Rejoicing in Answered Prayer

A Psalm of David.
  1To You I will cry, O Lord my Rock:
   Do not be silent to me,
   Lest, if You are silent to me,
   I become like those who go down to the pit.
   2Hear the voice of my supplications
   When I cry to You,
   When I lift up my hands toward Your holy sanctuary.
  3Do not take me away with the wicked
   And with the workers of iniquity,
   Who speak peace to their neighbors,
   But evil is in their hearts.
   4Give them according to their deeds,
   And according to the wickedness of their endeavors;
   Give them according to the work of their hands;
   Render to them what they deserve.
   5Because they do not regard the works of the Lord,
   Nor the operation of His hands,
   He shall destroy them
   And not build them up.
  6Blessed be the Lord,
   Because He has heard the voice of my supplications!
   7The Lordismy strength and my shield;
   My heart trusted in Him, and I am helped;
   Therefore my heart greatly rejoices,
   And with my song I will praise Him.
  8The Lordis their strength,
   And He is the saving refuge of His anointed.
   9Save Your people,
   And bless Your inheritance;
   Shepherd them also,
   And bear them up forever.


Klei Wah Lač Akâo kơ Klei Đru

Klei mmuñ hđăp Y-Đawit.
  1Ơ Yêhôwa, kâo iêu wah lač kơ ih;
   Ơ Boh Tâo kâo, đăm hngah hmư̆ klei kâo wah lač ôh,
  kyuadah tơdah ih dôk ñăt,
   kâo srăng jing msĕ si phung trŭn nao kơ Ƀăng Êlam.
  2Hmư̆ bĕ asăp kâo kwưh kơ ih,
   êjai kâo akâo kơ ih đru,
  êjai kâo yơr kngan kâo
   phă sang čhiăm doh jăk ih.
  3Đăm yap kâo ôh mbĭt hŏng phung ƀai,
   mbĭt hŏng phung mă bruă klei wê;
  diñu blŭ kơ klei êđăp ênang kơ phung riêng gah diñu,
   ƀiădah klei ƀai dôk hlăm ai tiê diñu.
  4 Brei ih bi wĭt kơ diñu tui si bruă diñu,
   tui si klei ƀai diñu ngă.
  Brei ih bi wĭt kơ diñu tui si bruă kngan diñu ngă;
   bi wĭt kơ diñu tui si klei năng kơ diñu.
  5Kyuadah diñu amâo mpŭ ôh kơ bruă Yêhôwa,
   kăn diñu uêñ rei kơ bruă kngan gơ̆ ngă,
   Yêhôwa srăng bi rai diñu leh anăn amâo lŏ kơrŭ mdơ̆ng diñu ôh.

  6Mpŭ mni kơ Yêhôwa,
   kyuadah ñu hmư̆ leh asăp kâo kwưh.
  7Yêhôwa jing klei ktang kâo leh anăn khil kâo;
   ai tiê kâo knang kơ ñu, snăn kâo mâo klei đru,
  kyua ai tiê kâo hơ̆k mơak,
   kâo srăng bi mni kơ ñu hŏng klei kâo mmuñ.
  8Yêhôwa jing klei ktang kơ phung ƀuôn sang ñu,
   ñu jing kđông bi mtlaih kơ pô ñu trôč leh êa ƀâo mngưi.
  9Bi mtlaih bĕ phung ƀuôn sang ih, leh anăn brei klei jăk jĭn kơ phung ngăn dưn ih;
   brei ih jing mgăt biăp kơ diñu, leh anăn răng kriê diñu hlŏng lar.