Israel’s Sin and Captivity

  1Israel empties his vine;
   He brings forth fruit for himself.
   According to the multitude of his fruit
   He has increased the altars;
   According to the bounty of his land
   They have embellished his sacred pillars.
   2Their heart is divided;
   Now they are held guilty.
   He will break down their altars;
   He will ruin their sacred pillars.
  3For now they say,
   “We have no king,
   Because we did not fear the Lord.
   And as for a king, what would he do for us?”
   4They have spoken words,
   Swearing falsely in making a covenant.
   Thus judgment springs up like hemlock in the furrows of the field.
  5The inhabitants of Samaria fear
   Because of the calf of Beth Aven.
   For its people mourn for it,
   And its priests shriek for it—
   Because its glory has departed from it.
   6The idol also shall be carried to Assyria
   As a present for King Jareb.
   Ephraim shall receive shame,
   And Israel shall be ashamed of his own counsel.
  7As for Samaria, her king is cut off
   Like a twig on the water.
   8Also the high places of Aven, the sin of Israel,
   Shall be destroyed.
   The thorn and thistle shall grow on their altars;
   They shall say to the mountains, “Cover us!”
   And to the hills, “Fall on us!”
  9“O Israel, you have sinned from the days of Gibeah;
   There they stood.
   The battle in Gibeah against the children of iniquity
   Did not overtake them.
   10When it is My desire, I will chasten them.
   Peoples shall be gathered against them
   When I bind them for their two transgressions.
   11Ephraim isa trained heifer
   That loves to thresh grain;
   But I harnessed her fair neck,
   I will make Ephraim pull a plow.
   Judah shall plow;
   Jacob shall break his clods.”
  12Sow for yourselves righteousness;
   Reap in mercy;
   Break up your fallow ground,
   For it is time to seek the Lord,
   Till He comes and rains righteousness on you.
  13You have plowed wickedness;
   You have reaped iniquity.
   You have eaten the fruit of lies,
   Because you trusted in your own way,
   In the multitude of your mighty men.
   14Therefore tumult shall arise among your people,
   And all your fortresses shall be plundered
   As Shalman plundered Beth Arbel in the day of battle—
   A mother dashed in pieces upon her children.
   15Thus it shall be done to you, O Bethel,
   Because of your great wickedness.
   At dawn the king of Israel
   Shall be cut off utterly.


Cũai Tang Bỗq Yiang Sursĩ Pai Tễ Tỗp I-sarel

1Máh cũai proai I-sarel cỡt samoât voar nho bữn palâi bong lứq. Alới sốc bữn maléq, alới táq prông sang sa‑ữi máh ki tê. Cutễq alới amia sarnóh o maléq, máh ki tê alới pasang máh ngôl tamáu khớt dŏq cucốh sang. 2Alới bữn níc mứt pahỡm raphếq rathũ, ngkíq sanua alới cóq roap tôt cỗ tian máh ranáq lôih alới khoiq táq. Yiang Sursĩ ễ talốh táh nheq prông sang cớp ngôl tamáu khớt khong alới.
3Chơ bo ki máh cũai proai nâi ễ pai neq: “Tỗp hái ŏ́q puo la cỗ tian hái tỡ bữn yám noap Yiang Sursĩ. Mŏ khân hái bữn puo, ntrớu puo têq rachuai hái?”
4Alới ữq ống bỗq sâng, cớp táq tếc parkhán na thễ dũan, mŏ tỡ bữn lứq táq. Ŏ́c pĩeiq o pĩen cỡt chíq ŏ́c tỡ bữn pĩeiq o noâng; chơ ŏ́c ki dáh toâr achỗn chái lứq ariang bát bũl pỡ ruang nia khoiq noau cái.
5Máh cũai proai tâng cruang Sa-mari croŏq ngcŏh lứq pứt chíq rup ntroŏq tangcáh yễng pỡ vil Bet Aven. pỡ ntốq tỗp I-sarel dốq cucốh sang, noau pieih talốh táh nheq. Nỡm sarlia cớp bát dáh pul clũom nheq prông sang ki. Tữ ki máh cũai proai arô cu‑ỗi neq: “Cóh ơi! Âu, mới ralíh catễt chíq hếq!”
 Cớp alới pai ễn neq: “Máh dũal ơi! Sễq anhia pul culúp chíq hếq.”

Yiang Sursĩ Pau Ễ Rablớh Tỗp I-sarel

9Yiang Sursĩ pai neq: “Máh cũai proai I-sarel tỡ bữn tangứt táq lôih chóq cứq, samoât alới khoiq táq lôih tâng vil Ki-bĩah tễ mbŏ́q toau toâq sanua. Yuaq ngkíq, ranáq rachíl rapuai satỡm alới pỡ vil Ki-bĩah. 10Cứq ễ chíl alới cớp táq yỗn alới roap tôt, na cứq yỗn máh cruang canŏ́h toâq parỗm parnơi dŏq chíl alới. Alới roap tôt la cỗ tian alới táq lôih acữn bar trỗ ễn.
11“Bữn muoi trỗ, tỗp I-sarel cỡt samoât ntroŏq tansữ khoiq noau ễp yỗn án tĩn saro sâng bũi pahỡm. Ma sanua cứq ễ sacáp raluang tâng tacong nêuq o án, cớp yỗn án táq ranáq ntâng hỡn tễ nhũang ễn. Cứq yỗn tỗp Yuda âc ti crơng cái, cớp yỗn tỗp I-sarel âc cantrieih carieih cutễq yỗn cỡt abuoiq. 12Cứq pai neq: ‘Cóq anhia cái cutễq tamái. Cóq anhia trứh ŏ́c tanoang o, cớp sot ĩt ŏ́c bốn tễ máh ranáq anhia táq yỗn cứq. Khoiq toâq chơ tangái yỗn anhia píh loah chu cứq, la Yiang Sursĩ anhia; chơ cứq lứq toâq cớp satốh ŏ́c bốn yỗn anhia.’ 13Ma anhia khoiq trứh cuplốq moang ŏ́c sâuq sâng. Cớp anhia khoiq sot ĩt cóng tễ ŏ́c cuplốq ki. Tỗp anhia khoiq cha palâi tễ ŏ́c lauq.
 “Cỗ anhia khoiq ưo tâng máh sễ aséh rachíl cớp tỗp tahan clứng,
14yuaq ngkíq bữn ranáq yúc toâq pỡ máh cũai proai anhia, cớp máh ntốq parnoâng anhia cỡt rúng ralốh nheq. Cỡt machớng tangái puo Sal-man khoiq chíl talốh vil Bet Ar-bel cớp tĩn sarúq máh cũai mpiq cớp máh con alới hỡ. 15Tỗp Bet-el ơi! Máh ranáq nâi toâq pỡ anhia la cỗ tian tễ ranáq sâuq anhia khoiq táq. Toâq cỡt ranáq rachíl, bo ki toâp puo tỗp I-sarel cuchĩt.”