1Then Paul, looking earnestly at the council, said, “Men and brethren, I have lived in all good conscience before God until this day.” 2And the high priest Ananias commanded those who stood by him to strike him on the mouth. 3Then Paul said to him, “God will strike you, you whitewashed wall! For you sit to judge me according to the law, and do you command me to be struck contrary to the law?”
4And those who stood by said, “Do you revile God’s high priest?”
5Then Paul said, “I did not know, brethren, that he was the high priest; for it is written, ‘You shall not speak evil of a ruler of your people.’ ”
6But when Paul perceived that one part were Sadducees and the other Pharisees, he cried out in the council, “Men and brethren, I am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee; concerning the hope and resurrection of the dead I am being judged!”
7And when he had said this, a dissension arose between the Pharisees and the Sadducees; and the assembly was divided. 8For Sadducees say that there is no resurrection—and no angel or spirit; but the Pharisees confess both. 9Then there arose a loud outcry. And the scribes of the Pharisees’ party arose and protested, saying, “We find no evil in this man; but if a spirit or an angel has spoken to him, let us not fight against God.”
10Now when there arose a great dissension, the commander, fearing lest Paul might be pulled to pieces by them, commanded the soldiers to go down and take him by force from among them, and bring him into the barracks.

The Plot Against Paul

11But the following night the Lord stood by him and said, “Be of good cheer, Paul; for as you have testified for Me in Jerusalem, so you must also bear witness at Rome.”
12And when it was day, some of the Jews banded together and bound themselves under an oath, saying that they would neither eat nor drink till they had killed Paul. 13Now there were more than forty who had formed this conspiracy. 14They came to the chief priests and elders, and said, “We have bound ourselves under a great oath that we will eat nothing until we have killed Paul. 15Now you, therefore, together with the council, suggest to the commander that he be brought down to you tomorrow, as though you were going to make further inquiries concerning him; but we are ready to kill him before he comes near.”
16So when Paul’s sister’s son heard of their ambush, he went and entered the barracks and told Paul. 17Then Paul called one of the centurions to him and said, “Take this young man to the commander, for he has something to tell him.” 18So he took him and brought him to the commander and said, “Paul the prisoner called me to him and asked me to bring this young man to you. He has something to say to you.”
19Then the commander took him by the hand, went aside, and asked privately, “What is it that you have to tell me?”
20And he said, “The Jews have agreed to ask that you bring Paul down to the council tomorrow, as though they were going to inquire more fully about him. 21But do not yield to them, for more than forty of them lie in wait for him, men who have bound themselves by an oath that they will neither eat nor drink till they have killed him; and now they are ready, waiting for the promise from you.”
22So the commander let the young man depart, and commanded him, “Tell no one that you have revealed these things to me.”

Sent to Felix

23And he called for two centurions, saying, “Prepare two hundred soldiers, seventy horsemen, and two hundred spearmen to go to Caesarea at the third hour of the night; 24and provide mounts to set Paul on, and bring him safely to Felix the governor.” 25He wrote a letter in the following manner:
  26Claudius Lysias,
   To the most excellent governor Felix:
   27This man was seized by the Jews and was about to be killed by them. Coming with the troops I rescued him, having learned that he was a Roman.    28And when I wanted to know the reason they accused him, I brought him before their council.    29I found out that he was accused concerning questions of their law, but had nothing charged against him deserving of death or chains.    30And when it was told me that the Jews lay in wait for the man, I sent him immediately to you, and also commanded his accusers to state before you the charges against him.
31Then the soldiers, as they were commanded, took Paul and brought him by night to Antipatris. 32The next day they left the horsemen to go on with him, and returned to the barracks. 33When they came to Caesarea and had delivered the letter to the governor, they also presented Paul to him. 34And when the governor had read it, he asked what province he was from. And when he understood that he was from Cilicia, 35he said, “I will hear you when your accusers also have come.” And he commanded him to be kept in Herod’s Praetorium.


