An Urgent Plea for Help in Trouble

To the Chief Musician. Set to “The Lilies.” A Psalm of David.
  1Save me, O God!
   For the waters have come up to my neck.
   2I sink in deep mire,
   Where there is no standing;
   I have come into deep waters,
   Where the floods overflow me.
   3I am weary with my crying;
   My throat is dry;
   My eyes fail while I wait for my God.
  4Those who hate me without a cause
   Are more than the hairs of my head;
   They are mighty who would destroy me,
   Being my enemies wrongfully;
   Though I have stolen nothing,
   I still must restore it.
  5O God, You know my foolishness;
   And my sins are not hidden from You.
   6Let not those who wait for You, O Lord God of hosts, be ashamed because of me;
   Let not those who seek You be confounded because of me, O God of Israel.
   7Because for Your sake I have borne reproach;
   Shame has covered my face.
   8I have become a stranger to my brothers,
   And an alien to my mother’s children;
   9Because zeal for Your house has eaten me up,
   And the reproaches of those who reproach You have fallen on me.
   10When I wept and chastened my soul with fasting,
   That became my reproach.
   11I also made sackcloth my garment;
   I became a byword to them.
   12Those who sit in the gate speak against me,
   And I am the song of the drunkards.
  13But as for me, my prayer is to You,
   O Lord, in the acceptable time;
   O God, in the multitude of Your mercy,
   Hear me in the truth of Your salvation.
   14Deliver me out of the mire,
   And let me not sink;
   Let me be delivered from those who hate me,
   And out of the deep waters.
   15Let not the floodwater overflow me,
   Nor let the deep swallow me up;
   And let not the pit shut its mouth on me.
  16Hear me, O Lord, for Your lovingkindness is good;
   Turn to me according to the multitude of Your tender mercies.
   17And do not hide Your face from Your servant,
   For I am in trouble;
   Hear me speedily.
   18Draw near to my soul, and redeem it;
   Deliver me because of my enemies.
  19You know my reproach, my shame, and my dishonor;
   My adversaries are all before You.
   20Reproach has broken my heart,
   And I am full of heaviness;
   I looked for someone to take pity, but there was none;
   And for comforters, but I found none.
   21They also gave me gall for my food,
   And for my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.
  22Let their table become a snare before them,
   And their well-being a trap.
   23Let their eyes be darkened, so that they do not see;
   And make their loins shake continually.
   24Pour out Your indignation upon them,
   And let Your wrathful anger take hold of them.
   25Let their dwelling place be desolate;
   Let no one live in their tents.
   26For they persecute the onesYou have struck,
   And talk of the grief of those You have wounded.
   27Add iniquity to their iniquity,
   And let them not come into Your righteousness.
   28Let them be blotted out of the book of the living,
   And not be written with the righteous.
  29But I am poor and sorrowful;
   Let Your salvation, O God, set me up on high.
   30I will praise the name of God with a song,
   And will magnify Him with thanksgiving.
   31This also shall please the Lord better than an ox or bull,
   Which has horns and hooves.
   32The humble shall see this and be glad;
   And you who seek God, your hearts shall live.
   33For the Lord hears the poor,
   And does not despise His prisoners.
  34Let heaven and earth praise Him,
   The seas and everything that moves in them.
   35For God will save Zion
   And build the cities of Judah,
   That they may dwell there and possess it.
   36Also, the descendants of His servants shall inherit it,
   And those who love His name shall dwell in it.


Quaj Thov Vajtswv Pab

  1Vajtswv, thov koj pab cawm kuv!
  Dej nyab nto plaws saum kuv cajdab lawm,
  2Kuv zom rau hauv lub pas hav iav
   tob heev uas tsis muaj chaw tiag taw li,
  kuv poob rau hauv lub pasdej uas tob heev,
   thiab dej nphau los nyab kuv tas.
  3Kuv hu koj pab, kuv qaug zog,
   thiab kuv lub qa qhuav tas.
  Kuv tos koj ntev heev ua rau kuv ob
   lub qhovmuag li tas.

  4Cov neeg uas lam ntxub kuv mas
   ntau tshaj kuv cov plaubhau lawm thiab.
  Kuv cov yeebncuab ua timkhawv tsis
   tseeb nkaug kuv,
  lawv muaj zog heev thiab xav tua
   kuv povtseg.
  Lawv yuam kom kuv xa tej khoom
   uas tsis yog kuv nyiag rov qab huv tibsi.
  5Vajtswv, kuv tsis tau muab kuv tej
   kev txhaum zais tsis pub koj pom,
  koj yeej paub kuv yog ib tug neeg
   ruam kawg nkaus li.
  6Tus TSWV uas muaj hwjchim loj kawg nkaus,
  thov tsis txhob cia kuv coj kev
   txajmuag los rau cov neeg uas cia siab rau koj!
  Kuv lub siab kub cuag hluavtaws,
   vim kuv mob siab rau koj lub Tuamtsev.
  7Twb yog vim koj kuv thiaj raug luag
   thuam thiab raug kev txajmuag.
  8Kuv zoo ib yam li tus qhua rau kuv
   cov kwvtij,
  thiab zoo ib yam li tus neeg txawv
   tebchaws rau kuv tsevneeg.

