1The vision concerning Judah and Jerusalem that Isaiah son of Amoz saw during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.

A Rebellious Nation

  2Hear me, you heavens! Listen, earth!
   For the Lord has spoken:
  “I reared children and brought them up,
   but they have rebelled against me.
  3The ox knows its master,
   the donkey its owner’s manger,
  but Israel does not know,
   my people do not understand.”

  4Woe to the sinful nation,
   a people whose guilt is great,
  a brood of evildoers,
   children given to corruption!
  They have forsaken the Lord;
   they have spurned the Holy One of Israel
   and turned their backs on him.

  5Why should you be beaten anymore?
   Why do you persist in rebellion?
  Your whole head is injured,
   your whole heart afflicted.
  6From the sole of your foot to the top of your head
   there is no soundness—
  only wounds and welts
   and open sores,
  not cleansed or bandaged
   or soothed with olive oil.

  7Your country is desolate,
   your cities burned with fire;
  your fields are being stripped by foreigners
   right before you,
   laid waste as when overthrown by strangers.
  8Daughter Zion is left
   like a shelter in a vineyard,
  like a hut in a cucumber field,
   like a city under siege.
  9Unless the Lord Almighty
   had left us some survivors,
  we would have become like Sodom,
   we would have been like Gomorrah.

  10Hear the word of the Lord,
   you rulers of Sodom;
  listen to the instruction of our God,
   you people of Gomorrah!
  11“The multitude of your sacrifices—
   what are they to me?” says the Lord.
  “I have more than enough of burnt offerings,
   of rams and the fat of fattened animals;
  I have no pleasure
   in the blood of bulls and lambs and goats.
  12When you come to appear before me,
   who has asked this of you,
   this trampling of my courts?
  13Stop bringing meaningless offerings!
   Your incense is detestable to me.
  New Moons, Sabbaths and convocations—
   I cannot bear your worthless assemblies.
  14Your New Moon feasts and your appointed festivals
   I hate with all my being.
  They have become a burden to me;
   I am weary of bearing them.
  15When you spread out your hands in prayer,
   I hide my eyes from you;
  even when you offer many prayers,
   I am not listening.

  Your hands are full of blood!

  16Wash and make yourselves clean.
   Take your evil deeds out of my sight;
   stop doing wrong.
  17Learn to do right; seek justice.
   Defend the oppressed.
  Take up the cause of the fatherless;
   plead the case of the widow.

  18“Come now, let us settle the matter,”
   says the Lord.
  “Though your sins are like scarlet,
   they shall be as white as snow;
  though they are red as crimson,
   they shall be like wool.
  19If you are willing and obedient,
   you will eat the good things of the land;
  20but if you resist and rebel,
   you will be devoured by the sword.”

  21See how the faithful city
   has become a prostitute!
  She once was full of justice;
   righteousness used to dwell in her—
   but now murderers!
  22Your silver has become dross,
   your choice wine is diluted with water.
  23Your rulers are rebels,
   partners with thieves;
  they all love bribes
   and chase after gifts.
  They do not defend the cause of the fatherless;
   the widow’s case does not come before them.

  24Therefore the Lord, the Lord Almighty,
   the Mighty One of Israel, declares:
  “Ah! I will vent my wrath on my foes
   and avenge myself on my enemies.
  25I will turn my hand against you;
   I will thoroughly purge away your dross
   and remove all your impurities.
  26I will restore your leaders as in days of old,
   your rulers as at the beginning.
  Afterward you will be called
   the City of Righteousness,
   the Faithful City.”

  27Zion will be delivered with justice,
   her penitent ones with righteousness.
  28But rebels and sinners will both be broken,
   and those who forsake the Lord will perish.

  29“You will be ashamed because of the sacred oaks
   in which you have delighted;
  you will be disgraced because of the gardens
   that you have chosen.
  30You will be like an oak with fading leaves,
   like a garden without water.
  31The mighty man will become tinder
   and his work a spark;
  both will burn together,
   with no one to quench the fire.”


