1The proverbs of Solomon son of David, king of Israel:
  2for gaining wisdom and instruction;
   for understanding words of insight;
  3for receiving instruction in prudent behavior,
   doing what is right and just and fair;
  4for giving prudence to those who are simple,
   knowledge and discretion to the young—
  5let the wise listen and add to their learning,
   and let the discerning get guidance—
  6for understanding proverbs and parables,
   the sayings and riddles of the wise.

  7The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,
   but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Prologue: Exhortations to Embrace Wisdom

Warning Against the Invitation of Sinful Men

  8Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction
   and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.
  9They are a garland to grace your head
   and a chain to adorn your neck.

  10My son, if sinful men entice you,
   do not give in to them.
  11If they say, “Come along with us;
   let’s lie in wait for innocent blood,
   let’s ambush some harmless soul;
  12let’s swallow them alive, like the grave,
   and whole, like those who go down to the pit;
  13we will get all sorts of valuable things
   and fill our houses with plunder;
  14cast lots with us;
   we will all share the loot”—
  15my son, do not go along with them,
   do not set foot on their paths;
  16for their feet rush into evil,
   they are swift to shed blood.
  17How useless to spread a net
   where every bird can see it!
  18These men lie in wait for their own blood;
   they ambush only themselves!
  19Such are the paths of all who go after ill-gotten gain;
   it takes away the life of those who get it.

Wisdom’s Rebuke

  20Out in the open wisdom calls aloud,
   she raises her voice in the public square;
  21on top of the wall she cries out,
   at the city gate she makes her speech:

  22“How long will you who are simple love your simple ways?
   How long will mockers delight in mockery
   and fools hate knowledge?
  23Repent at my rebuke!
   Then I will pour out my thoughts to you,
   I will make known to you my teachings.
  24But since you refuse to listen when I call
   and no one pays attention when I stretch out my hand,
  25since you disregard all my advice
   and do not accept my rebuke,
  26I in turn will laugh when disaster strikes you;
   I will mock when calamity overtakes you—
  27when calamity overtakes you like a storm,
   when disaster sweeps over you like a whirlwind,
   when distress and trouble overwhelm you.

  28“Then they will call to me but I will not answer;
   they will look for me but will not find me,
  29since they hated knowledge
   and did not choose to fear the Lord.
  30Since they would not accept my advice
   and spurned my rebuke,
  31they will eat the fruit of their ways
   and be filled with the fruit of their schemes.
  32For the waywardness of the simple will kill them,
   and the complacency of fools will destroy them;
  33but whoever listens to me will live in safety
   and be at ease, without fear of harm.”


Kia Tễ Santoiq Pali Panha

1Nâi la máh santoiq pali panha Sa-lamôn, con samiang Davĩt, puo cũai I-sarel. 2Tâng saráq nâi bữn santoiq pali panha yỗn anhia dáng raloaih tễ kia ŏ́c rangoaiq cớp tễ santoiq tĩeih atỡng yarũ lứq, dŏq chuai yỗn anhia dáng raloaih tễ ŏ́c yarũ ki. 3Máh santoiq pali panha arĩen yỗn anhia dáng tễ táq pỡq yỗn rangoaiq tâng dỡi tamoong anhia, cớp cỡt cũai tanoang tapứng, táq ranáq pĩeiq o, cớp ranáq tanoang o. 4Santoiq pali panha táq yỗn cũai tỡ bữn rien têq dáng, cớp táq yỗn cũai póng dáng táq ranáq yỗn carsĩat o.
5Máh santoiq pali panha nâi têq chuai cũai rangoaiq yỗn dáng sa‑ữi lứq ễn, cớp sadoi rana yỗn cũai ca dáng sa‑ữi 6dŏq alới têq dáng raloaih ŏ́c yarũ tễ santoiq pali panha cớp ŏ́c sacâm satếh; cớp yỗn alới dáng máh santoiq cartooq tễ santoiq cũai rangoaiq atỡng.