  9Kuv mob siab rau koj lub Tuamtsev
  ib yam li hluavtaws kub hauv kuv lub siab,
  tej lus uas luag thuam koj poob rau
   kuv huv tibsi.
  10Thaum kuv txo hwjchim ua kevcai yoo mov,
   mas tej neeg thuam kuv kawg li.
  11Thaum kuv hnav tej ris tsho uas
   tau kev quaj ntsuag mas lawv luag kuv plig kawg.
  12Lawv xyav kuv moo tom tej kev,
  thiab lawv lom txwm haus cawv kom
   qaug hu nkauj luag kuv plig.

  13Tiamsis tus TSWV, kuv yuav thov koj xwb;
  Vajtswv, thov koj teb kuv tej lus thov,
   thaum lub sijhawm uas koj teem tseg.
  Vim koj txojkev hlub uas loj kawg
   nkaus thov koj teb kuv,
  rau qhov koj cog lus tseg lawm hais
   tias koj yuav cawm kom kuv dim.
  14Thov cawm kuv kom tsis txhob zom rau hauv pas hav iav,
  thov pab kom kuv dim ntawm kuv cov yeebncuab,
  thiab dim ntawm lub pas dej uas tob heev.
  15Thov tsis txhob pub dej los nyab kuv,
  thov tsis txhob pub kuv tog rau hauv
   qab thu dej tob lossis poob rau hauv lub qhov ntxa.

  16Tus TSWV, koj yog tus muaj txojkev hlub
   uas tsis paub kawg, thov koj hlub kuv;
  koj yog tus muaj txojkev hlub uas loj kawg nkaus,
   thov koj tig los rau ntawm kuv.
  17Thov koj tsis txhob khiav nkaum koj
   tus tubtxib!
  Kuv ntxhov siab kawg nkaus, thov
   koj teb kuv tamsim no!
  18Thov koj los cuag kuv thiab cawm kom kuv dim;
   tso kuv dim ntawm kuv cov yeebncuab.

  19Koj yeej paub kuv raug luag txob thuam,
  raug txajmuag thiab raug luag saib tsis taus kiag li,
   koj pom tagnrho kuv cov yeebncuab.
  20Kev txob thuam ua rau kuv siab
   ntsws puas tas thiab tas kev cia siab.
  kuv cia siab tos txojkev hlub, tiamsis tsis muaj li;
  nrhiav tus uas nplig kuv siab, tiamsis nrhiav tsis tau li.
  21Thaum kuv tshaib plab lawv muab
   tej tshuaj muaj taug rau kuv noj;
  thaum kuv nqhis dej, lawv muab kua
   txiv hmab qaub rau kuv haus.

  22Thov kom lawv rooj mov ua rau lawv
   raug kev puastsuaj,
  thov kom lawv rooj mov tseemceeb
   ua rau lawv ntog tas.
  23Thov ua rau lawv digmuag tsis pom kev!
  Thov ua rau lawv lub nraubqaum tsis muaj zog!
  24Thov hliv koj txojkev chim los rau lawv,
  thov cia koj tej kev nruj tsiv kav tagnrho lawv.
  25Thov kom lawv tej yeej ua suabpuam tas,
  thov tsis txhob cia ib tug seem nyob
   hauv lawv tej tsevntaub li.
  26Lawv tsimtxom cov neeg uas koj twb
   rau txim rau lawm,
  lawv hais cov neeg raug mob uas tiv
   kev txomnyem plig.
  27Thov muab lawv tej kev txhaum teev
   huv tibsi rau hauv koj phau ntawv,
  tsis txhob pub kom lawv muaj feem
   rau koj txojkev cawm dim.
  28Thov muab lawv tej npe tshem tawm
  hauv phau ntawv uas teev cov neeg
   muaj txojsia tej npe,
  thov kom lawv tsis txhob muaj npe
   nyob nrog koj haivneeg.

  29Tiamsis Vajtswv, kuv mob hnyav
  heev thiab tas kev cia siab lawm,
   thov koj tsa kuv thiab cawm kuv!

  30Kuv yuav hu nkauj qhuas Vajtswv,
  kuv yuav qhia nws lub hwjchim uas
   loj kawg nkaus thiab ua nws tsaug.
  31Ua li no yuav txaus tus TSWV siab
   dua muab nyuj tua fij rau nws,
  thiab txaus nws siab dua li muab ib
   tug heev nyuj los tua hlawv tagnrho fij.
  32Thaum cov neeg uas raug tsimtxom
   pom tej no, lawv yuav zoo siab heev;
  thiab yuav txhawb cov neeg uas
   muab siab rau pehawm Vajtswv lub zog.
  33Tus TSWV yeej mloog cov neeg
   txomnyem tej lus thov,
  thiab nws nco ntsoov nws haivneeg
   uas nyob hauv tsev lojcuj.

  34Lub ntuj thiab lub ntiajteb, hiavtxwv
   thiab txhua yam tsiaj hauv hiavtxwv,
   cia li qhuas Vajtswv!
  35Nws yuav cawm lub nroog Yeluxalees
   thiab txhim kho Yudas tej nroog dua tshiab.
  Nws haivneeg yuav nyob hauv lub
   nroog thiab yuav kav lub tebchaws ntawd;
  36lub tebchaws ntawd yuav yog nws
   cov tubtxib tej xeebntxwv tug,
  thiab cov uas hlub nws yuav tau
   nyob hauv lub tebchaws ntawd mus li.