Mordekai Rơkâo Kơ HʼEster Nao Bưp Pơtao

1Tơdang Mordekai hơmư̆ abih bang tơlơi hơmâo truh laih, ñu rơngot biă mă. Tui anŭn, ñu hek hĭ ao ñu, hơô mă ao tâo laih anŭn mă hơbâo tơpur pruai ƀơi akŏ ñu pô. Giŏng anŭn, ñu tơbiă nao amăng plei laih anŭn pơkrao hia kraih biă mă. 2Samơ̆ ñu rơbat nao kơnơ̆ng truh pơ anăp amăng ja̱ng sang pơtao đôč, yuakơ hlơi pô čut hơô ao tâo ƀu dưi mŭt ôh amăng anih sang pơtao. 3Amăng rĭm kwar čar, pơpă ƀing ding kơna jing ƀing ba hră hiăp pơtă pơtao truh, pơ anih anŭn yơh ƀing Yudah rŭng răng prŏng. Ƀing gơñu kŏm ƀơ̆ng huă, čŏk hia laih anŭn pơkrao rơngot hơning biă mă. Yuakơ tơlơi rơngot hơning anŭn yơh, hơmâo lu mơnuih đih amăng ao tâo laih anŭn dŏ amăng hơbâo tơpur.
4Tơdang ƀing ding kơna đah kơmơi HʼEster laih anŭn ƀing khua moa mă bruă kơ HʼEster rai ruai glaĭ kơ HʼEster kơ tơlơi Mordekai hlak ngă, ñu bơngơ̆t bơngañ biă mă. Ñu pơkiaŏ nao ƀing ding kơna ñu ba khul ao hiam kơ Mordekai kiăng kơ buh pơala kơ ao tâo, samơ̆ Mordekai ƀu kiăng tŭ mă ôh. 5Tơdang hơmư̆ kơ tơlơi anŭn, HʼEster brơi iâu rai Hathak; Hathak jing sa čô amăng ƀing khua moa pơtao hơmâo ruah mă laih kiăng kơ mă bruă djru kơ HʼEster. Ñu pơkiaŏ pô khua anŭn nao pơ Mordekai kiăng tơña kơ gơ̆ hơget tơlơi hơmâo truh laih kơ gơ̆ laih anŭn yua hơget gơ̆ rơngot hơning kar hăng anŭn.
6Tui anŭn, Hathak tơbiă nao pơ Mordekai hăng ƀuh gơ̆ hlak dŏ pơ anih gah rơngiao jĕ ƀơi anăp amăng ja̱ng sang pơtao. 7Mordekai ră ruai glaĭ kơ pô khua anŭn abih bang tơlơi hơmâo truh laih, wơ̆t hăng nua prăk Haman hơmâo ƀuăn laih kiăng pioh amăng sang gơnam pơtao tơdah pơtao brơi ƀing arăng pơrai hĭ abih bang ƀing Yudah. 8Ñu ăt brơi kơ pô khua anŭn hră pơgru mơ̆ng hră pơtă ƀing ding kơna pơtao hơmâo đŏk laih kơ ƀing ană plei amăng plei phŭn Susa kiăng pơtă kơ ƀing gơñu khŏm pơdjai hĭ ƀing Yudah. Mordekai ăt pơtă kơ pô khua anŭn nao pơrơđah laih anŭn pơblang glaĭ hră pơtă anŭn kơ HʼEster laih anŭn Mordekai ăt pơtă kơ pô khua anŭn pơtrŭt HʼEster mŭt nao bưp pơtao, kiăng kwưh rơkâo pơtao hơmâo tơlơi pap kơ ƀing Yudah, ăt jing kơnung djuai HʼEster pô mơ̆n.
9Tui anŭn, Hathak wơ̆t glaĭ ră ruai hăng HʼEster tơlơi Mordekai hơmâo pơtă laih. 10Giŏng anŭn, HʼEster pơtă kơ pô khua anai kiăng wơ̆t glaĭ laĭ kơ Mordekai tui anai, 11“Abih bang ƀing khua moa pơtao laih anŭn ƀing mơnuih amăng dêh čar pơtao anai thâo soh sel kơ tơlơi phiăn anai: Tơdah hlơi pô đah rơkơi ƀôdah đah kơmơi nao pơ anih gah lăm sang pơtao kiăng bưp pơtao, samơ̆ pơtao ƀu jak iâu rai pô anŭn kiăng kơ bưp ôh, pơtao či brơi ƀing ding kơna ñu pơdjai hĭ pô anŭn yơh. Kơnơ̆ng sa tơlơi đôč dưi klaih hĭ mơ̆ng tơlơi djai anŭn; anŭn jing tơdah pô anŭn mŭt rai bưp pơtao laih anŭn pơtao yơr tơbiă gai hơnuăt pơtao mah ñu kơ pô anŭn, tui anŭn pô anŭn ƀu či djai hĭ ôh. Bơ kơ kâo, truh kơ ră anai hơmâo klâopluh hrơi rơgao laih, pơtao ƀu iâu kâo mŭt nao pơ ñu ôh.”
12Tơdang Hathak ruai glaĭ kơ Mordekai hơdôm tơlơi HʼEster hơmâo pơhiăp laih, 13Mordekai pơtă glaĭ tơlơi laĭ glaĭ anai kơ gơ̆, “Ơ HʼEster, tơdang ƀing arăng pơdjai hĭ abih ƀing Yudah, anăm pơmĭn ôh ih dưi klaih hĭ mơ̆ng tơlơi djai yuakơ ih dŏ amăng sang pơtao. 14Tơdah ih hơngah ƀu kiăng nao kwưh rơkâo ôh kơ pơtao mông anai kiăng pơklaih hĭ ƀing Yudah, pô pơkŏn yơh či pơklaih hĭ ƀing Yudah. Samơ̆ ih laih anŭn sang anŏ kơnung djuai ih či răm rai yơh. Năng ai tơhơnal tơlơi ih jing hĭ hơbia anŭn kiăng kơ pơgăn hĭ tơlơi truh sat kar hăng anai yơh.”
15Tơdang HʼEster hơmư̆ tơlơi anŭn, ñu mơit rai tơlơi pơtă anai kơ Mordekai, 16“Nao iâu pơƀut glaĭ bĕ abih bang ƀing Yudah, jing ƀing dŏ hơdip amăng plei phŭn Susa anai. Giŏng anŭn, abih bang ƀing gih khŏm kŏm ƀơ̆ng huă bĕ brơi kơ kâo. Anăm ƀơ̆ng huă ôh laih anŭn kŏn mơñum lơi amăng klâo hrơi klâo mlam. Kâo laih anŭn ƀing ding kơna đah kơmơi kâo ăt kŏm ƀơ̆ng huă hrup hăng ƀing gih mơ̆n. Tơdơi kơ anŭn, kâo či nao bưp pơtao yơh wơ̆t tơdah kâo ƀu ngă tui hăng tơlơi phiăn ñu ôh. Tơdah ñu brơi ƀing ding kơna ñu pơdjai hĭ kâo, kâo či mă tŭ tơlơi djai anŭn yơh.”
17Tui anŭn, Mordekai tơbiă đuaĭ mơ̆ng amăng ja̱ng sang pơtao laih anŭn ngă tui abih bang tơlơi HʼEster hơmâo pơtă laih kơ ñu.


