The Lord’s Reign in Zion

  1Now it shall come to pass in the latter days
   That the mountain of the Lord’s house
   Shall be established on the top of the mountains,
   And shall be exalted above the hills;
   And peoples shall flow to it.
   2Many nations shall come and say,
   “Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,
   To the house of the God of Jacob;
   He will teach us His ways,
   And we shall walk in His paths.”
   For out of Zion the law shall go forth,
   And the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.
   3He shall judge between many peoples,
   And rebuke strong nations afar off;
   They shall beat their swords into plowshares,
   And their spears into pruning hooks;
   Nation shall not lift up sword against nation,
   Neither shall they learn war anymore.
  4But everyone shall sit under his vine and under his fig tree,
   And no one shall make them afraid;
   For the mouth of the Lord of hosts has spoken.
   5For all people walk each in the name of his god,
   But we will walk in the name of the Lord our God
   Forever and ever.

Zion’s Future Triumph

  6“In that day,” says the Lord,
   “I will assemble the lame,
   I will gather the outcast
   And those whom I have afflicted;
   7I will make the lame a remnant,
   And the outcast a strong nation;
   So the Lordwill reign over them in Mount Zion
   From now on, even forever.
   8And you, O tower of the flock,
   The stronghold of the daughter of Zion,
   To you shall it come,
   Even the former dominion shall come,
   The kingdom of the daughter of Jerusalem.”
  9Now why do you cry aloud?
   Is there no king in your midst?
   Has your counselor perished?
   For pangs have seized you like a woman in labor.
   10Be in pain, and labor to bring forth,
   O daughter of Zion,
   Like a woman in birth pangs.
   For now you shall go forth from the city,
   You shall dwell in the field,
   And to Babylon you shall go.
   There you shall be delivered;
   There the Lord will redeem you
   From the hand of your enemies.
  11Now also many nations have gathered against you,
   Who say, “Let her be defiled,
   And let our eye look upon Zion.”
   12But they do not know the thoughts of the Lord,
   Nor do they understand His counsel;
   For He will gather them like sheaves to the threshing floor.
  13“Arise and thresh, O daughter of Zion;
   For I will make your horn iron,
   And I will make your hooves bronze;
   You shall beat in pieces many peoples;
   I will consecrate their gain to the Lord,
   And their substance to the Lord of the whole earth.”


Vajtswv Kav Ntiajteb Nyob Thajyeeb Lug

  1Muaj ib hnub tom ntej no lub roob uas ua lub Tuamtsev
  rau saud yuav yog lub uas siab tshaj cov,
  nws tshwm siab dua txhua lub pov roob huv tibsi.
  Ntau haivneeg yuav tuaj nchuav
   ntws rau ntawm lub roob ntawd,
  2thiab lawv yuav hais tias,
  “Peb cia li nce mus rau saum tus TSWV lub ncov roob,
  mus rau saum cov Yixalayees tus Vajtswv lub Tuamtsev.
  Vajtswv yuav qhia rau peb paub tej uas nws xav kom peb ua;
  peb yuav taug txojkev uas nws xaiv rau peb lawm.
  Tus TSWV tej lus qhuab qhia
   tabtom tawm hauv lub nroog Yeluxalees tuaj;
  nws tuaj saum lub roob Xi-oos hais rau nws haivneeg.”

  3Nws yuav txiav txim rau txhua haivneeg
  rau cov neeg uas muaj hwjchim loj
   tsis hais nyob deb thiab nyob ze.
  Lawv yuav muab lawv tej ntaj ntaus ua khais
  thiab yuav muab lawv tej hmuv ntaus ua liag.
  Txhua haivneeg yuav tseg tsis ua
   rog thiab tsis npaj sib tua ntxiv lawm.
  4Txhua tus yuav nyob kaj siab lug
   ntawm nyias tej vaj txiv hmab, txiv ncuavpias,
  thiab yuav tsis muaj leejtwg ua rau
   nws tau kev txhawj kev ntshai li.
  Tus TSWV uas muaj Hwjchim Loj
   kawg nkaus tau coglus tseg li ntawd.
5Txhua haivneeg nyias pe thiab mloog nyias tus vajtswv lus, tiamsis peb yuav pe thiab mloog tus TSWV uas yog peb tus Vajtswv lus mus ibtxhis tsis kawg.

Cov Yixalayees Yuav Tau Rov Los

6Tus TSWV hais tias, “Thaum txog lub sijhawm lawm, kuv yuav sau tagnrho cov neeg uas kuv tau rau txim rau kom luag ntes coj mus ua qhev txomnyem ntsuav ntawd rov qab los nyob ua ke dua. 7Lawv puavleej yog neeg savceg thiab nyob deb ntawm lawv tej vajtse, tiamsis kuv yuav tsa cov neeg uas seem kom pib ua dua lub neej tshiab, thiab lawv yuav ua ib haivneeg uas muaj hwjchim heev. Kuv yuav nyob saum lub Roob Xi-oos kav lawv, suav txij hnub ntawd mus ibtxhis li.”
8Lub nroog Yeluxalees, koj yog lub nroog uas Vajtswv zov rawv tsomkwm nws haivneeg ib yam li tus tswv yug yaj uas sawv saum lub chaw tsomfaj zov nws pab yaj; koj yuav rov tau ua lub tuamceeb nroog rau koj lub tebchaws ib yam li yav thaum ub. 9Vim li cas koj quaj nrov ua luaj? Vim li cas koj raug kev txomnyem npaum nkaus li tus pojniam uas tabtom yug menyuam? Puas yog koj tsis muaj vajntxwv, thiab koj cov tuavxam tuag tas lawm? 10Cov neeg uas nyob hauv Yeluxalees, nej cia li quaj ntswj pes yos thiab ntsaj ib yam li tus pojniam uas tabtom yug menyuam, rau qhov nimno nej yuav tau tso nej lub nroog tseg thiab mus nyob tom tej roob mojsab. Nej yuav tau mus nyob tim tebchaws Npanpiloos, tiamsis tus TSWV yuav pab kom nej dim ntawm nej cov yeebncuab. 11Ntau haivneeg tau sib sau tuaj tua koj. Lawv hais tias, “Peb yuav tsum rhuav kom tau lub nroog Yeluxalees! Peb yuav pom lub nroog no raug puastsuaj lauj!” 12Tiamsis tej haivneeg ntawd tsis paub tej uas tus TSWV xav. Lawv twb tsis paub hais tias tus TSWV sau lawv los ua ke yuav txiav txim rau lawv ib yam li luag sau nplej los pawv cia yuav muab ntaus.
13Tus TSWV hais tias, “Cov neeg uas nyob hauv Yeluxalees, nej cia li mus rau txim rau nej cov yeebncuab! Kuv yuav ua kom nej muaj zog ib yam li tus heev nyuj uas muaj txwm kub hlau thiab muaj rau tooj. Nej yuav ntaus yeej ntau haivneeg thiab coj tej nyiaj uas lawv mus txeeb tau los tuaj pub rau kuv uas yog tus TSWV uas kav lub ntiajteb.”