Cain Murders Abel

1Now Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and bore Cain, and said, “I have acquired a man from the Lord.” 2Then she bore again, this time his brother Abel. Now Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground. 3And in the process of time it came to pass that Cain brought an offering of the fruit of the ground to the Lord. 4Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat. And the Lord respected Abel and his offering, 5but He did not respect Cain and his offering. And Cain was very angry, and his countenance fell.
6So the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen? 7If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it.”
8Now Cain talked with Abel his brother; and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and killed him.
9Then the Lord said to Cain, “Where is Abel your brother?”
 He said, “I do not know. Am I my brother’s keeper?”
10And He said, “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood cries out to Me from the ground. 11So now you are cursed from the earth, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand. 12When you till the ground, it shall no longer yield its strength to you. A fugitive and a vagabond you shall be on the earth.”
13And Cain said to the Lord, “My punishment is greater than I can bear! 14Surely You have driven me out this day from the face of the ground; I shall be hidden from Your face; I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond on the earth, and it will happen thatanyone who finds me will kill me.”
15And the Lord said to him, “Therefore, whoever kills Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold.” And the Lord set a mark on Cain, lest anyone finding him should kill him.

The Family of Cain

16Then Cain went out from the presence of the Lord and dwelt in the land of Nod on the east of Eden. 17And Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Ē´noch. And he built a city, and called the name of the city after the name of his son—Ē´noch. 18To Ē´noch was born Irad; and Irad begot Mehujael, and Mehujael begot Methushael, and Methushael begot Lamech.
19Then Lamech took for himself two wives: the name of one was Adah, and the name of the second was Zillah. 20And Adah bore Jabal. He was the father of those who dwell in tents and have livestock. 21His brother’s name was Jubal. He was the father of all those who play the harp and flute. 22And as for Zillah, she also bore Tubal-Cain, an instructor of every craftsman in bronze and iron. And the sister of Tubal-Cain was Naamah.
23Then Lamech said to his wives:
  “Adah and Zillah, hear my voice;
   Wives of Lamech, listen to my speech!
   For I have killed a man for wounding me,
   Even a young man for hurting me.
   24If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold,
   Then Lamech seventy-sevenfold.”

A New Son

25And Adam knew his wife again, and she bore a son and named him Seth, “For God has appointed another seed for me instead of Abel, whom Cain killed.” 26And as for Seth, to him also a son was born; and he named him Ē´nosh. Then men began to call on the name of the Lord.