1Tâm saráq pơ nâi Yiang Sursĩ khoiq sapáh yỗn cứq Ê-sai, con samiang Amot, hữm yỗn cứq chĩc tễ ranáq tâng vil Yaru-salem cớp cruang Yuda tâng dỡi máh puo Usiah, Yô-tham, Ahat, cớp Hê-sakia cỡt sốt tâng cruang Yuda.
2Yiang Sursĩ pai neq: “Paloŏng cớp cutễq ơi! Cóq tamứng ranáq cứq ntôm pai! Tỗp carnễn ca cứq rabán toau toâr, alới lớn-sarlớn chóq cứq. 3Ntroŏq sacoal ncháu án, cớp aséh dễn chữ tapuang ncháu án dốq siem, ma tỗp I-sarel la proai cứq, alới tỡ bữn dáng loâng. Alới tỡ bữn sapúh ntrớu tháng.
4“Tỗp I-sarel ơi! Anhia la cũai bữn lôih sa‑ữi lứq. Anhia patiang moang ŏ́c lôih. Anhia la cũai loâi cớp lôp níc cũai canŏ́h. Cớp anhia nguai chíq tễ Yiang Sursĩ, Ncháu anhia, án ca bráh o lứq. 5Cỗ nŏ́q anhia chíl níc cứq? Anhia ễq cứq yỗn anhia roap tôt ntâng ễn tỡ? Tỗp I-sarel ơi! Plỡ anhia cỡt trúc hâp lứq, cớp mứt pahỡm anhia cỡt a‑ĩ. 6Tễ plỡ toau toâq ayững nheq tỗ chác anhia ŏ́q ntốq o loâng. Tỗ chác anhia cỡt trúc nheq, cỡt bớc rapoâq rahỡ; bớc ki tỡ bữn noau chut yỗn cỡt bráh, cớp tỡ bữn noau ĩt aroâiq tán yỗn cỡt bán; tỡ bữn noau chóq rahâu tahâu yỗn cỡt bán.
7“Cruang cutễq anhia khoiq noau talốh chơ; vil anhia khoiq noau chŏ́ng cat nheq. Máh cũai tễ cruang canŏ́h toâq cheng ndỡm cutễq cớp talốh táh dũ ramứh choâng moat tỗp anhia toâp. 8Noâng khlâiq ống vil Yaru-salem sâng, ma noau ỡt crŏ́q lavíng nheq. Vil ki cỡt ariang sũ tâng nưong nho, tỡ la rô kễl ŏ́q cũai kĩaq. 9Khân Yiang Sursĩ Sốt Toâr Lứq tỡ bữn chuai cũai yỗn bữn tamoong, ki vil Yaru-salem cỡt pứt nheq, machớng vil Sadôm cớp vil Camô-rơ tê.
10“Vil Yaru-salem ơi! Máh cũai sốt cớp cũai proai tâng vil anhia, alới cỡt ariang máh cũai sốt vil Sadôm cớp vil Camô-rơ tê. Cóq anhia tamứng yỗn samoât santoiq Yiang Sursĩ ntôm atỡng anhia. Cóq anhia trĩh nheq rangứh rahỡ máh ramứh ntrớu Yiang Sursĩ ntôm arĩen anhia.” 11Án pai chóq anhia neq: “Anhia chanchớm cứq yoc ễ roap ĩt máh crơng anhia chiau sang yỗn cứq tỡ? Cứq bữn chơ dũ ramứh charán cữu ca anhia dững bốh chiau sang, cớp nsễng tễ charán plứm nín khong anhia. Cứq tỡ ễq hữm noâng aham ntroŏq, aham cữu, cớp aham mbễq anhia dững. 12Noau canưi anhia dững máh crơng nâi toâq sang toam cứq? Noau ớn anhia toâq tĩn sarúq dống sang cứq? 13Máh crơng anhia dững chiau sang tỡ bữn cỡt kia ntrớu; cứq tỡ ễq tamũoq hỡi tễ crơng phuom anhia chŏ́ng. Cứq tỡ rơi chĩuq noâng máh ŏ́c sâuq anhia táq bo anhia táq rit cha bũi Casâi Loŏh Tamái, Tangái Rlu, cớp máh rit canŏ́h tễ tỗp anhia. 14Cứq kêt rit cha bũi Casâi Loŏh Tamái cớp máh rit canŏ́h; cứq tỡ ễq chĩuq noâng tễ máh rit anhia dốq táq ki.
15“Toâq anhia sacỡ atĩ achỗn câu sễq tễ cứq, cứq tỡ ễq nhêng loâng chu anhia. Tam anhia câu sễq sa‑ữi, ma cứq tỡ ễq tamứng, yuaq atĩ anhia nhơp moang aham. 16Cóq anhia sambráh tỗ anhia yỗn cỡt bráh. Cóq anhia chỗi táq noâng máh ranáq sâuq cứq dốq hữm anhia táq. 17Cóq anhia rien táq ranáq tanoang tapứng. Cóq anhia ravoât ŏ́c pĩeiq, cớp rachuai máh cũai noau padâm; chỗi lôp máh con cumuiq; cóq anhia rapai chuai máh cán cumai.
18“Sanua, cóq hái sarhống parnơi. Tam lôih anhia cusâu samoât aham, ma cứq ễ táq yỗn anhia cỡt cloc bráh ariang prễl príl. Tam lôih anhia cỡt ariang santứm cusâu phĩang tháng, ma cứq ễ táq yỗn anhia cỡt cloc ariang sóc cữu. 19Khân anhia trĩh cứq nheq tễ mứt pahỡm anhia, ki anhia bữn cha máh crơng o ca dáh tâng cloong cutễq nâi. 20Ma khân anhia chíl cớp lớn-sarlớn níc chóq cứq, ki cũai par‑ũal lứq toâq cachĩt anhia. Cứq la Yiang Sursĩ pai santoiq nâi.”

