The Priestly Ministry Begins

1It came to pass on the eighth day that Moses called Aaron and his sons and the elders of Israel. 2And he said to Aaron, “Take for yourself a young bull as a sin offering and a ram as a burnt offering, without blemish, and offer them before the Lord. 3And to the children of Israel you shall speak, saying, ‘Take a kid of the goats as a sin offering, and a calf and a lamb, both of the first year, without blemish, as a burnt offering, 4also a bull and a ram as peace offerings, to sacrifice before the Lord, and a grain offering mixed with oil; for today the Lord will appear to you.’ ”
5So they brought what Moses commanded before the tabernacle of meeting. And all the congregation drew near and stood before the Lord. 6Then Moses said, “This is the thing which the Lord commanded you to do, and the glory of the Lord will appear to you.” 7And Moses said to Aaron, “Go to the altar, offer your sin offering and your burnt offering, and make atonement for yourself and for the people. Offer the offering of the people, and make atonement for them, as the Lord commanded.”
8Aaron therefore went to the altar and killed the calf of the sin offering, which was for himself. 9Then the sons of Aaron brought the blood to him. And he dipped his finger in the blood, put it on the horns of the altar, and poured the blood at the base of the altar. 10But the fat, the kidneys, and the fatty lobe from the liver of the sin offering he burned on the altar, as the Lord had commanded Moses. 11The flesh and the hide he burned with fire outside the camp.
12And he killed the burnt offering; and Aaron’s sons presented to him the blood, which he sprinkled all around on the altar. 13Then they presented the burnt offering to him, with its pieces and head, and he burned them on the altar. 14And he washed the entrails and the legs, and burned them with the burnt offering on the altar.
15Then he brought the people’s offering, and took the goat, which was the sin offering for the people, and killed it and offered it for sin, like the first one. 16And he brought the burnt offering and offered it according to the prescribed manner. 17Then he brought the grain offering, took a handful of it, and burned it on the altar, besides the burnt sacrifice of the morning.
18He also killed the bull and the ram as sacrifices of peace offerings, which were for the people. And Aaron’s sons presented to him the blood, which he sprinkled all around on the altar, 19and the fat from the bull and the ram—the fatty tail, what covers the entrails and the kidneys, and the fatty lobe attached to the liver; 20and they put the fat on the breasts. Then he burned the fat on the altar; 21but the breasts and the right thigh Aaron waved as a wave offering before the Lord, as Moses had commanded.
22Then Aaron lifted his hand toward the people, blessed them, and came down from offering the sin offering, the burnt offering, and peace offerings. 23And Moses and Aaron went into the tabernacle of meeting, and came out and blessed the people. Then the glory of the Lord appeared to all the people, 24and fire came out from before the Lord and consumed the burnt offering and the fat on the altar. When all the people saw it, they shouted and fell on their faces.


