuaq alới táh máh ŏ́c par‑ữq tễ dâu. 13Cớp alới cỡt aloah, yoc ễ mut dống nâi dống ki táq ntỡng sa‑ữi santoiq tỡ cỡt ŏ́c. Ma hỡn tễ ki ễn, alới voŏq sâuq yớu, cớp táq ntỡng sa‑ữi ŏ́c tỡ o hỡ. 14Ngkíq cứq chanchớm o yỗn mansễm cumai noâng póng, yỗn alới têq chuaq cayac tamái, cớp bữn con ễn, cớp táq sarâng ranáq alới tâng dống sũ. Khân alới táq ngkíq, cũai ca ễ talốh tỗp sa‑âm lứq tỡ têq tếq alới. 15Bữn bĩq náq cán cumai khoiq táh ngê Yiang Sursĩ; chơ alới puai ngê yiang Satan ễn. 16Khân mansễm khoiq sa‑âm chơ, ma bữn cán cumai ỡt tâng dống sũ án, cóq án chứm siem cán cumai ki. Táq ngkíq ranáq nâi tỡ bữn toâq pỡ nheq tữh tỗp sa‑âm. Ngkíq tỗp sa‑âm têq chuai cán cumai canŏ́h, alới ca ŏ́q noau chứm siem.

Tỗp Sa‑âm Cóq Chuai Cũai Sốt Alới

17Máh alới ca sốt tỗp sa‑âm, khân alới táq ranáq o cớp atỡng ngê Yiang Sursĩ sarâng lứq, cóq tỗp sa‑âm yám noap cớp chuai alới yỗn bữn dũ tâc khám cha. 18Tâng tâm saráq Yiang Sursĩ khoiq pai neq:
  “Bo ntroŏq tĩn saro yỗn anhia,
   anhia chỗi cusũm bỗq án.
  Cóq anhia yỗn án cha tê,
yuaq án táq ranáq yỗn anhia.”
Cớp tâm saráq Yiang Sursĩ pai neq tê:
“Máh cũai tuthễ, cóq alới bữn cóng alới.”
19Khân bữn noau yoc ễ tếq cũai sốt tâng tỗp sa‑âm, khân tỡ bữn bar pái náq cũai mŏ pruam cớp án, ngkíq mới chỗi noap ŏ́c ki. 20Ma khân bữn cũai sốt tỗp sa‑âm, ma lứq táq lôih, cóq mới sưoq án yáng moat cũai sa‑âm canŏ́h, yỗn cũai canŏ́h tỡ ễq táq lôih ngkíq tê.

Ŏ́c Patâp Canŏ́h

21Yáng moat Yiang Sursĩ cớp Yê-su Crĩt, cớp yáng moat ranễng Yiang Sursĩ tâng paloŏng hỡ, cứq patâp mới neq: Mới cupỗt yỗn khâm máh ŏ́c cứq khoiq patâp mới. Ma mới chỗi táq mpha chóq cũai nâi cớp cũai ki. Cóq mới táq machớng nheq chóq dũ náq cũai. 22Mới chỗi coâp satoaq atĩ tâng cũai canŏ́h táq tếc án cỡt cũai táq ranáq Yiang Sursĩ. Cŏh lơ ntun ễn khân cũai ki táq lôih, noau pai mới bữn lôih machớng án ki tê. Cóq mới ỡt mantoat o níc, chỗi yỗn mứt pahỡm mới bữn lôih.
23Cỗ púng mới bữn sa‑ữi ramứh a‑ĩ, ngkíq mới chỗi nguaiq ống dỡq miat. Ma o yỗn mới nguaiq bĩq blŏ́ng nho dŏq chuai púng mới yỗn cỡt bán.
24Bữn cũai táq lôih, hái hữm lôih alới raloaih lứq. Cớp Yiang Sursĩ lứq tếq lôih ki tễ nhũang cũai ki tỡ yũah toâq yáng moat án. Ma bữn cũai canŏ́h táq lôih tê, ma hái tỡ bữn hữm yũah lôih alới. Ma toâq tangái parsốt, lứq hái dáng lôih alới. 25Machớng ki tê bữn cũai táq ranáq o, hái hữm raloaih lứq ranáq alới táq. Ma khân hái tỡ bữn hữm raloaih ranáq o ki, mŏ noâng Yiang Sursĩ hữm. Alới tỡ têq cutooq tễ án máh ranáq o alới táq.