To the Church in Ephesus

1“To the angelof the church in Ephesus write:
These are the words of him who holds the seven stars in his right hand and walks among the seven golden lampstands.
2I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked people, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false. 3You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary.
4Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first. 5Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place. 6But you have this in your favor: You hate the practices of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.
7Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.

To the Church in Smyrna

8“To the angel of the church in Smyrna write:
These are the words of him who is the First and the Last, who died and came to life again.
9I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. 10Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown.
11Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. The one who is victorious will not be hurt at all by the second death.

To the Church in Pergamum

12“To the angel of the church in Pergamum write:
These are the words of him who has the sharp, double-edged sword.
13I know where you live—where Satan has his throne. Yet you remain true to my name. You did not renounce your faith in me, not even in the days of Antipas, my faithful witness, who was put to death in your city—where Satan lives.
14Nevertheless, I have a few things against you: There are some among you who hold to the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to entice the Israelites to sin so that they ate food sacrificed to idols and committed sexual immorality. 15Likewise, you also have those who hold to the teaching of the Nicolaitans. 16Repent therefore! Otherwise, I will soon come to you and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.
17Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give that person a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to the one who receives it.

To the Church in Thyatira

18“To the angel of the church in Thyatira write:
These are the words of the Son of God, whose eyes are like blazing fire and whose feet are like burnished bronze.
19I know your deeds, your love and faith, your service and perseverance, and that you are now doing more than you did at first.
20Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophet. By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols. 21I have given her time to repent of her immorality, but she is unwilling. 22So I will cast her on a bed of suffering, and I will make those who commit adultery with her suffer intensely, unless they repent of her ways. 23I will strike her children dead. Then all the churches will know that I am he who searches hearts and minds, and I will repay each of you according to your deeds.
24Now I say to the rest of you in Thyatira, to you who do not hold to her teaching and have not learned Satan’s so-called deep secrets, ‘I will not impose any other burden on you, 25except to hold on to what you have until I come.’
26To the one who is victorious and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations— 27that one ‘will rule them with an iron scepter and will dash them to pieces like pottery’—just as I have received authority from my Father. 28I will also give that one the morning star. 29Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.


Boh Hiăp Kơ Sang Ơi Adai Ephesos

1“Čih bĕ kơ ling jang hiam Sang Ơi Adai Ephesos tui anai:
“Anai yơh jing hơdôm boh hiăp mơ̆ng Pô djă̱ tơjuh boh pơtŭ amăng tơngan gah hơnuă Ñu laih anŭn rơbat amăng tơjuh ƀĕ tơkai kơđen mah:
2Kâo thâo laih khul bruă gih, tơlơi ƀing gih mă bruă gleh glan laih anŭn tơlơi gir run gih. Kâo thâo kơ tơlơi ƀing gih ƀu dưi pơgop hăng ƀing mơnuih sat ƀai ôh, kơ tơlơi ƀing gih hơmâo lông lăng laih ƀing yap gơñu pô jing ding kơna pơjao Yêsu samơ̆ ƀing gơñu ƀu djơ̆ ôh, laih anŭn hơmâo hơduah ƀuh laih ƀing gơñu jing ƀing ding kơna pơjao soh. 3Ƀing gih hơmâo gir run laih anŭn hơmâo gir tŭ gleh tơnap laih yuakơ anăn Kâo, laih anŭn gih ƀu amlaih hơtai ôh.
4“Samơ̆ anai yơh jing tơlơi Kâo pơhiăp pơkơdơ̆ng glaĭ hăng ƀing gih: Ƀing gih hơmâo đuaĭ lui hĭ laih tơlơi khăp blung hlâo gih anŭn. 5Hơdơr glaĭ bĕ ataih hơdơ̆ pă ƀing gih hơmâo lê̆ rơbuh hĭ laih! Kơhma̱l bĕ laih anŭn ngă bĕ hơdôm tơlơi bruă gih ngă laih blung hlâo anŭn. Tơdah ƀing gih ƀu kơhma̱l hĭ ôh, Kâo či rai pơ ƀing gih laih anŭn mă pơđuaĭ hĭ tơkai kơđen gih mơ̆ng anih ñu yơh. 6Samơ̆ ƀing gih hơmâo sa tơlơi hiam anai: Ƀing gih pơrơmut kơ khul bruă ƀing Nikôlet, jing tơlơi bruă Kâo ăt pơrơmut kar kaĭ mơ̆n.
7“Hlơi pô hơmâo tơngia kiăng kơ hơmư̆, brơi kơ ñu hơmư̆ bĕ kơ tơlơi Yang Bơngăt Hiam laĭ kơ ƀing Sang Ơi Adai! Kơ hlơi pô dưi hĭ, Kâo či pha brơi ñu tơlơi dưi kiăng ƀơ̆ng mơ̆ng boh kơyâo tơlơi hơdip, jing kơyâo amăng đang kơyâo Ơi Adai yơh.”

