Môi-se Atỡng Tễ Máh Ntốq Têq Ỡt Poâng

1“Toâq Yiang Sursĩ, Ncháu anhia, talốh táh nheq vil tâng cutễq ca án ntôm ễ chiau yỗn anhia, cớp toâq anhia bữn ndỡm máh vil cớp máh dống ki, dếh ỡt loâng tâng ntốq ki hỡ, 2cóq anhia tampễq cutễq ki cỡt pái pún, muoi pún bữn muoi vil khễ yỗn cũai têq ỡt poâng. 3Cóq anhia táq máh rana toâq pỡ pái vil ki. Chơ, khân bữn manoaq cũai ma cachĩt cũai canŏ́h, têq án lúh ỡt tâng muoi vil tễ pái vil ki dŏq ỡt poâng. 4Khân bữn cũai cachĩt cũai, ma án cachĩt lơ sâng, cớp tỡ bữn ũan ntrớu, têq án lúh pỡq ỡt tâng vil ki yỗn ien khễ. 5Sacâm neq: Bữn bar náq cũai pỡq chuaq ũih tâng arưih. Khân manoaq tamư aluang, ma pĩeiq pla achât án parlễc tễ tong, pĩeiq yớu án táq yớu án cuchĩt, án têq lúh ỡt tâng muoi vil tễ pái vil ki yỗn tỡ têq noau cachĩt án. 6Khân bữn ống muoi vil sâng án têq pỡq, cŏh lơ rana ki yơng lứq. Ngkíq sễm ai cũai ca khoiq cuchĩt ki sâng ũan, chơ alới ễ carláh dỡq chóq cũai ca táq cuchĩt sễm ai alới. Cŏh lơ alới rapuai satỡm cớp bữn cachĩt loah án; ma án tỡ bữn táq lôih ntrớu, yuaq án cachĩt cũai lơ sâng. Án tỡ bữn cachĩt cũai ki cỗ par‑ũal. 7Yuaq ngkíq, cứq ớn anhia tampễq cutễq anhia, chơ táq pái vil.
8-9“Yiang Sursĩ, la Ncháu anhia, khoiq par‑ữq chơ cớp achúc achiac anhia ễ yỗn anhia ndỡm cutễq ki. Khân anhia trĩh dũ ŏ́c patâp ca cứq atỡng anhia tâng tangái nâi, cớp anhia ayooq níc Yiang Sursĩ, táq puai níc dũ ŏ́c patâp, chơ án táq yỗn cutễq anhia cỡt la‑a tữm ễn. Tữ tangái ki toâq, cóq anhia rưoh pái vil ễn. 10Cóq anhia táq puai ranáq nâi dŏq yỗn tỡ bữn noau cachĩt cũai ca tỡ bữn táq lôih tâng cutễq ca Yiang Sursĩ, la Ncháu anhia, ntôm ễ chiau yỗn anhia. Khân cỡt ngkíq, anhia chĩuq tôt cachĩt cũai ca ŏ́q lôih.
11“Ma khân bữn muoi noaq cũai cachĩt cũai ca án kêt, chơ cũai ki lúh mut tâng vil ca têq ỡt poâng, 12cóq máh cũai sốt tâng vil ki ớn noau dững án ca cachĩt cũai canŏ́h toâq chiau yỗn sễm ai cũai ca khoiq cuchĩt, dŏq sễm ai ki cachĩt cũai ki carláh dỡq loah. 13Chỗi sarũiq cũai ca táq ngkíq. Cóq anhia pupứt chíq cũai ca cachĩt cũai canŏ́h tâng cruang I-sarel dŏq anhia bữn ỡt ien khễ.”

Môi-se Atỡng Tễ Raloan Cutễq Tễ Co Lứq

14“Anhia chỗi lôp yớu na asĩc lác raloan cutễq ca achúc achiac anhia khoiq téh dŏq tâng cutễq ca Yiang Sursĩ, Ncháu anhia, ễ chiau yỗn anhia ndỡm.”

Môi-se Atỡng Tễ Ranáq Cỡt Tếc

15“Khân ống muoi noaq sâng hữm cũai canŏ́h táq lôih, ki tỡ dũ yũah. Cóq bữn bar pái náq ễn nŏ́q têq noap pai cũai ki lứq táq lôih. 16Khân bữn muoi noaq cũai tũn apớt cũai canŏ́h, 17cóq yỗn bar coah ki toâq pỡ ntốq rôm sang toam; chơ máh cũai tễng rit sang Yiang Sursĩ cớp cũai rasữq parnai ca táq ranáq bo ki, cóq alới rasữq bar náq ki. 18Máh cũai rasữq parnai cóq tutuaiq yỗn samoât samơi ranáq ki. Khân án dáng cũai ca tũn apớt sễm ai ma pai tỡ bữn lứq, 19cóq cũai ca tũn ki roap tôt pláih cũai ca án apớt. Táq ngkíq dŏq pupứt ranáq sâuq tâng cruang anhia. 20Chơ máh cũai canŏ́h bữn sâng tễ ranáq anhia táq; chumát alới cỡt ngcŏh, cớp tỡ khớn táq noâng ranáq sâuq ngkíq. 21Tễ ranáq rasữq nâi, anhia chỗi sâng sarũiq táq; ma cóq anhia anoat tôt puai neq: Dỡi tamoong pláih dỡi tamoong, moat pláih moat, canễng pláih canễng, atĩ pláih atĩ, cớp ayững pláih ayững.


Cities of Refuge

1When the Lord your God has destroyed the nations whose land he is giving you, and when you have driven them out and settled in their towns and houses, 2then set aside for yourselves three cities in the land the Lord your God is giving you to possess. 3Determine the distances involved and divide into three parts the land the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, so that a person who kills someone may flee for refuge to one of these cities.
4This is the rule concerning anyone who kills a person and flees there for safety—anyone who kills a neighbor unintentionally, without malice aforethought. 5For instance, a man may go into the forest with his neighbor to cut wood, and as he swings his ax to fell a tree, the head may fly off and hit his neighbor and kill him. That man may flee to one of these cities and save his life. 6Otherwise, the avenger of blood might pursue him in a rage, overtake him if the distance is too great, and kill him even though he is not deserving of death, since he did it to his neighbor without malice aforethought. 7This is why I command you to set aside for yourselves three cities.
8If the Lord your God enlarges your territory, as he promised on oath to your ancestors, and gives you the whole land he promised them, 9because you carefully follow all these laws I command you today—to love the Lord your God and to walk always in obedience to him—then you are to set aside three more cities. 10Do this so that innocent blood will not be shed in your land, which the Lord your God is giving you as your inheritance, and so that you will not be guilty of bloodshed.
11But if out of hate someone lies in wait, assaults and kills a neighbor, and then flees to one of these cities, 12the killer shall be sent for by the town elders, be brought back from the city, and be handed over to the avenger of blood to die. 13Show no pity. You must purge from Israel the guilt of shedding innocent blood, so that it may go well with you.
14Do not move your neighbor’s boundary stone set up by your predecessors in the inheritance you receive in the land the Lord your God is giving you to possess.


15One witness is not enough to convict anyone accused of any crime or offense they may have committed. A matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.
16If a malicious witness takes the stand to accuse someone of a crime, 17the two people involved in the dispute must stand in the presence of the Lord before the priests and the judges who are in office at the time. 18The judges must make a thorough investigation, and if the witness proves to be a liar, giving false testimony against a fellow Israelite, 19then do to the false witness as that witness intended to do to the other party. You must purge the evil from among you. 20The rest of the people will hear of this and be afraid, and never again will such an evil thing be done among you. 21Show no pity: life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.