Ca-in Cachĩt Aben

1Adam cớp Ê-va, lacuoi án, alới táq cha amia apu, canỡt muoi lám con samiang; chơ alới amứh con alới ramứh Ca-in. Ê-va pai neq: “Cứq têq canỡt con samiang nâi la cỗ nhơ Yiang Sursĩ chuai.”
2Ntun ễn, Ê-va canỡt a‑ễm Ca-in, ramứh Aben. Toâq alới toâr cỡt carsai, Aben táq ranáq bán cữu, ma Ca-in táq ranáq chóh saro sapua.
3Bữn muoi tangái Ca-in dững crơng án chóh ễ chiau sang yỗn Yiang Sursĩ. 4Ma Aben la yoc ễ sang tê; ngkíq án dững con cữu roah pốh dâu cớp nsễng cữu ki. Yiang Sursĩ sâng bũi cớp Aben, cỗ nhơ tễ máh crơng án chiau sang. 5Ma Yiang Sursĩ tỡ bữn sâng bũi chóq Ca-in cớp crơng án chiau sang ki. Yuaq ngkíq, Ca-in sâng ũan lứq tâng mứt án, cớp moat án chốh asễng.
6Yiang Sursĩ blớh Ca-in neq: “Nŏ́q mới sâng ũan lứq? Cớp nŏ́q mới chốh moat asễng? 7Khân mới táq ranáq pĩeiq, cứq sâng bũi cớp mới tê. Ma khân mới táq ranáq tỡ bữn pĩeiq, ŏ́c lôih ỡt cheq mới cớp yoc ễ táq mới. Ŏ́c lôih nâi ỡt ríng cheq ngoah toong ariang cula yoc ễ palŏ́ng cáp mới. Ma cóq mới riap tễ ŏ́c lôih ki.”
8Bữn muoi tangái Ca-in pai chóq Aben, a‑ễm án: “Hâi! Hái pỡq chu sarái.”
 Ma bo alới ỡt tâng sarái, Ca-in palŏ́ng cớp cachĩt Aben.
9Yiang Sursĩ blớh Ca-in neq: “Nléq Aben, a‑ễm mới?”
 Ma Ca-in ta‑ỡi: “Cứq tỡ dáng! Nŏ́q cứq ỡt kĩaq níc án tỡ?”
10Chơ Yiang Sursĩ blớh ễn Ca-in neq: “Mới khoiq táq ntrớu chóq án? Sanua, cutễq nguaiq aham a‑ễm ca mới khoiq cachĩt. Nâi la riang sưong án arô cứq tễ cutễq, sễq yỗn cứq carláh dỡq yỗn án. 11Cỗ tian mới cachĩt án cớp táq aham án tahóc tâng cutễq, mới cóq roap ŏ́c pupap. Cứq ễ tuih aloŏh mới tễ cutễq o nâi. 12Toâq mới chóh ŏ́c ntrớu tâng cutễq mới ỡt, cutễq ki tỡ bữn amia crơng sana yỗn mới bữn. Cớp cóq mới dễq chu nâi chu ki níc toau tũiq anhúq mới.”
13Ma Ca-in atỡng loah Yiang Sursĩ neq: “Nheq tữh máh ramứh túh coat nâi cứq tỡ rơi chĩuq. 14Tangái nâi anhia tuih aloŏh cứq tễ cutễq o nâi, cớp tỡ yỗn cứq ỡt noâng choâng moat anhia. Cứq cóq dễq chu nâi chu ki níc tâng cốc cutễq nâi. Khân noau ramóh cứq, án ễ cachĩt cứq.”
15Ma Yiang Sursĩ atỡng loah Ca-in neq: “Tỡ cỡn ngkíq. Khân bữn cũai aléq ma cachĩt mới, cũai ki cóq roap ŏ́c túh coat clữi tễ mới tapul trỗ ễn.”
 Chơ Yiang Sursĩ yỗn Ca-in bữn muoi tếc dŏq cũai canŏ́h dáng alới tỡ têq cachĩt án.
16Moâm ki án loŏh tễ Yiang Sursĩ, cớp án dễq níc chu nâi chu ki tâng cruang Not coah angia mandang loŏh nưong Ê-dên.
17Vớt ki, Ca-in cớp lacuoi án, alới táq cha amia apu. Lacuoi án canỡt muoi lám con samiang ramứh Ê-nóc. Bo ki Ca-in ayứng muoi vil. Án amứh vil ki Ê-nóc tũoiq ramứh con samiang án.
18Ê-nóc amia con samiang ramứh I-rat. I-rat amia con samiang ramứh Mê-huya-el. Mê-huya-el amia con samiang ramứh Mê-tusa-el. Cớp Mê-tusa-el amia con samiang ramứh Lamec.
19Lamec ĩt bar lám lacuoi. Lacuoi nỡm ramứh Adáh. Lacuoi cỗiq ramứh Si-láh. 20Adáh canỡt con samiang ramứh Yabal. Yabal táq dống aroâiq; án cỡt cũai tễ dâu lứq aloŏh ngê táq ngkíq. Cũai ca ỡt tâng dống aroâiq, alới bán tariac ntroŏq. 21Yabal bữn a‑ễm ramứh Yubal. Cớp Yubal cũai dâu lứq tapáih achúng cớp plóng máh crơng lampỡiq. 22Si-láh bữn con samiang, ramứh Tubal Ca-in. Tubal Ca-in la cũai dâu lứq têq dudễr tac. Cớp án bữn amuaq ramứh Nama.
23Ngkíq, Lamec atỡng bar lám lacuoi án neq: “Adáh cớp Si-láh, lacuoi cứq ơi! Anhia tamứng santoiq cứq nâi. Cứq khoiq cachĩt manoaq cũai póng ca khoiq táq bớc cứq nhũang, la cũai ca khoiq táq yỗn sâiq cứq cỡt trúc. 24Khân cũai aléq ma cachĩt Ca-in, Yiang Sursĩ lứq carláh dỡq yỗn cũai ki tapul trỗ hỡn tễ ŏ́c túh coat Ca-in cóq roap cỗ án cachĩt chíq Aben. Ma khân cũai aléq cachĩt cứq, ki Yiang Sursĩ ễ carláh dỡq chóq cũai ki tapul chít tapul trỗ hỡn tễ cũai ca cachĩt chíq Ca-in ễn.”

Tŏ́ng Adam

25Adam cớp lacuoi án, alới amia muoi lám con samiang ễn, chơ Ê-va amứh con ki Sêt, yuaq án pai neq: “Yiang Sursĩ yỗn cứq bữn muoi lám ễn con samiang dŏq pláih loah Aben ma Ca-in khoiq cachĩt chơ.”
26Sêt amia muoi lám con samiang tê. Án amứh con ki la Ê-nôih. Tữ ki, máh cũai mbỡiq arô cớp câu nhơ ramứh Yiang Sursĩ.