Israel to Reap the Whirlwind

  1“Put the trumpet to your lips!
   An eagle is over the house of the Lord
  because the people have broken my covenant
   and rebelled against my law.
  2Israel cries out to me,
   ‘Our God, we acknowledge you!’
  3But Israel has rejected what is good;
   an enemy will pursue him.
  4They set up kings without my consent;
   they choose princes without my approval.
  With their silver and gold
   they make idols for themselves
   to their own destruction.
  5Samaria, throw out your calf-idol!
   My anger burns against them.
  How long will they be incapable of purity?
   6They are from Israel!
  This calf—a metalworker has made it;
   it is not God.
  It will be broken in pieces,
   that calf of Samaria.

  7“They sow the wind
   and reap the whirlwind.
  The stalk has no head;
   it will produce no flour.
  Were it to yield grain,
   foreigners would swallow it up.
  8Israel is swallowed up;
   now she is among the nations
   like something no one wants.
  9For they have gone up to Assyria
   like a wild donkey wandering alone.
   Ephraim has sold herself to lovers.
  10Although they have sold themselves among the nations,
   I will now gather them together.
  They will begin to waste away
   under the oppression of the mighty king.

  11“Though Ephraim built many altars for sin offerings,
   these have become altars for sinning.
  12I wrote for them the many things of my law,
   but they regarded them as something foreign.
  13Though they offer sacrifices as gifts to me,
   and though they eat the meat,
   the Lord is not pleased with them.
  Now he will remember their wickedness
   and punish their sins:
   They will return to Egypt.
  14Israel has forgotten their Maker
   and built palaces;
   Judah has fortified many towns.
  But I will send fire on their cities
   that will consume their fortresses.”


Klei Ƀuah kơ Klei Phung Israel Kkuh Rup Yang

  1“Dưm bĕ ki ayŭ ti ƀăng kƀông ih, Pô roh srăng hriê msĕ si sa drei tlang bi kdơ̆ng hŏng sang Yêhôwa,
   kyuadah phung ƀuôn sang gao leh klei bi mguôp kâo,
   leh anăn gao leh klei bhiăn kâo.
  2Diñu ur kơ kâo,
   ‘Ơ Aê Diê hmei, hmei thâo kral ih.’
  3Ƀiădah Israel hngah leh kơ klei jăk;
   pô roh srăng tiŏ ñu.
  4Diñu mjing leh phung mtao, ƀiădah amâo djŏ tui si kâo čiăng ôh.
   Diñu mdưm phung khua, ƀiădah amâo mâo klei tŭ ư mơ̆ng kâo ôh.
  Hŏng prăk leh anăn mah diñu,
   diñu ngă leh rup yang jing klei bi rai kơ diñu pô.
  5Kâo hngah leh rup êđai êmô ih, Ơ Samari.
   Kâo čuh ai ngêñ leh kơ diñu.
  Dŭm boh sui diñu amâo dưi mâo klei doh jăk ôh?
   6Dŏ anei Israel ngă:
  sa čô mnuih mbruă ngă rup anăn leh;
   snăn rup anăn amâo jing Aê Diê ôh.
  Arăng srăng bi mčah đơ điêt
   rup êđai êmô čar Samari.
  7Kyuadah diñu rah leh angĭn,
   diñu srăng wiă angĭn đrŭng.
  Phŭn mdiê dôk dơ̆ng amâo mâo amung ôh,
   ñu amâo srăng bi truh kpŭng ƀhĭ ôh;
   tơdah bi truh boh, phung tue srăng lun ƀơ̆ng hĕ ñu.
  8Arăng lun ƀơ̆ng leh Israel;
   diñu dôk leh ti krah phung găp djuê mnuih
   msĕ si sa boh čeh amâo yuôm ôh.
  9Kyuadah diñu đĭ nao leh kơ čar Asiri,
   msĕ si sa drei aseh dliê hiu rưng hjăn;
   Êphraim mưn leh phung piu ñu.
  10Wăt tơdah diñu mưn lu phung găp djuê mnuih,
   ăt kâo srăng bi kƀĭn diñu.
  Leh anăn diñu srăng hrŏ
   kyua mtao ktang ktư̆ juă diñu.
  11Wăt tơdah Êphraim bi lar leh knưl pioh kmhal klei soh,
   phung knưl anăn bi lĕ ñu hlăm klei soh hĭn.
  12Kâo čih leh kơ diñu lu klei bhiăn kâo,
   ƀiădah diñu dlăng kơ klei anăn msĕ si mnơ̆ng êgar.
  13Diñu myơr mnơ̆ng ngă yang kơ kâo,
   leh anăn ƀơ̆ng kđeh čĭm,
  ƀiădah Yêhôwa amâo mâo klei mơak ôh hŏng diñu.
   Ară anei Yêhôwa srăng hdơr kơ klei wê diñu,
  leh anăn bi kmhal klei soh diñu;
   diñu srăng lŏ wĭt kơ čar Êjip.
  14Kyuadah phung Israel wơr bĭt leh Pô Mjing diñu,
   leh anăn mdơ̆ng lu boh sang mtao;
  leh anăn phung Yuđa bi lar leh lu ƀuôn mâo mnư̆,
   ƀiădah kâo srăng mơĭt pui kơ ƀuôn prŏng diñu,
   leh anăn pui srăng ƀơ̆ng kđông kjăp diñu.”