
1Then Bildad the Shuhite replied:
  2“Dominion and awe belong to God;
   he establishes order in the heights of heaven.
  3Can his forces be numbered?
   On whom does his light not rise?
  4How then can a mortal be righteous before God?
   How can one born of woman be pure?
  5If even the moon is not bright
   and the stars are not pure in his eyes,
  6how much less a mortal, who is but a maggot—
   a human being, who is only a worm!”



1Chơ Bil-dat tễ vil Suah ta‑ỡi neq: 2“Yiang Sursĩ Sốt Toâr Lứq yỗn dũ tỗp cũai yám noap án; án táq yỗn ien khễ tâng ntốq án sốt tâng paloŏng. 3Bữn noau noâq rơi ngih máh ranễng tâng paloŏng ca táq ranáq án? Bữn ntốq aléq ma poang tễ Yiang Sursĩ tỡ bữn aclaq? 4Bữn cũai aléq táq tanoang o choâng moat án? Bữn noau noâq têq rabán mứt pahỡm yỗn cỡt bráh o choâng moat Yiang Sursĩ? 5Khân talĩ cớp án, rliang casâi tỡ bữn poang ntrớu, cớp mantỗr la tỡ bữn poang tê; 6khân ngkíq, ntrớu cũai hái bữn kia choâng moat Yiang Sursĩ, hái la samoât mpang tỡ la prưi miat sâng?”