Boh Hiăp Mơit Kơ Sang Ơi Adai Simirna

8“Čih bĕ kơ ling jang hiam Sang Ơi Adai Simirna tui anai:
“Anai yơh jing hơdôm boh pơhiăp Ñu jing Pô Blung Hlâo laih anŭn Hơnăl Tuč, jing Pô djai laih samơ̆ hơdip glaĭ laih.
9Kâo thâo krăn hơdôm tơlơi ruă tơnap gih wơ̆t hăng tơlơi ƀun rin gih, samơ̆ ƀing gih jing pơdrŏng yơh! Kâo thâo krăn hơdôm tơlơi pơhiăp sat mơ̆ng ƀing laĭ gơñu pô jing ƀing Yehudah samơ̆ ƀing gơñu ƀu djơ̆ ôh. Kơđai glaĭ, ƀing gơñu jing ƀing lŏm kơ yang sat Satan yơh! 10Anăm huĭ ôh kơ tơlơi gleh tơnap ƀing gih či tŭ. Hơmư̆ bĕ, yang sat Satan či mă krư̆ hĭ đơđa mơnuih amăng ƀing gih amăng sang mơnă kiăng lông lăng ƀing gih. Ƀing gih či tŭ tơlơi arăng ngă sat pơgleh tơnap amăng pluh hrơi. Dŏ tŏng ten bĕ wơ̆t tơdah truh kơ tơlơi djai, laih anŭn Kâo či pha brơi kơ ƀing gih đoăn pơtao tơlơi hơdip yơh.
11“Hlơi pô hơmâo tơngia kiăng kơ hơmư̆, brơi kơ ñu hơmư̆ bĕ kơ tơlơi Yang Bơngăt Hiam laĭ kơ ƀing Sang Ơi Adai! Hlơi pô dưi hĭ, ñu ƀu či tŭ ruă yua mơ̆ng tơlơi djai tal dua ôh.

Boh Hiăp Mơit Kơ Sang Ơi Adai Pergam

12“Čih bĕ kơ ling jang hiam Sang Ơi Adai Pergam tui anai:
“Anai yơh jing hơdôm boh hiăp mơ̆ng Ñu jing Pô hơmâo đao tơma dua bơnăh mơta.
13Kâo thâo pơpă anih ƀing gih dŏ, jing anih yang sat Satan hơmâo grê pơtao ñu. Samơ̆ ƀing gih dŏ kơjăp amăng anăn Kâo. Ƀing gih ƀu hơngah lui hĭ ôh tơlơi đaŏ kơnang gih amăng Kâo, wơ̆t tơdah rơnŭk Antipas, jing pô ding kơna tŏng ten Kâo, jing pô arăng pơdjai hĭ laih amăng plei gih, jing anih Satan dŏ hơdip.
14“Wơ̆t tơdah tui anŭn, Kâo ƀiă tơlơi pơkơdơ̆ng glaĭ hăng ƀing gih tui anai: Ƀing gih hơmâo ƀing mơnuih amăng anŭn jing ƀing đuaĭ tui tơlơi pơtô pơhrăm Balaam. Ñu pơtô kơ Balak kiăng kơ plư ƀing Israel ngă soh hăng tơlơi ƀing gơ̆ ƀơ̆ng khul gơnam pơyơr ngă yang kơ khul rup trah laih anŭn yua mơ̆ng tơlơi ngă pyu pơde. 15Kar hăng anŭn mơ̆n, ƀing gih ăt hơmâo ƀing mơnuih jing ƀing đuaĭ tui tơlơi pơtô pơhrăm ƀing Nikôlet. 16Hơnŭn yơh, kơhma̱l bĕ! Tơdah ƀing gih ƀu kơhma̱l ôh, Kâo či rai tañ pơ ƀing gih laih anŭn či pơblah pơkơdơ̆ng glaĭ hăng ƀing gơñu hăng đao mơ̆ng amăng bah Kâo yơh.
17“Hlơi pô hơmâo tơngia kiăng kơ hơmư̆, brơi kơ ñu hơmư̆ bĕ kơ tơlơi Yang Bơngăt Hiam laĭ kơ ƀing Sang Ơi Adai. Kơ hlơi pô dưi hĭ, Kâo či pha brơi kơ ñu đơđa ƀañ mana hơgŏm. Kâo ăt či pha brơi kơ ñu mơ̆n sa boh boh pơtâo kô̱̆ hăng čih sa boh anăn phrâo ƀơi anŭn, kơnơ̆ng hơjăn pô tŭ mă boh pơtâo anŭn đôč yơh dưi thâo krăn anăn anŭn.

