1All night long on my bed
   I looked for the one my heart loves;
   I looked for him but did not find him.
  2I will get up now and go about the city,
   through its streets and squares;
  I will search for the one my heart loves.
   So I looked for him but did not find him.
  3The watchmen found me
   as they made their rounds in the city.
   “Have you seen the one my heart loves?”
  4Scarcely had I passed them
   when I found the one my heart loves.
  I held him and would not let him go
   till I had brought him to my mother’s house,
   to the room of the one who conceived me.
  5Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you
   by the gazelles and by the does of the field:
  Do not arouse or awaken love
   until it so desires.

  6Who is this coming up from the wilderness
   like a column of smoke,
  perfumed with myrrh and incense
   made from all the spices of the merchant?
  7Look! It is Solomon’s carriage,
   escorted by sixty warriors,
   the noblest of Israel,
  8all of them wearing the sword,
   all experienced in battle,
  each with his sword at his side,
   prepared for the terrors of the night.
  9King Solomon made for himself the carriage;
   he made it of wood from Lebanon.
  10Its posts he made of silver,
   its base of gold.
  Its seat was upholstered with purple,
   its interior inlaid with love.
  Daughters of Jerusalem,
  11come out,
   and look, you daughters of Zion.
  Look on King Solomon wearing a crown,
   the crown with which his mother crowned him
  on the day of his wedding,
   the day his heart rejoiced.



  1Nheq sadâu bo cứq bếq tâng cachơng,
   cứq chanchớm níc tễ cũai cứq ayooq;
   cứq chi-chuaq án ma tỡ ramóh.
  2Cứq pỡq chuaq án tâng vil, tâng máh rana,
   cớp bân rana téh-cláng mpứng dĩ vil hỡ.
   Cứq ravoât cũai cứq ayooq, ma tỡ tamóh.
  3Tỗp cũai kĩaq vil ramóh cứq bo alới pỡq lavíng vil,
   chơ cứq blớh alới neq: “Anhia hữm samiang cứq ayooq tỡ?”

  4Toâq cứq pỡq vớt tễ alới, cứq ramóh án;
   cứq catoâng án cớp tỡ bữn cutiang táh noâng toau cứq dững án chu dống mpiq cứq,
   cớp dững án mut tâng clống ca mpiq bỡiq ỡt mumiaq cứq hỗi rái.
  5Máh cumũr tâng vil Yaru-salem ơi! Cứq sễq anhia thễ dũan cớp cứq,
   nhơ ramứh yỡt cán cớp pỗih lúh chái lứq,
   pai anhia tỡ bữn rasũi ŏ́c ayooq hếq.

Cumũr Pai

  6Noau mbỡiq loŏh tễ ntốq aiq?
   Khân nhêng tễ yơng cỡt samoât phĩac ũih suol.
  Cớp bữn hỡi tễ noau chŏ́ng siet phuom
   cớp máh crơng phuom canŏ́h noau dốq chếq chỡng.
  7Nhêng tíh! Ki la tỗp dững cantrang puo Sa-lamôn.
   Cớp bữn tapoât chít náq tahan pỡq rapun,
   la moang cũai khễuq rachíl cớp clŏ́q hỡn tễ máh cũai I-sarel canŏ́h.
  8Alới dũ náq khễuq yống dau,
   cớp cỡt tahan khoiq dũn chơ, dếh cơi rachíl.
  Dũ náq tâng tỗp ki yống dau, cớp alới thrũan dŏq rachíl
   khân bữn cũai toâq chíl alới tâng sadâu.
  9Puo Sa-lamôn bữn cantrang noau táq toâq aluang tễ cruang Lê-banôn.
  10Santŏ́ng cantrang ki noau blom toâq práq;
   aroâiq catáng cantrang noau tan carchốc cớp dai yễng;
   sóh racu án tacu pul toâq aroâiq santứm ễng.
  Yáng clống cantrang,
   máh tỗp mansễm tễ vil Yaru-salem pasang yỗn nêuq
   cớp chóq paluac achĩang hỡ.
  11Mansễm tễ cóh Si-ôn ơi! Anhia toâq pỡ nâi cớp nhêng puo Sa-lamôn.
   Mpiq án khoiq apưng vuam puo yỗn án tâng tangái puo racoâiq,
   la tangái dỡi tamoong án bữn ŏ́c bũi cớp ỡn chỡ.