Santoiq Tĩeih Atỡng Máh Cũai Póng

7Nỡm ŏ́c roan rangoaiq la yám noap Yiang Sursĩ. Ma máh cũai sacũl tỡ bữn ramíng loâng tễ ŏ́c roan rangoaiq, cớp alới tỡ ễq rien.
8Con cứq ơi! Cóq mới trĩh máh santoiq mpoaq patâp, cớp chỗi táh máh santoiq mpiq mới atỡng. 9Máh santoiq alới atỡng mới cỡt samoât khán nêuq noau apưng tâng plỡ, tỡ la riang chúc acuac raléh-yéh tâng tacong mới.
10Con cứq ơi! Khân máh cũai lôih ễ radững mới, mới chỗi táq puai machớng alới. 11Dốq alới radững neq: “Pỡq cớp hếq núh! Pỡq crŏ́q táq máh cũai khũn mantoat, cớp cachĩt alới yỗn thrưong mứt hái! 12Hái lứq lưn mumoong alới, cớp cutớl alới tâng prúng sarŏ́ng. 13Tỗp hái lứq ramóh máh crơng bữn kia sa‑ữi, chơ pũr achu yỗn poân dống hái. 14Pỡq ỡt cớp hếq núh! Hếq lứq tampễq crơng hếq tuoiq yỗn mới hỡ.”
15Con cứq ơi! Mới chỗi pỡq cớp alới; cóq mới viaq yơng tễ ranáq alới. 16Alới coâp lứq ễ táq ranáq sâuq. Alới hớl tháng ễ cachĩt cũai. 17Khân yoang alieiq dŏq to chớm, ma chớm hữm nhũang, ki alieiq tỡ bữn cỡt kia ntrớu. 18Máh cũai táq ranáq ngkíq, ĩn alới to rêu dŏq sarớt tacong alới bữm. 19Machớng ki tê, cũai tuoiq crơng cũai canŏ́h, dỡi tamoong án cỡt pứt.

Sưong Tễ Ŏ́c Roan Pau Atỡng Tâng Máh Rana

20Cóq tamứng nơ! Sưong tễ ŏ́c rangoaiq pau tâng máh rana cớp tâng dỗng. 21Sưong ki ralông toâq máh ngoah toong viang vil, pỡ ntốq cũai proai dốq rôm cớp tampống parnơi, pai neq:
22“Máh cũai sacũl ơi! Noâng dũn máh léq anhia cỡt sacũl? Noâng dũn máh léq anhia yoc ễ saryễ tỡ ễq rien yỗn cỡt rangoaiq? 23Cóq anhia tamứng toâq cứq catoaih atỡng; cứq ễ tĩeih ŏ́c o yỗn anhia, cớp ễ sacrai ŏ́c rangoaiq yỗn anhia. 24Cứq khoiq arô anhia, cớp mơi yỗn anhia toâq, ma anhia tỡ bữn ta‑ỡi; cứq cuvoiq ớn anhia toâq, ma anhia tỡ bữn ramíng loâng. 25Anhia táq ngứl-ngungứl tháng tễ santoiq cứq tĩeih atỡng, cớp tỡ ễq yỗn cứq nhoac-anhoai anhia. 26Yuaq ngkíq, toâq anhia ramóh túh coat, cứq lứq cacháng ayê chóq anhia. Toâq anhia ngcŏh ayín, cứq atữl anhia. 27Máh ŏ́c cuchĩt pứt toâq pỡ anhia ariang cuyal rapuq, cớp ŏ́c rúng pứt tamplán tháng toâq pỡ anhia ariang cuyal avêng; anhia lứq bữn ŏ́c túh ngua cớp ŏ́c túh coat. 28Bo ki anhia lứq arô cứq, ma cứq tỡ ễq ta‑ỡi; anhia chi-chuaq cứq dũ ntốq, ma anhia tỡ bữn tamóh. 29Anhia tỡ ễq rien, cớp anhia tỡ ễq trĩh Yiang Sursĩ. 30Anhia tỡ ễq tamứng loâng santoiq cứq tĩeih atỡng, cớp anhia tỡ bữn míng loâng toâq cứq sưoq anhia. 31Cỗ tian ngkíq, anhia lứq bữn roap cóng puai máh ranáq sâuq anhia khoiq táq. 32Máh cũai sacũl cuchĩt cỗ tian alới ŏ́q ŏ́c rangoaiq; ŏ́c cuchĩt pứt toâq pỡ alới cỗ tian alới tỡ bữn ramíng ntrớu. 33Ma cũai aléq trĩh cứq, cũai ki bữn ỡt plot ien. Án tỡ bữn clơng ngcŏh ŏ́c croŏq criat toâq pỡ án.”