Vil Ca Bữn Moang Ŏ́c Lôih

21Bo nhũang vil ki táq pĩeiq lứq chóq Yiang Sursĩ, ma sanua vil ki ntôm cỡt samoât mansễm chếq tỗ. Tễ nhũang vil ki bữn moang cũai tanoang o, ma sanua bữn moang cũai cachĩt cũai canŏ́h. 22Vil Yaru-salem ơi! Bo nhũang anhia bữn kia moat lứq samoât práq, ma sanua anhia cỡt tỡ bữn kia noâng; bo nhũang anhia cỡt samoât blŏ́ng nho cỗt ễm lứq, ma sanua anhia cỡt ntiah samoât dỡq miat sâng. 23Máh cũai plỡ tỗp anhia táq choac, cớp alới cỡt yớu ratoi cớp cũai rapốn; alới tadỡng ĩt máh crơng mpon cớp práq noau chỡng mứt pahỡm alới. Alới tỡ nai rapai chuai máh con cumuiq, tỡ la tamứng santoiq máh cán cumai tâng ntốq noau rasữq parnai.
24Ngkíq, sanua cóq anhia tamứng! Yiang Sursĩ Sốt Toâr Lứq, la Ncháu tỗp I-sarel, ntôm pai neq: “Cứq ễ carláh dỡq chóq tỗp anhia ca par‑ũal cứq; chơ anhia tỡ bữn táq yỗn cứq sâng túh noâng. 25Cứq ễ manrap anhia ntâng cớp chŏ́ng talốh nheq máh ranáq sâuq tễ anhia, ariang noau tooc tac dŏq pupứt nheq saréh. 26Chơ cứq yỗn anhia bữn máh cũai ayông cớp máh cũai tĩeih atỡng samoât anhia khoiq bữn tễ nhũang. Chơ noau ễ dŏq vil Yaru-salem la vil tanoang o cớp vil táq tanoang tapứng chóq cứq.”
27Cỗ Yiang Sursĩ tanoang o, án ễ chuai amoong vil Yaru-salem cớp dũ náq cũai tâng vil ki pĩen loah mứt tamái. 28Ma án ễ pupứt táh nheq máh cũai táq ranáq lôih cớp táq choac chóq án; án ễ cachĩt dũ náq ca calỡih án.
29Nỡ‑ra anhia cỡt casiet tễ ranáq anhia cucốh sang aluang cớp táq ntốq tutức sang máh mul rup. 30Dỡi tamoong anhia cỡt sangot khỗ, samoât nỡm aluang cheq ễ roŏh, tỡ la samoât nưong ŏ́q dỡq. 31Ariang anhia ĩt soc tanhốq tâng ũih, ngkíq tê cũai bữn chớc cỡt pứt, cỗ tễ máh ranáq sâuq alới táq; cớp tỡ bữn noau têq pupât ũih ki.