Nineveh to Fall

  1An attacker advances against you, Nineveh.
   Guard the fortress,
   watch the road,
   brace yourselves,
   marshal all your strength!

  2The Lord will restore the splendor of Jacob
   like the splendor of Israel,
  though destroyers have laid them waste
   and have ruined their vines.

  3The shields of the soldiers are red;
   the warriors are clad in scarlet.
  The metal on the chariots flashes
   on the day they are made ready;
   the spears of juniper are brandished.
  4The chariots storm through the streets,
   rushing back and forth through the squares.
  They look like flaming torches;
   they dart about like lightning.

  5Nineveh summons her picked troops,
   yet they stumble on their way.
  They dash to the city wall;
   the protective shield is put in place.
  6The river gates are thrown open
   and the palace collapses.
  7It is decreed that Nineveh
   be exiled and carried away.
  Her female slaves moan like doves
   and beat on their breasts.
  8Nineveh is like a pool
   whose water is draining away.
  “Stop! Stop!” they cry,
   but no one turns back.
  9Plunder the silver!
   Plunder the gold!
  The supply is endless,
   the wealth from all its treasures!
  10She is pillaged, plundered, stripped!
   Hearts melt, knees give way,
   bodies tremble, every face grows pale.

  11Where now is the lions’ den,
   the place where they fed their young,
  where the lion and lioness went,
   and the cubs, with nothing to fear?
  12The lion killed enough for his cubs
   and strangled the prey for his mate,
  filling his lairs with the kill
   and his dens with the prey.

  13“I am against you,”
   declares the Lord Almighty.
  “I will burn up your chariots in smoke,
   and the sword will devour your young lions.
   I will leave you no prey on the earth.
  The voices of your messengers
   will no longer be heard.”


Nau Sŏk Pit Jêh Ri Ƀư Rai Ninivơ

1Nơm ƀư rai văch jêh tâm rdâng đah may. Ăn bunuyh king njrăng pôih kâp uănh ta trong; Vân rse bŭt may, dŏng lĕ nau katang may. 2Yorlah Yêhôva mra mplơ̆ sĭt đŏng nau chrêk rmah ma Yakôb, nâm bu nau chrêk rmah Israel, nđâp tơlah phung tŭn jot khân păng jêh ri lơh rai n'gĭng tơm play khân păng. 3Khêl phung janh katang jêng chăng, phung tahan păng nsoh ao rvanh chăng krăk. Loih ndeh seh khân păng nchrang nâm bu mpiăt ŭnh tơlah sŏl ma nau tâm lơh; nđâp ma tak đao khân păng mpănh da dê.
4Ndeh seh nchuăt prăl tâm trong sâng, khân păng nkhŏk (ƀor) ta aơ ta ri tâm nkual ƀon; khân păng nchrang nâm bu ŭnh rdo, khân păng nchuăt nâm bu lơp nglaih. 5Bu kuăl phung tahan janh katang văch, khân păng chêh prah dôl khân păng chuat hăn, khân păng ndal ŭch tât ta mpêr, jêh ri bu ndâk ndơ king drơ. 6Bu ƀư chah jêh mpông pêr dak n'hong, jêh ri ngih hađăch rai roh. 7Bu hŏ săch jêh: Hađăch bu ur hăn jêng bu nă jêh ri luh du tă bơh n'gor bri, oh mon bu ur nhĭm vơl nâm bu plŭk, jêh ri ndoch ntang ntơh khân păng nơm.
8Ƀon Ninivơ hŏ jêng nâm bu du ntu-lŭng dak, ƀiălah khân păng lĕ luh du! Geh bu nuyh nter: Dâk hom! Dak hom! Ƀiălah mâu geh du huê rle n'gĭl pakơi ôh. 9Pit in prăk, pit in miah! yorlah drăp khlay păng mâu geh dŭt ôh, jêh ri nau ndrŏng ma ăp ntil ndơ khlay. 10Păng lĕ bu ƀư rai, jêng rngol, jêh ri rai yot lĕ rngôch; nuih n'hâm khân păng lĕ phit phơr; kômâk lĕ râm-nsâr, bŭt-blu lĕ ji dôn, muh măt lĕ brâp!
11Ta ntŭk trôm yau mŭr ntŭk khân păng siăm kon păng, jêng ntŭk yau mŭr nkuăng, yau mŭr me jêh ri kon khân păng rlet hăn, mâu geh nuyh khân păng klach, ta ntŭk aƀaơ ri? 12Yau mŭr nkuăng hêk ăp ntil mpô mpa ma kon păng, jêh ri gĭnh mpa ăn yau mŭr me, trôm păng bêng ma mpa păng kăp, jêh ri bêng ma puăch păng hŏ hêk jêh.

Ƀon Ninivơ Rai Lôch

13Aơ, gâp tâm rdâng ma may, Yêhôva ma phung tahan lah, mra su ndeh she may tâm ŭnh, jêh ri đao tak mra sa kon yau mŭr may. Gâp mâu mra om jun ma may ôh ta neh ntu, jêh ri bu mâu mra iăt đŏng ôh bâr phung may prơh hăn mbơh. Nau Tih Ninivơ.