1Phau-lô cloân níc chu cũai sốt tỗp I-sarel, cớp án pai neq: “Sễm ai ơi! Cứq khoiq puai ngê Yiang Sursĩ nheq rangứh rahỡ tễ cứq noâng cớt toau toâq tangái nâi.”
2Ma tữ Phau-lô pai ngkíq, A-nania, án ca sốt nheq tễ rit sang Yiang Sursĩ, ớn cũai ỡt cheq Phau-lô tapáh bỗq Phau-lô. 3Chơ Phau-lô pai chóq án neq: “Nỡ‑ra Yiang Sursĩ táq mới samoât mới táq cứq sanua. Bỗq mới táq ntỡng samoât riang o, ma mứt pahỡm mới cooc lứq. Mới yoc ễ parchĩn cứq puai phễp rit Yiang Sursĩ, ma toâq mới ớn noau tapáh cứq, mới táq claiq phễp rit Yiang Sursĩ.”
4Moâm Phau-lô pai ngkíq, cũai ỡt cheq án blớh án neq: “Nŏ́q mới pupap cũai sốt nheq tễ rit sang Yiang Sursĩ?”
5Phau-lô ta‑ỡi neq: “Sễm ai ơi! Cứq tỡ bữn dáng án la cũai sốt nheq tễ rit sang Yiang Sursĩ. Khân cứq dáng, cứq tỡ bữn pai ngkíq, yuaq tâm saráq Yiang Sursĩ atỡng hái neq:
‘Chỗi pupap cũai sốt anhia.’”
6Phau-lô dáng máh cũai sốt ki cỡt bar tỗp. Muoi tỗp la Sa-dusê, ma muoi tỗp ễn la Pha-rasi. Ngkíq án atỡng casang lứq neq: “Sễm ai ơi! Cứq la tễ tỗp Pha-rasi, cớp mpoaq cứq la cũai Pha-rasi tê. Hữm cứq tayứng yáng moat anhia sanua, la cỗ cứq sa‑âm cũai khoiq cuchĩt têq tamoong loah.”
7Tữ cũai sốt ki sâng Phau-lô pai ngkíq, bar tỗp ki rasuon ratuaq. Ngkíq alới cỡt miar mứt. 8Tỗp Pha-rasi sa‑âm cũai khoiq cuchĩt têq tamoong loah. Alới sa‑âm bữn ranễng Yiang Sursĩ tễ paloŏng. Cớp alới sa‑âm dũ náq lứq bữn raviei. Ma tỗp Sa-dusê tỡ bữn sa‑âm máh ŏ́c ki. 9Ngkíq bar tỗp ki rasuon casang lứq. Bữn máh cũai yống rit tễ tỗp Pha-rasi yuor tayứng cớp pai neq: “Hếq tỡ hữm ŏ́c ntrớu cũai nâi táq lôih. Cŏh lơ lứq bữn raviei tỡ la ranễng Yiang Sursĩ atỡng án.”
10Ngkíq bar tỗp ki ralỗih lứq lơ ễn. Cũai sốt tahan ngcŏh Phau-lô cuchĩt, yuaq bar tỗp ki âc sarnháh án pỡq chu. Ngkíq sốt tahan ớn tahan án âc aloŏh Phau-lô tễ ntốq ki dững achu pỡ dỗn. 11Ma sadâu ki, Yê-su toâq pỡ Phau-lô cớp atỡng án neq: “Chỗi ngcŏh ntrớu. Cứq yỗn mới atỡng parnai o tễ cứq tâng vil Rô-ma, samoât mới khoiq atỡng tâng vil Yaru-salem nâi tê.”

Noau Pruam Muoi Mứt Yoc Ễ Cachĩt Phau-lô

12Poang tarưp parnỡ bữn muoi tỗp cũai I-sarel, alới pruam muoi mứt tỡ bữn cha nguaiq ntrớu toau toâq alới bữn cachĩt Phau-lô. Alới thễ dũan ngkíq cớp yớu alới. 13Alới ca pruam táq ngkíq, bữn clữi pỗn chít náq. 14Alới pỡq chu cũai sốt tỗp tễng rit sang Yiang Sursĩ, cớp máh cũai sốt canŏ́h tâng tỗp I-sarel, pai neq: “Nheq náq tỗp hếq khoiq thễ dũan tỡ bữn cha nguaiq ntrớu yỗn toau toâq hếq bữn cachĩt Phau-lô. 15Sanua sễq anhia cớp nheq tữh cũai sốt tỗp I-sarel táq choâiq yỗn cũai sốt tahan, ớn án dững aloŏh loah Phau-lô. Anhia táq nan ễ blớh loah Phau-lô. Chơ hếq ỡt crŏ́q dĩ ria rana. Hếq bữn cachĩt Phau-lô nhũang án toâq pỡ anhia.”
16Ma pĩeiq ramon Phau-lô sâng alới pai ngkíq. Chơ án chu toâp pỡ dỗn tahan; cớp án atỡng yỗn Phau-lô dáng tễ máh ŏ́c ki. 17Phau-lô arô cũai sốt muoi culám náq tahan, cớp atỡng án neq: “Mới dững asuoi samiang póng nâi pỡ cũai sốt nheq tữh tahan. Án bữn muoi ramứh ễ atỡng cũai sốt dáng.”
18Ngkíq tahan ki dững ramon Phau-lô pỡ cũai sốt, cớp atỡng án neq: “Phau-lô, án ca ỡt tâng cuaq tũ, sễq cứq dững samiang póng nâi pỡ mới. Tatoam nâi yoc ễ ramóh mới.”
19Cũai sốt ki tếc atĩ samiang póng, dững án yơng tễ cũai canŏ́h, chơ blớh án: “Ntrớu mới yoc atỡng cứq?”
20Cũai póng ta‑ỡi neq: “Máh tỗp I-sarel pruam ễq sốt alới sễq achuaih dững asuoi loah Phau-lô pỡ cũai sốt alới tangái parnỡ. Alới táq nan yoc ễ blớh loah Phau-lô. 21Ma achuaih chỗi tamứng parnai alới. Yuaq bữn clữi pỗn chít náq khoiq thễ dũan tỡ bữn cha nguaiq ntrớu toau alới bữn cachĩt Phau-lô. Alới ễ ỡt crŏ́q dĩ ria rana acoan Phau-lô toâq, chơ ễ cachĩt án. Alới khoiq thrũan chơ, ma noâng alới acoan achuaih ta‑ỡi alới.”
22Cũai sốt ki patâp samiang póng ki neq: “Chỗi atỡng cũai canŏ́h dáng tễ santoiq mới mbỡiq atỡng cứq sanua.”
 Moâm án patâp ngkíq, án yỗn samiang póng ki chu.

