Rejoicing in Answered Prayer

A Psalm of David.
  1To You I will cry, O Lord my Rock:
   Do not be silent to me,
   Lest, if You are silent to me,
   I become like those who go down to the pit.
   2Hear the voice of my supplications
   When I cry to You,
   When I lift up my hands toward Your holy sanctuary.
  3Do not take me away with the wicked
   And with the workers of iniquity,
   Who speak peace to their neighbors,
   But evil is in their hearts.
   4Give them according to their deeds,
   And according to the wickedness of their endeavors;
   Give them according to the work of their hands;
   Render to them what they deserve.
   5Because they do not regard the works of the Lord,
   Nor the operation of His hands,
   He shall destroy them
   And not build them up.
  6Blessed be the Lord,
   Because He has heard the voice of my supplications!
   7The Lordismy strength and my shield;
   My heart trusted in Him, and I am helped;
   Therefore my heart greatly rejoices,
   And with my song I will praise Him.
  8The Lordis their strength,
   And He is the saving refuge of His anointed.
   9Save Your people,
   And bless Your inheritance;
   Shepherd them also,
   And bear them up forever.


Vơh Vơl Ma Brah Ndu, Kơl Jêh Ri Tâm Rnê Ma Păng Yor Păng Plơ Lah

 Nau mprơ ơm Y-David
1Ơ Yêhôva, gâp nter vơh vơl ma may,
 Ơ lu gâp, lơi ta sêt tôr gâp
 Klach lah may ƀư rngêl đah gâp
 Gâp mra jêng tâm ban ma phung jur tâm ntu jru.
2Tơlah gâp yơr ti mpeh pa may, gay ma dăn ma may
 Iăt hom bâr gâp kuăl vơh vơl ma may.
3Lơi ta may mprơh gâp du ndrel ma phung rlăng
 Mâu lah phung ƀư iơh,
 Phung pah kan ma nau kue,
 Khân păng ngơi ma nau đăp mpăn đah phung chiau meng khân păng.
 Ƀiălah nau ndơm gŭ tâm nuih n'hâm khân păng
4Ăn may mplơ̆ lơi tĭng nâm nau khân păng ƀư ƀai, janh katang
 Tâm rmal khân păng tĭng nâm kan khân păng ho ƀư
 Mplơ lơi moh nau khư ma khân păng.
5Yorlah khân păng mâu chrê ôh ma Yêhôva
 Mâu păng chrê lĕ ma kan ti Kôranh Brah ƀư
 Yêhôva mra n'glưh lơi khân păng
 Mâu hôm rdâk khân păng ôh.
6Mât ton tâm rnê ma
 Yêhôva Yor
 Păng ho tăng jêh nau bâr gâp kuăl vơh vơl
7Yêhôva jêng nau katang gâp jêh ri khêl gâp nuih n'hâm gâp mra nsing rnơm ma
 Păng jêh ri gâp mra dơi geh nau kơl.
 Yor ri nuih n'hâm gâp geh nau răm maak ngăn jêh ri gâp mra tâm rnê ma
 Păng ma nau mprơ
8Brah Yêhôva jêng n'hâm toyh suan dăng ma ƀon lan Păng
 Păng jêng pôih n'gang nau tâm rklaih ma nơm Păng troch jêh dak ngi
9Tâm rklaih hom ƀon lan may jêh ri ăn nau ueh lăng ma phung krâm drăp ndơ may.
 Ăn may jêng rmăk biăp ma khân păng, jêh ri kuăn rdâng khân păng ƀaƀơ n'ho ro.