Boh Hiăp Mơit Kơ Sang Ơi Adai Thiatir

18“Čih bĕ kơ ling jang hiam Sang Ơi Adai Thiatir tui anai:
“Anai yơh jing hơdôm boh hiăp mơ̆ng Ană Ơi Adai, jing Pô hơmâo mơta Ñu kar hăng jơlah apui hlia laih anŭn plă̱ tơkai Ñu pơčrang kar hăng ko̱ng.
19Kâo thâo krăn hơdôm bruă mơnuă gih, wơ̆t hăng tơlơi khăp gih laih anŭn tơlơi đaŏ kơnang gih, tơlơi mă bruă gih hăng tơlơi gir run gih, laih anŭn kơ tơlơi ră anai ƀing gih hlak ngă lu hloh kơ tơlơi ƀing gih ngă laih hlâo yơh.
20“Wơ̆t tơdah tui anŭn, Kâo hơmâo tơlơi anai pơkơdơ̆ng glaĭ hăng ƀing gih: Ƀing gih pơkơdung kơ tơlơi pô đah kơmơi HʼYêsebel, jing pô yap kơ ñu pô jing pô laĭ lui hlâo đah kơmơi. Yua mơ̆ng tơlơi ñu pơtô pơhrăm yơh, ñu pơjrôk hĭ ƀing ding kơna Kâo amăng tơlơi ngă pyu pơde laih anŭn ƀơ̆ng gơnam ƀơ̆ng pơyơr laih kơ khul rup trah. 21Kâo hơmâo pha brơi laih hrơi mông kơ ñu kiăng kơ kơhma̱l tơlơi pyu pơde ñu, samơ̆ ñu ƀu tŭ ư kiăng kơ lui hĭ ôh. 22Yuakơ anŭn yơh, Kâo či plĕ ñu ƀơi sưng gleh tơnap laih anŭn Kâo či ngă kơ hlơi pô tŭ ngă pyu pơde hăng ñu gleh tơnap kơtang yơh tơdah gơñu hơngah ƀu kiăng kơhma̱l ôh kơ hơdôm hơdră jơlan sat anŭn. 23Kâo či pơdjai hĭ ƀing ană bă ñu. Giŏng anŭn, abih bang ƀing Sang Ơi Adai či thâo krăn yơh kơ tơlơi Kâo yơh jing Pô hơduah kơsem pran jua hăng tơlơi pơmĭn mơnuih mơnam, laih anŭn Kâo či kla glaĭ kơ rĭm čô amăng ƀing gih tui hăng tơlơi bruă ƀing gih ngă yơh. 24Ră anai Kâo laĭ kơ ƀing dŏ glaĭ pơkŏn amăng ƀing gih dŏ pơ plei Thiatir, kơ ƀing gih yơh jing pô ƀu đuaĭ tui ôh tơlơi pơtô pơhrăm pô đah kơmơi anŭn laih anŭn kŏn hrăm tui lơi tơlơi hrăm dơlăm hơgŏm Satan, sĭt yơh, Kâo ƀu kiăng pơruai tơbiă kiăng kơ pơkơtraŏ hĭ ƀing gih ôh, tui anai: 25Brơi kơ ƀing gih kơnơ̆ng djă̱ kơjăp bĕ tơlơi ƀing gih hơmâo laih tơl truh hrơi Kâo či rai.
26“Kơ hlơi pô dưi hĭ laih anŭn ngă tui hăng tơlơi Kâo kiăng truh pơ hơnăl tuč, Kâo či pha brơi kơ ñu tơlơi dưi wai lăng ƀing lŏn čar yơh.
  27“Ñu či pơrai hĭ ƀing gơñu hăng gai hơnuăt pơsơi,
   laih anŭn taih pơphač hĭ ƀing gơñu hrup hăng gŏ lŏn yơh,”
 kar hăng Kâo hơmâo tŭ mă laih tơlơi dưi mơ̆ng Ama Kâo.
28Kâo ăt či pha brơi kơ ñu pơtŭ sêng mơguah mơ̆n. 29Hlơi pô hơmâo tơngia kiăng kơ hơmư̆, brơi kơ ñu hơmư̆ bĕ kơ tơlơi Yang Bơngăt Hiam laĭ kơ ƀing Sang Ơi Adai.