Tỗp Tahan Dững Asuoi Phau-lô Pỡ Phê-lit

23Cũai sốt tahan arô bar náq cũai sốt tahan muoi culám náq, cớp án ớn alới neq: “Anhia thrũan dŏq bar culám tahan pỡq na ayững, tapul chít tahan pỡq na aséh, cớp bar culám tahan ễn yỗn dững coih. Sadâu nâi yỗn nheq tữh anhia pỡq chu vil Sê-sarê. 24Anhia thrũan aséh yỗn Phau-lô ỡt; chơ anhia dững asuoi Phau-lô yỗn án toâq pỡ Phê-lit, la cũai sốt cruang nâi.”
25Moâm ki cũai sốt tahan ki chĩc choâiq atỡng Phê-lit neq: 26“Cứq la ramứh Calôt Lusia chĩc choâiq nâi cơiq sa‑óh achuaih Phê-lit. 27Cứq táq choâiq nâi sễq atỡng achuaih bĩq tễ cũai nâi. Tỗp I-sarel cỗp cớp ễ cachĩt án. Ma tữ cứq dáng án la cũai proai Rô-ma, ngkíq cứq cớp tỗp tahan cứq pỡq ĩt án tễ ntốq alới ễ cachĩt án. 28Cứq yoc ễ dáng samoât lứq ramứh ntrớu án táq lôih chóq alới. Chơ cứq dững amóh án cớp cũai sốt tỗp I-sarel yoc ễ tamứng ntrớu alới ễ blớh án. 29Cứq dáng tỗp I-sarel ũan cũai nâi, yuaq alới chanchớm án tỡ bữn puai phễp rit alới. Ma cứq tỡ ramóh muoi ŏ́c lôih ntrớu án táq yỗn noau têq chóq án tâng cuaq tũ cớp cachĩt án. 30Ma tữ cứq sâng tỗp I-sarel pruam muoi mứt yoc ễ cachĩt án dĩ ria rana, ngkíq cứq yỗn án toâq pỡ achuaih. Cớp cứq ớn tỗp I-sarel pỡq chu achuaih tê. Ntrớu alới yoc ễ cauq, ki yỗn alới cauq pỡ achuaih.”
31Ngkíq tỗp tahan trĩh santoiq sốt alới. Sadâu ki alới dững asuoi Phau-lô pỡ vil Anti-batri. 32Máh tangái parnỡ ễn tahan ca pỡq ayững chu loah pỡ dỗn. Ma alới ca pỡq na aséh, noâng pỡq cớp Phau-lô. 33Tữ alới toâq pỡ vil Sê-sarê, alới avơi choâiq pỡ cũai sốt, cớp alới chiau Phau-lô yỗn án. 34Moâm cũai sốt doc choâiq ki, án blớh Phau-lô neq: “Mới tễ cruang léq?”
 Phau-lô ta‑ỡi neq: “Cứq la cũai tễ cruang Si-lasi.”
35Tữ án sâng Phau-lô pai ngkíq, án atỡng loah Phau-lô neq: “Acoan cũai ca cauq mới toâq pỡ nâi voai, cứq yoc tamứng ŏ́c ntrớu mới ễ atỡng cứq.”
 Moâm án pai ngkíq, án ớn noau kĩaq Phau-lô tâng dống toâr puo Hê-rôt khoiq táq.