
  1Yie hnamv nyei sieqv aac, meih nzueic haic,
   meih za'gengh! nzueic.
  Yiem meih nyei mbiorngz hmien ndie gu'nyuoz
   meih nyei m'zing hnangv baeqc gopv nor.
  Meih nyei mba'biei hnangv yietc guanh yungh
   njiec Gi^le^aatc Mbong nyei mbaiv.
  2Meih nyei nyaah hnangv siang-japv liuz,
   coqv hoqc nzaaux nzengc nyei ba'gi yungh nyeiz baeqc.
  Yietc zungv benx yietc sung yietc doix,
   yaac maiv caa yietc norm.
  3Meih nyei nzuih meix hnangv siqv-hongc nyei suix,
   meih nyei nzuih za'gengh nzueic haic.
  Meih nyei kamx-bui hnangv i maengx ziqc liouh biouv
   yiem meih nyei mbiorngz hmien ndie gu'nyuoz.
  4Meih nyei jaang hnangv Ndaawitv Hungh
   zoux siou mborqv jaax nyei ga'naaiv nyei laauh,
  yaac hnangv kuangx jienv
   henv haic nyei baeng nyei yietc cin norm torngv-baaih.
  5Meih nyei i norm nyorx hnangv yietc doix njaih dorn,
   se njaih nyeiz njiec nyei sung-dorn,
   yiem baeqc horqc biangh gu'nyuoz lorz nyanc.
  6Zuov lungh ndorm laangh nyei nziaaux buonc,
   hmuangx nyei dongh linh mitc mi'aqv,
  yie oix gaanv mingh taux maaih ⟨mu^yorc⟩ nyei mbong,
   taux maaih faan^gen^sen nyei mbong-aiv.
  7O yie hnamv nyei sieqv aac,
   meih za'gengh nzueic haic.
   Maiv maaih dorngx nqemh aqv.
  8Yie nyei siang-mbuangz aac,
   tov caux jienv yie leih nqoi Le^mbaa^norn
   tov caux jienv yie leih nqoi Le^mbaa^norn maah!
  Leih nqoi Aa^maa^naa nyei mbong-ningv,
   leih nqoi Seni caux Hemon nyei mbong-ningv,
  leih nqoi sienh nyei kuotv,
   caux maaih nda'maauh mbeux nyei mbong.
  9Yie nyei muoc, yie nyei siang-mbuangz aac,
   meih nimc yie nyei hnyouv mi'aqv.
  Meih bungx m'zing mangc yietc mueic,
   longc meih nyei yietc diuh jiem-limc
   nimc yie nyei hnyouv mi'aqv.
  10Yie nyei muoc, yie nyei siang-mbuangz,
  meih hnamv yie se za'gengh longx haic,
   meih hnamv yie se gauh longx a'ngunc diuv,
   meih nyei youh ndaang nyei qiex yaac gauh ndaang jiex yietc zungv laapc liuc.
  11Yie nyei siang-mbuangz aac,
   meih nyei nzuih meix hnangv mueiz-dorngh oix ndiepv nor,
   meih nyei mbietc ga'ndiev se hnangv ngongh nyorx caux mueiz-dorngh,
   meih nyei lui-houx ndaang hnangv Le^mbaa^norn nyei qiex ndaang.
  12Yie nyei muoc, yie nyei siang-mbuangz aac,
   meih se yietc norm forv jienv nyei huingx,
   weih jienv nyei wuom-nyuonh,
   mborqv jienv yienx nyei wuom-zingv.
  13Meih nyei huingx zuangx ziqc liouh ndiangx,
   yaac maaih nyungc-nyungc longx jiex nyei biouv,
   maaih fongc fin biangh caux naa^ndaa,
   14maaih naa^ndaa caux saa^fon biangh,
   maaih zaah nqaan caux jieh louh ndiangx,
   caux yietc zungv zoux hung nyei ndiangx-ndaang.
  Yiem wuov maaih mu^yorc caux ⟨aa^lo ndie-ndaang,⟩
   aengx maaih yietc zungv zaangc horngh ndaang nyei ga'naaiv.
  15Meih se hnangv huingx nyei wuom-nyuonh,
   hnangv liouc cuotv nyei wuom-zingv,
   yaac hnangv Le^mbaa^norn liouc njiec nyei suang-suiv.


  16O baqv bung nziaaux aah! Nyie daaih maah!
   Naamh bung nziaaux aah! Buonc daaih maah
  buonc yie nyei huingx
   weic buonc huingx ndaang nyei qiex nzaanx cuotv mingh.
  Bun yie hnamv nyei mienh daaih bieqc ninh nyei huingx,
   nyanc huingx gauh longx jiex nyei biouv.


  1How beautiful you are, my darling!
   Oh, how beautiful!
   Your eyes behind your veil are doves.
  Your hair is like a flock of goats
   descending from the hills of Gilead.
  2Your teeth are like a flock of sheep just shorn,
   coming up from the washing.
  Each has its twin;
   not one of them is alone.
  3Your lips are like a scarlet ribbon;
   your mouth is lovely.
  Your temples behind your veil
   are like the halves of a pomegranate.
  4Your neck is like the tower of David,
   built with courses of stone ;
  on it hang a thousand shields,
   all of them shields of warriors.
  5Your breasts are like two fawns,
   like twin fawns of a gazelle
   that browse among the lilies.
  6Until the day breaks
   and the shadows flee,
  I will go to the mountain of myrrh
   and to the hill of incense.
  7You are altogether beautiful, my darling;
   there is no flaw in you.

  8Come with me from Lebanon, my bride,
   come with me from Lebanon.
  Descend from the crest of Amana,
   from the top of Senir, the summit of Hermon,
  from the lions’ dens
   and the mountain haunts of leopards.
  9You have stolen my heart, my sister, my bride;
   you have stolen my heart
  with one glance of your eyes,
   with one jewel of your necklace.
  10How delightful is your love, my sister, my bride!
   How much more pleasing is your love than wine,
  and the fragrance of your perfume
   more than any spice!
  11Your lips drop sweetness as the honeycomb, my bride;
   milk and honey are under your tongue.
  The fragrance of your garments
   is like the fragrance of Lebanon.
  12You are a garden locked up, my sister, my bride;
   you are a spring enclosed, a sealed fountain.
  13Your plants are an orchard of pomegranates
   with choice fruits,
   with henna and nard,
   14nard and saffron,
   calamus and cinnamon,
   with every kind of incense tree,
   with myrrh and aloes
   and all the finest spices.
  15You are a garden fountain,
   a well of flowing water
   streaming down from Lebanon.


  16Awake, north wind,
   and come, south wind!
  Blow on my garden,
   that its fragrance may spread everywhere.
  Let my beloved come into his garden
   and taste its choice fruits.