Mordecai Persuades Esther to Help

1When Mordecai learned of all that had been done, he tore his clothes, put on sackcloth and ashes, and went out into the city, wailing loudly and bitterly. 2But he went only as far as the king’s gate, because no one clothed in sackcloth was allowed to enter it. 3In every province to which the edict and order of the king came, there was great mourning among the Jews, with fasting, weeping and wailing. Many lay in sackcloth and ashes.
4When Esther’s eunuchs and female attendants came and told her about Mordecai, she was in great distress. She sent clothes for him to put on instead of his sackcloth, but he would not accept them. 5Then Esther summoned Hathak, one of the king’s eunuchs assigned to attend her, and ordered him to find out what was troubling Mordecai and why.
6So Hathak went out to Mordecai in the open square of the city in front of the king’s gate. 7Mordecai told him everything that had happened to him, including the exact amount of money Haman had promised to pay into the royal treasury for the destruction of the Jews. 8He also gave him a copy of the text of the edict for their annihilation, which had been published in Susa, to show to Esther and explain it to her, and he told him to instruct her to go into the king’s presence to beg for mercy and plead with him for her people.
9Hathak went back and reported to Esther what Mordecai had said. 10Then she instructed him to say to Mordecai, 11“All the king’s officials and the people of the royal provinces know that for any man or woman who approaches the king in the inner court without being summoned the king has but one law: that they be put to death unless the king extends the gold scepter to them and spares their lives. But thirty days have passed since I was called to go to the king.”
12When Esther’s words were reported to Mordecai, 13he sent back this answer: “Do not think that because you are in the king’s house you alone of all the Jews will escape. 14For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”
15Then Esther sent this reply to Mordecai: 16“Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my attendants will fast as you do. When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.”
17So Mordecai went away and carried out all of Esther’s instructions.