A song of ascents.
  1When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion,
   we were like those who dreamed.
  2Our mouths were filled with laughter,
   our tongues with songs of joy.
  Then it was said among the nations,
   “The Lord has done great things for them.”
  3The Lord has done great things for us,
   and we are filled with joy.

  4Restore our fortunes,Lord,
   like streams in the Negev.
  5Those who sow with tears
   will reap with songs of joy.
  6Those who go out weeping,
   carrying seed to sow,
  will return with songs of joy,
   carrying sheaves with them.


Klei Bi Mni Kyua Wĭt Mơ̆ng Klei Jing Mnă

Klei phung hiu nao kơ ƀuôn doh jăk mmuñ.
  1Tơdah Yêhôwa atăt phung mnă wĭt kơ ƀuôn Siôn,
   hmei jing msĕ si phung dôk êpei.
  2Hlăk anăn ƀăng êgei hmei bŏ hŏng klei tlao,
   leh anăn êlah hmei hŏng klei mmuñ mơak.
  Hlăk anăn arăng lač ti krah phung găp djuê mnuih,
   “Yêhôwa ngă leh klei yuôm bhăn kơ diñu.”
  3Yêhôwa ngă leh klei yuôm bhăn kơ hmei,
   kyuanăn hmei mơak.

  4Ơ Yêhôwa, atăt phung mnă hmei wĭt,
   msĕ si êa hnoh hlăm čar Dhŭng.
  5Phung buh mdiê hŏng êa ală,
   srăng puôt wiă hŏng klei hơ̆k mơak.
  6Hlei pô djă mjeh nao buh hŏng klei hia,
   srăng lŏ wĭt hŏng klei ur hơ̆k djă ba čăp mdiê mbĭt.