Davĩt Sâng Noau Pai Salơ Cuchĩt

1Toâq vớt puo Salơ cuchĩt, Davĩt píh chu tễ rachíl. Án khoiq chíl riap tỗp A-maléc, chơ án ỡt bar tangái pỡ vil Sic-lac. 2Catâm tangái pái, muoi noaq samiang póng toâq tễ ntốq puo Salơ ỡt. Án khoiq háq tampâc án tâc, cớp ĩt cutễq pức tâng plỡ, táq tếc án tanúh. Chơ án mut ramóh Davĩt, cớp pũp asễng yám noap. 3Davĩt blớh án neq: “Mới toâq tễ léq?”
 Án ta‑ỡi: “Cứq lúh tễ dỗn tahan Salơ ỡt. Cứq khoiq vớt tễ tahan cũai Phi-li-tin.”
4Davĩt blớh ễn: “Bữn ranáq ntrớu cỡt pỡ ki? Mới atỡng nheq yỗn cứq dáng!”
 Samiang póng ta‑ỡi: “Tahan tỗp hếq lúh nheq tễ ntốq rachíl, cớp noau cachĩt cũai hếq sa‑ữi lứq. Puo Salơ cớp Yô-nathan con samiang án la cuchĩt tê.”
5Davĩt blớh ễn: “Nŏ́q mới dáng pai puo Salơ cớp Yô-nathan cuchĩt?”
6Án ta‑ỡi: “Pĩeiq cứq ỡt tâng cóh Kil-bũa, cứq tapoang hữm puo Salơ tayứng cloaq coih. Sễ aséh rachíl cớp tahan ỡt aséh mut cheq la‑ữt chu án. 7Án tapoang hữm cứq, chơ án arô cứq. Cứq ta‑ỡi án neq: ‘Achuaih ơi, cứq ỡt nâi!’ 8Án blớh cứq: ‘Mới la cũai tễ tỗp léq?’ Cứq ta‑ỡi: ‘Cứq la tễ tỗp A-maléc.’ 9Chơ án atỡng cứq neq: ‘Cứq khoiq chũl hâp lứq, cheq ễ ta-ŏh rangứh. Sễq mới cachĩt chíq cứq.’ 10Ngkíq cứq mut tayứng cheq cớp cachĩt án; yuaq cứq dáng samoât khân án dớm, án ta-ŏh rangứh toâp. Chơ cứq pũot vuam puo tễ plỡ án, cớp leh ĩt carvang tễ ngcŏ́ng án, chơ dững crơng ki atoâq pỡ anhia.”
11Ngkíq Davĩt háq tampâc án, yuaq sâng ngua lứq tâng mứt, cớp tahan án dũ náq táq machớng ki tê. 12Tỗp alới nhiam cớp tanúh, dếh ót sana toau toâq sadâu dŏq tanúh yỗn puo Salơ, Yô-nathan, cớp máh cũai I-sarel, la proai Yiang Sursĩ; yuaq sa‑ữi náq cuchĩt tâng ntốq rachíl.
13Davĩt blớh cũai samiang ca toâq atỡng ki neq: “Mới tễ tỗp léq?”
 Án ta‑ỡi: “Cứq tễ tỗp A-maléc, ma cứq ỡt tâng cruang anhia.”
14Davĩt blớh ễn: “Yuaq nŏ́q mới khớn cachĩt puo Yiang Sursĩ rưoh?”
15Chơ Davĩt arô muoi noaq tahan cớp ớn neq: “Mới cachĩt chíq cũai nâi!”
 Tahan ki thot dau; chơ án choat samiang A-maléc toau cuchĩt.
16Nhũang cũai samiang ki cuchĩt, Davĩt pai chóq án neq: “Mới dững ŏ́c tôt nâi chóq tỗ mới bữm, yuaq bỗq mới toâp pai mới khoiq cachĩt puo Salơ, la cũai Yiang Sursĩ khoiq rưoh yỗn cỡt puo.”

Davĩt Tanúh Yỗn Salơ Cớp Yô-nathan

17Davĩt táq cansái ũat tanúh yỗn Salơ cớp Yô-nathan con samiang puo Salơ. 18Cớp án ớn noau arĩen cansái ũat nâi yỗn máh cũai Yuda hỡ. (Cansái ũat nâi noau chĩc tâng pơ saráq Yasar.)
19Án ũat neq:
  “Ơ I-sarel ơi!
  Máh cũai ayông tỗp hái khoiq cuchĩt tâng dũal cóh I-sarel.
   Ngua lứq tê máh tahan clŏ́q tâng tỗp hái khoiq cuchĩt nheq!

  20“Chỗi atỡng ranáq nâi yỗn cũai par‑ũal tâng vil Cat tamứng,
   tỡ la tâng máh rana pỡq chu vil At-calon dáng.
  Chỗi yỗn mansễm tỗp Phi-li-tin sâng bũi pahỡm;
   cớp chỗi yỗn con mansễm yáng tiah rit hái sâng bũi mứt pahỡm tê.

  21“Chỗi yỗn mia tỡ la dỡq latac sễng tâng cóh Kil-bũa.
  Sễq yỗn sarái tâng ntốq ki cỡt khỗ mantái níc!
   Yuaq khễl cũai clŏ́q táh dŏq tâng ntốq ki, táq yỗn cỡt casiet lứq;
   khễl puo Salơ tỡ bữn sat, tỡ la chi-chut toâq dỡq nsễng noâng.

