For the director of music. With stringed instruments. A psalm of Asaph. A song.
  1God is renowned in Judah;
   in Israel his name is great.
  2His tent is in Salem,
   his dwelling place in Zion.
  3There he broke the flashing arrows,
   the shields and the swords, the weapons of war.

  4You are radiant with light,
   more majestic than mountains rich with game.
  5The valiant lie plundered,
   they sleep their last sleep;
  not one of the warriors
   can lift his hands.
  6At your rebuke, God of Jacob,
   both horse and chariot lie still.

  7It is you alone who are to be feared.
   Who can stand before you when you are angry?
  8From heaven you pronounced judgment,
   and the land feared and was quiet—
  9when you, God, rose up to judge,
   to save all the afflicted of the land.
  10Surely your wrath against mankind brings you praise,
   and the survivors of your wrath are restrained.

  11Make vows to the Lord your God and fulfill them;
   let all the neighboring lands
   bring gifts to the One to be feared.
  12He breaks the spirit of rulers;
   he is feared by the kings of the earth.


Nau Brah Yakôb Dơi

 Nau mpơ ơm Asap
1Tâm n'gor Yuda bu gĭt năl Brah Ndu;
 Amoh păng jêng toyh tâm n'gor Israel.
2Ngih bok păng gŭ tâm ƀon Salem. Jêh ri ntŭk păng gŭ ta bon Siôn.
3Ta nây păng nkêch lơi hăr;
 Khêl, đao gưm, jêh ri ndơ tâm lơh, (Sêla)
4may geh nau rnam jêh ri nau chrêk rmah lơn,
 Ma phung yôk ndơ bu sŏk pit.
5Bu pit jêh ndơ phung bunuyh geh nuih n'hâm katang Phung nây gŭ bêch jêh tâm nau khĭt,
 Khân păng mâu blau n'gang khân păng nơm ôh, lĕ rngôch phung janh katang nây.
6Tơlah may nduyh, Ơ Brah Ndu Yakôb,
 Phung seh nđâp ma ndeh seh may mƀăr jêh tâm nau bêch nâm bu khĭt.
7Nanê̆ may khư ma bu klach;
 Mbu nâm dơi gŭ râng ta năp may, tơlah may nuih?
8Bơh trôk kalơ may ăn bu tăng nau may phat dôih;
 Neh ntu klach jêh ri gŭ rklăk.
9Tơlah Brah Ndu dâk phat dôih,
 Gay tâm rklaih lĕ rngôch phung tông bâr ta neh ntu. (Sêla)
10Nanê̆ nau bunuyh ji nuih mra tâm rnê ma may; may mra nkân nau ji nuih ăt gŭ,
11Ton ma Yêhôva, Brah Ndu khân may, jêh ri ƀư nanê̆ hom.
 Ăn lĕ rngôch ƀon lan chiau meng păng, văch nhhơr ndơ ma Brah Ndu, khư ma bu klach.
12Brah Ndu mra koh lơi, nau sưr phung kon hađăch ta neh ntu klach ma păng.