Arôn Chiau Crơng Sang

1Toâq moâm nheq máh tangái chóh cũai tễng rit sang, Môi-se arô Arôn cớp máh con samiang Arôn, cớp máh cũai sốt tỗp I-sarel hỡ yỗn toâq ramóh án. 2Án atỡng Arôn neq: “Cóq mới ĩt muoi lám ntroŏq tôl cớp cữu tôl ŏ́q bân tĩq, dững chiau sang yỗn Yiang Sursĩ. Ntroŏq tôl cóq chiau sang dŏq pupứt lôih; ma cữu tôl cóq bốh chiau sang. 3Chơ atỡng máh cũai I-sarel cóq alới ĩt muoi lám mbễq tôl dững chiau sang dŏq pupứt lôih alới; cớp ĩt dững dếh muoi lám ntroŏq tôl cớp muoi lám cữu tôl mbỡiq muoi cumo dŏq bốh chiau sang. Nheq tữh charán nâi cóq ŏ́q bân tĩq. 4Cóq alới chiau sang muoi lám ntroŏq cớp muoi lám cữu tôl cớp máh bỗt carchốc cớp dỡq nsễng o‑li‑vê dŏq táq rit yỗn cỡt ratoi. Cóq alới táq ngkíq, yuaq Yiang Sursĩ ễ toâq sapáh yỗn alới tâng tangái nâi toâp.”
5Ngkíq alới ĩt dũ ramứh machớng Môi-se atỡng, chơ pỡq tayứng yáng moat Dống Sang Aroâiq, cớp nheq tữh alới toâq rôm parnơi dŏq sang toam Yiang Sursĩ tâng ntốq ki. 6Môi-se pai neq: “Ranáq nâi Yiang Sursĩ toâp patâp anhia dũ náq cóq táq puai, dŏq têq Yiang Sursĩ apáh ang‑ữr tễ án yỗn tỗp anhia.”
7Chơ Môi-se ớn Arôn neq: “Cóq mới pỡq toâq pỡ prông sang, cớp chiau sang crơng táq rit dŏq pupứt lôih, dếh táq rit bốh chiau sang dŏq pupứt lôih tỗp anhia cớp cũai proai. Cóq anhia dững máh crơng cũai proai ễ chiau sang dŏq pupứt lôih tỗp alới, machớng Yiang Sursĩ khoiq patâp.”
8Ngkíq, Arôn pỡq chu prông sang, cớp kiac ntroŏq tôl cỡt crơng sang dŏq pupứt lôih án bữm. 9Máh con samiang án dững aham; chơ Arôn alốq ndễm atĩ tâng aham chơ apĩac tâng prông sang bân pỗn nhoq; chơ án tốh aham noâng clữi tâng ayững prông. 10Án bốh nsễng, bar ŏ́c carchễl cớp luam lia tâng prông sang, táq puai machớng Yiang Sursĩ khoiq patâp na Môi-se. 11Sâiq cớp ngcâr ki án dững bốh yáng tiah ntốq alới ỡt.
12Arôn kiac charán dŏq bốh chiau sang; máh con samiang án ĩt aham cớp dững pỡ án; chơ án ĩt aham ki trutrếh tâng pỗn coah prông sang. 13Máh con samiang án dững plỡ cớp máh pún canŏ́h yỗn án, chơ án dững bốh tâng prông sang. 14Arôn ariau máh crơng clống cớp nlu charán, chơ án bốh muoi prớh cớp crơng chiau sang tâng prông ki.
15Vớt ki, Arôn chiau sang crơng chuai cũai proai. Án dững mbễq ca cũai proai ễ chiau sang dŏq pupứt lôih, chơ án kiac mbễq ki cớp táq rit chiau sang dŏq pupứt lôih alới, machớng án khoiq táq rit dŏq pupứt lôih án bữm. 16Cớp án dững bar lám charán ki pỡq bốh puai phễp rit dũ ramứh. 17Án chiau sang máh thữ racáu, na ĩt muoi carpỗt bỗt, chơ bốh tâng prông sang. (Ranáq chiau sang nâi la tữm ễn tễ ranáq chiau sang alới táq cu tarưp.) 18Án kiac ntroŏq tôl cớp cữu tôl yỗn máh cũai proai dŏq chiau sang yỗn cỡt ratoi. Máh con samiang án dững aham pỡ án, chơ án trutrếh aham ki tâng pỗn coah prông sang. 19Arôn ĩt nsễng ntroŏq cớp cữu 20achúh tâng pỡng sâiq apơm charán, cớp dững nheq tữh crơng ki pỡ prông sang. Án bốh máh nsễng ki tâng prông sang, 21ma sâiq apơm cớp nlu coah atoam, ki án apỗng chiau sang yỗn Yiang Sursĩ, cỡt pún cũai tễng rit sang, machớng Môi-se khoiq patâp dŏq chơ.
22Toâq Arôn táq rit chiau sang máh ramứh ki khoiq moâm chơ, án sacỡ atĩ achỗn cớp pai ŏ́c bốn yỗn máh cũai proai; chơ án sễng tễ ntốq prông sang. 23Chơ Môi-se cớp Arôn mut chu Dống Sang Aroâiq. Toâq alới loŏh tễ clống ki, alới pai ŏ́c bốn puan yỗn máh cũai proai. Chơ poang ang‑ữr tễ Yiang Sursĩ sapáh mpứng dĩ máh cũai proai. 24Bo ki toâp, Yiang Sursĩ táq yỗn ũih sễng tễ paloŏng chŏ́ng cat nheq máh crơng chiau sang, cớp máh nsễng tâng prông. Tữ nheq tữh cũai proai hữm ranáq ki, tỗp alới hễr cu‑ỗi casang cớp pũp mieiq tớt cutễq.