  22“Tamĩang Yô-nathan pla lứq,
   cớp dau puo Salơ tỡ bữn sarũiq táq cũai aléq,
   toau bữn cachĩt nheq máh cũai par‑ũal bán rêng lứq.
  23Bo Salơ cớp Yô-nathan noâng tamoong, alới bữn mứt saryóq;
   cớp cũai canŏ́h ayooq lứq alới.
  Tamoong tỡ la cuchĩt, tỡ bữn acán ntrớu têq cayoah alới yỗn cỡt ratáh.
   Alới bar náq sangháiq riang calang crức, bán rêng clữi cula samín.

  24“Máh mansễm I-sarel ơi! Anhia cóq tanúh yỗn puo Salơ.
  Án khoiq yỗn nheq tữh anhia bữn sớp au tuar santứm cusâu moat lứq.
   Cớp án khoiq yỗn anhia chóq crơng pasang sa‑ữi ramứh,
   dếh yễng dŏq atớt tâng plỡ cớp tâng tỗ anhia.

  25“Bữn tahan clŏ́q lứq tễ tỗp hái khoiq cuchĩt nheq chơ!
  Alới cuchĩt tâng ntốq rachíl.
   Dếh Yô-nathan hỡ dớm cuchĩt tâng cuar cóh ki.

  26“Yô-nathan ơi! Cứq nhiam atếh mới,
   yuaq mới la samoât ai cứq lứq.
  Mới la cũai cứq ayooq lứq!
   Mới ayooq cứq bữn kia sa‑ữi lứq,
   clữi nheq tễ máh mansễm ayooq cứq.

  27“Bữn tahan clŏ́q tễ tỗp hái khoiq cuchĩt nheq chơ!
   Crơng choac alới tỡ têq táq ntrớu noâng!”


The Report of Saul’s Death

1Now it came to pass after the death of Saul, when David had returned from the slaughter of the Amalekites, and David had stayed two days in Ziklag, 2on the third day, behold, it happened that a man came from Saul’s camp with his clothes torn and dust on his head. So it was, when he came to David, that he fell to the ground and prostrated himself.
3And David said to him, “Where have you come from?”
 So he said to him, “I have escaped from the camp of Israel.”
4Then David said to him, “How did the matter go? Please tell me.”
 And he answered, “The people have fled from the battle, many of the people are fallen and dead, and Saul and Jonathan his son are dead also.”
5So David said to the young man who told him, “How do you know that Saul and Jonathan his son are dead?”
6Then the young man who told him said, “As I happened by chance to be on Mount Gilboa, there was Saul, leaning on his spear; and indeed the chariots and horsemen followed hard after him. 7Now when he looked behind him, he saw me and called to me. And I answered, ‘Here I am.’ 8And he said to me, ‘Who are you?’ So I answered him, ‘I am an Amalekite.’ 9He said to me again, ‘Please stand over me and kill me, for anguish has come upon me, but my life still remains in me.’ 10So I stood over him and killed him, because I was sure that he could not live after he had fallen. And I took the crown that was on his head and the bracelet that was on his arm, and have brought them here to my lord.”
11Therefore David took hold of his own clothes and tore them, and so did all the men who were with him. 12And they mourned and wept and fasted until evening for Saul and for Jonathan his son, for the people of the Lord and for the house of Israel, because they had fallen by the sword.
13Then David said to the young man who told him, “Where are you from?”
 And he answered, “I am the son of an alien, an Amalekite.”
14So David said to him, “How was it you were not afraid to put forth your hand to destroy the Lord’s anointed?” 15Then David called one of the young men and said, “Go near, and execute him!” And he struck him so that he died. 16So David said to him, “Your blood is on your own head, for your own mouth has testified against you, saying, ‘I have killed the Lord’s anointed.’ ”

The Song of the Bow

17Then David lamented with this lamentation over Saul and over Jonathan his son, 18and he told them to teach the children of Judah the Song of the Bow; indeed it is written in the Book of Jasher:
  19“The beauty of Israel is slain on your high places!
   How the mighty have fallen!
   20Tell it not in Gath,
   Proclaim it not in the streets of Ashkelon—
   Lest the daughters of the Philistines rejoice,
   Lest the daughters of the uncircumcised triumph.
  21“O mountains of Gilboa,
   Let there be no dew nor rain upon you,
   Nor fields of offerings.
   For the shield of the mighty is cast away there!
   The shield of Saul, not anointed with oil.
   22From the blood of the slain,
   From the fat of the mighty,
   The bow of Jonathan did not turn back,
   And the sword of Saul did not return empty.
  23“Saul and Jonathan were beloved and pleasant in their lives,
   And in their death they were not divided;
   They were swifter than eagles,
   They were stronger than lions.
  24“O daughters of Israel, weep over Saul,
   Who clothed you in scarlet, with luxury;
   Who put ornaments of gold on your apparel.
  25“How the mighty have fallen in the midst of the battle!
   Jonathan was slain in your high places.
   26I am distressed for you, my brother Jonathan;
   You have been very pleasant to me;
   Your love to me was wonderful,
   Surpassing the love of women.
  27“How the mighty have fallen,
   And the weapons of war perished!”