1Paul, Silas and Timothy,
 To the church of the Thessalonians in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ:
 Grace and peace to you.

Thanksgiving for the Thessalonians’ Faith

2We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers. 3We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.
4For we know, brothers and sisters loved by God, that he has chosen you, 5because our gospel came to you not simply with words but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and deep conviction. You know how we lived among you for your sake. 6You became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you welcomed the message in the midst of severe suffering with the joy given by the Holy Spirit. 7And so you became a model to all the believers in Macedonia and Achaia. 8The Lord’s message rang out from you not only in Macedonia and Achaia—your faith in God has become known everywhere. Therefore we do not need to say anything about it, 9for they themselves report what kind of reception you gave us. They tell how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, 10and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead—Jesus, who rescues us from the coming wrath.


1Cứq la Phau-lô chĩc choâiq thỡ nâi cơiq sa‑óh tỗp sa‑âm ỡt tâng vil Tê-salô-naca. Cớp alới bar náq Si-la cớp Ti-muthê cơiq parnai sa‑óh anhia tê. Anhia bữn muoi mứt cớp Yiang Sursĩ, Mpoaq hái, cớp Yê-su Crĩt, Ncháu hái. Cứq sễq Yiang Sursĩ chuai miat anhia cớp yỗn anhia ỡt bán sũan ien khễ níc.

Phau-lô Sa‑ỡn Bữn Cũai Sa‑âm Tâng Vil Tê-salô-naca

2Bo hếq câu, hếq sa‑ỡn Yiang Sursĩ cỗ tễ nheq tữh anhia, cớp hếq tỡ bữn khlĩr câu yỗn anhia. 3Hếq sanhữ níc yáng moat Yiang Sursĩ, Mpoaq hái, anhia táq ranáq puai ngê sa‑âm Yiang Sursĩ. Hếq sanhữ anhia ayooq yớu sa‑ữi lứq; ngkíq anhia táq cutóng lứq chuai yớu. Cớp hếq sanhữ anhia yống pacái lứq ŏ́c anhia ngcuang la Yê-su Crĩt, Ncháu hái, toâq loah pỡ cutễq nâi. 4Sễm ai ơi! Hếq dáng chơ Yiang Sursĩ ayooq lứq anhia, cớp án khoiq rưoh anhia yỗn ỡt muoi mứt cớp án. 5Toâq hếq dững parnai o tễ Yiang Sursĩ toâq pỡ anhia, parnai ki cỡt blễng hỡn tễ parnai cũai dốq táq ntỡng, yuaq Raviei Yiang Sursĩ yỗn anhia dáng samoât samơi parnai ki la pĩeiq lứq. Anhia khoiq hữm chơ máh ranáq hếq táq bo hếq ỡt cớp anhia, cỗ hếq sâng ayooq anhia. 6Ngkíq anhia khoiq tũoiq hếq machớng anhia tũoiq Ncháu hái tê. Tam anhia ramóh sa‑ữi ramứh túh coat, ma noâng anhia bữn mứt bũi roap parnai hếq atỡng, yuaq Raviei Yiang Sursĩ toâp yỗn anhia bữn ŏ́c ki. 7Anhia táq ngkíq, anhia la samoât riang ngôl yỗn dũ náq cũai sa‑âm tâng cruang Ma-sadôn cớp cruang Achai. 8Lứq parnai o tễ Ncháu trŏ́h la‑ữt la‑ữi tễ anhia, tỡ bữn tâng cruang Ma-sadôn cớp cruang Achai sâng, ma lứq parnai noau atỡng tễ anhia sa‑âm Yiang Sursĩ, parnai ki khoiq pláh dũ ntốq chơ. Ngkíq hếq tỡ bữn túh atỡng noâng alới ki tễ anhia, 9yuaq dũ náq alới khoiq dáng chơ cớp atỡng loah hếq tễ anhia. Alới pai anhia khoiq tabỡp tabéh hếq o lứq bo hếq toâq pỡ anhia. Alới pai anhia khoiq táh nheq crơng sang yiang sâuq, chơ píh chu Yiang Sursĩ. Alới pai sanua anhia táq ranáq Yiang Sursĩ ễn, án ca Yiang pĩeiq lứq cớp Yiang tamoong mantái níc. 10Cớp anhia ngcuang Con Yiang Sursĩ sễng loah tễ paloŏng. Con án la Yê-su, án ca Yiang Sursĩ khoiq yỗn tamoong loah tễ cuchĩt, Án chuai amoong hái yỗn vớt tễ ŏ́c túh coat toâq Yiang Sursĩ táq cũai nỡ‑ra.