Vil Ni-navê Cỡt Rúng Ralốh

1Máh cũai vil Ni-navê ơi! Án ca ễ chíl anhia khoiq toâq chơ! Cóq anhia táq yỗn khâm máh ntốq kĩaq vil, cớp kĩaq catáng máh rana mut tâng vil hỡ! Cóq anhia parỗm sa‑ữi tahan cớp thrũan rachíl!
2Yiang Sursĩ cheq ễ yỗn tỗp Yuda roap loah chớc cớp ŏ́c yám noap parnơi cớp tỗp I-sarel, tam máh cũai par‑ũal khoiq mut pốn nheq tâng vil alới.
3Tỗp tahan cũai par‑ũal anhia, alới yống khễl cusâu cớp tâc tampâc cusâu tê. Tâng tangái thrũan ễ rachíl, máh sễ aséh rachíl alới báiq ariang sapoan, cớp máh aséh rachíl sansớl ayững thrũan ễ pỡq rachíl. 4Máh sễ aséh rachíl pỡq chái lứq tâng máh rana téh clang tâng vil. Poang tễ sễ aséh claq ariang tabong claq poang. Alới pỡq chái lứq ariang lalieiq lacang. 5Cũai taniap tahan arô máh tahan án. Máh tahan tál-tŏ́c tháng pỡq chu viang vil, chơ alới caldốh bo alới pỡq. Moâm ki alới ayứng khễl dŏq capáng crơng alới ễ clúh ngoah toong viang vil. 6Máh panớh catáng crỗng cỡt raclŏ́ng aloŏh, cớp tâng dống puo bữn moang ŏ́c croŏq ngcŏh. 7Lacuoi puo pĩeiq noau cỗp; máh sũl án nhiam parhữ samoât chớm tariap bữr, chơ alới trứp apơm bữm cỗ sâng túh ngua lứq. 8Máh cũai proai tál tháng loŏh tễ vil Ni-navê, ariang clúh dỡq panoân. Bữn sưong casang lứq pai neq: “Tangứt! Anhia tangứt!”
 Mŏ cũai ca lúh dễq, alới tỡ bữn ramíng tễ sưong ki.
9Âu, pũr ĩt nheq máh práq cớp yễng, cỗ máh mun tâng vil nâi sa‑ữi luat ngư! 10Vil Ni-navê khoiq noau talốh táh chơ, cỡt samoât vil rangual ŏ́q cũai ỡt, cớp cỡt ntốq ngua vơ lứq. Dũ náq cũai sâng ngcŏh lứq toau tỗ chác cangcoaih nheq, lốh racớl parkeh tỡ têq pupỡq noâng, cớp moat múh alới ngôt nheq. 11Tễ nhũang vil Ni-navê samoât cưp cula samín ỡt. Ntốq ki cula samín cơi luloah pỡq chu. Ntốq ki bữn máh con án ỡt, cớp tỡ bữn noau têq atũih con án. 12Cula samín tôl dững achu cumáp yỗn con án cha, cớp án cubỗ achu charán ki yỗn cula samín cán cha tê. Án parỗm pachứm dŏq crơng sana poân tâng cưp, dếh sâiq án khoiq háq cỡt mễng hỡ. Ma sanua, chớc vil Ni-navê khoiq pứt nheq chơ.
13Yiang Sursĩ Sốt Toâr Lứq pai chóq vil Ni-navê neq: “Cứq cỡt par‑ũal anhia! Cứq ễ chŏ́ng táh nheq sễ aséh rachíl khong anhia yỗn cat nheq, cớp pla dau ễ tráh nheq tahan anhia ariang cula samín tỡ yũah thŏ́ng. Cứq tỡ bữn yỗn anhia rapốn ratáq noâng cũai tâng cốc cutễq nâi. Cớp tỡ bữn noau sâng noâng sưong cũai pỡq muap práq yỗn anhia.”


The Destruction of Nineveh

  1He who scatters has come up before your face.
   Man the fort!
   Watch the road!
   Strengthen your flanks!
   Fortify your power mightily.
  2For the Lord will restore the excellence of Jacob
   Like the excellence of Israel,
   For the emptiers have emptied them out
   And ruined their vine branches.
  3The shields of his mighty men are made red,
   The valiant men are in scarlet.
   The chariots come with flaming torches
   In the day of his preparation,
   And the spears are brandished.
   4The chariots rage in the streets,
   They jostle one another in the broad roads;
   They seem like torches,
   They run like lightning.
  5He remembers his nobles;
   They stumble in their walk;
   They make haste to her walls,
   And the defense is prepared.
   6The gates of the rivers are opened,
   And the palace is dissolved.
   7It is decreed:
   She shall be led away captive,
   She shall be brought up;
   And her maidservants shall lead her as with the voice of doves,
   Beating their breasts.
  8Though Nineveh of old was like a pool of water,
   Now they flee away.
   “Halt! Halt!” they cry;
   But no one turns back.
   9Take spoil of silver!
   Take spoil of gold!
   There is no end of treasure,
   Or wealth of every desirable prize.
   10She is empty, desolate, and waste!
   The heart melts, and the knees shake;
   Much pain is in every side,
   And all their faces are drained of color.
  11Where is the dwelling of the lions,
   And the feeding place of the young lions,
   Where the lion walked, the lioness and lion’s cub,
   And no one made them afraid?
   12The lion tore in pieces enough for his cubs,
   Killed for his lionesses,
   Filled his caves with prey,
   And his dens with flesh.
13“Behold, I am against you,” says the Lord of hosts, “I will burn your chariots in smoke, and the sword shall devour your young lions; I will cut off your prey from the earth, and the voice of your messengers shall be heard no more.”