Bơni Hơơč Kơ Yahweh Yuakơ Tơlơi Hiam Klă Ñu

  1Bơni hơơč bĕ kơ Yahweh!

  Bơni hơơč bĕ, Ơ ƀing Israel jing ƀing ding kơna Yahweh hơi,
   bơni hơơč bĕ kơ anăn Yahweh!
  2Brơi bĕ kơ mơnuih mơnam bơni hiam kơ anăn Yahweh
   čơdơ̆ng mơ̆ng ră anai hlŏng truh pơ hlŏng lar.
  3Čơdơ̆ng mơ̆ng anih yang hrơi ƀlĕ hlŏng truh pơ anih yang hrơi lê̆,
   bơni hơơč bĕ kơ anăn Yahweh!

  4Yahweh git gai abih bang ƀing lŏn čar mơ̆ng adai adih;
   tơlơi ang yang Ñu prŏng hloh kơ adai rơngit anŭn yơh.
  5Hơmâo mơ̆ hlơi pô hrup hăng Yahweh Ơi Adai ta?
   Ñu yơh jing Pô dŏ ƀơi grê pơtao amăng anih glông hăng adai rơngit adih,
  6samơ̆ Ñu tơkui trŭn kiăng kơ lăng
   ƀơi khul tal adai laih anŭn ƀơi lŏn tơnah anai.

  7Yahweh yŏng đĭ ƀing mơnuih arăng kơtư̆ juă tơbiă mơ̆ng anih ƀruih lŏn,
   sĭt Ñu pŭ̱ đĭ ƀing mơnuih kơƀah kơƀap anŭn mơ̆ng ƀu̱r djăh tơnap tap yơh;
  8Ñu brơi ƀing gơ̆ jing gơyut hăng ƀing khua,
   jing hăng ƀing khua ba akŏ ƀing ană plei Yahweh kiăng kơ pơpŭ pơyom kơ ƀing gơ̆ yơh.
  9Ñu ăt pơpŭ mơ̆n kơ đah kơmơi plao amăng sang gơ̆;
   Ñu brơi kơ gơ̆ mơak mơai yuakơ Ñu pha brơi kơ gơ̆ ană bă yơh.
  Bơni hơơč kơ Yahweh!


The Majesty and Condescension of God

  1Praise the Lord!
  Praise, O servants of the Lord,
   Praise the name of the Lord!
   2Blessed be the name of the Lord
   From this time forth and forevermore!
   3From the rising of the sun to its going down
   The Lord’s name is to be praised.
  4The Lordishigh above all nations,
   His glory above the heavens.
   5Who is like the Lord our God,
   Who dwells on high,
   6Who humbles Himself to behold
   The things that are in the heavens and in the earth?
  7He raises the poor out of the dust,
   And lifts the needy out of the ash heap,
   8That He may seat him with princes—
   With the princes of His people.
   9He grants the barren woman a home,
   Like a joyful mother of children.
  Praise the Lord!