Nau Ntăm Toyh

1"Aơ nau ntăm, nau vay, jêh ri nau vay huêng brah Yêhôva Brah Ndu khân may ntăm jêh ăn gâp nti ma khân may, gay ma khân may kơt ƀư nau nây tâm n'gor khân may mra rgăn sŏk pha; 2gay ma khân may dơi klach yơk ma Yêhôva Brah Ndu khân may, khân may phung kon bu klâu khân may, jêh ri kon sau khân may, dôl djôt prăp lĕ rngôch nau vay jêh ri nau păng ntăm, nau nây gâp ntăm ma khân may, lĕ rngôch nar khân may gŭ rêh; jêh ri gay ƀư jŏ lơn nar khân may mra gŭ rêh. 3iăt hom, Ơ phung Israel, jêh ri njrăng an ƀư tĭng kơt nau nây; gay ma nau tât ma khân may jêng ueh, jêh ri khân may dơi jêng bĭk âk, tĭng nâm Yêhôva Brah Ndu phung che khân may ton jêh ma khân may tâm du rplay n'gor geh ndơ sông sa nhêt âk rmeh.
4Iăt hom, Ơ phung Israel: Yêhôva Brah Ndu he jêng kanŏng nguay Yêhôva;

5jêh ri ăn khân may rŏng ma Yêhôva Brah Ndu khân may ma lĕ nuih n'hâm khân may, ma lĕ huêng khân may, jêh ri ma lĕ nuih n'hâm katang khân may. 6Jêh ri nau ngơi aơ gâp ntăm ma khân may nar aơ mra gŭ tâm nuih n'hâm khân may. 7Ăn khân may nti nau nây ma nau gơih ma phung kon khân may jêh ri ăn khân păng ngơi ma nau nây dôl khân may gŭ tâm ngih khân may, dôl khân may sak nsong, dôl khân may gŭ bêch, jêh ri dôl khân may dâk. 8Ăn khân may kât nau nây nâm bu du nau tâm mbên ta ti khân may, jêh ri nau nây mra gŭ ta ndăr kleng vah vang măt khân may, 9Ăn khân may chih nau nây mbong mpông ngih khân may jêh ri ta mpông pêr khân may.

Njrăng Ma Nau Mâu Tông Bâr

10"Tơ lah Yêhôva Brah Ndu khân may njŭn khân may lăp tâm n'gor păng ton jêh ma phung che khân may, ma Y-Abraham, ma Y-Isăk, jêh ri ma Y-Yakôb, ŭch ăn ma khân may, geh ƀon toyh jêh ri ueh khân may mâu mâp rdrâk ôh, 11jêh ri ngih bêng ma ăp ntil ndơ ueh khân may mâu mâp mbêng ôh, ntu dak kuyh jêh khân may mâu mâp kuyh ôh, đang play kriăk ƀâu jêh ri tơm play Ôlive khân may mâu mâp tăm ôh. Tơ lah khân may mra sa jêh ri hơm, 12njrăng hom klach lah khân may chuêl; Yêhôva, nơm njŭn jêh khân may luh bơh n'gor Êjipt bơh ngih jêng dĭk.
13Ăn khân may klach yơk mbah ma Yêhôva Brah Ndu khân may; ăn khân may pah kan ma păng jêh ri ton ma amoh păng. 14Lơi ta khân may kơt brah êng ôh, brah phung ƀon lan gŭ jŭm khân may. 15Yorlah Yêhôva Brah Ndu khân may ta nklang khân may jêng Brah Ndu blau ntôn; klach lah Yêhôva Brah Ndu khân may duh nuih ji nuih ma khân may, jêh ri păng ƀư rai lơi khân may bơh kalơ neh ntu.
16Lơi ta khân may rlong uănh Yêhôva Brah Ndu khân may, nâm bu khân may rlong uănh jêh păng ta Masa. 17Ăn khân may djôt prăp ma nau gơih nau Yêhôva Brah Ndu khân may ntăm, jêh ri nau păng mbơh, nau vay păng, nau nây păng ntăm jêh ma khân may. 18Ăn khân may ƀư meh, nau di jêh ri ueh ta năp măt Yêhôva, gay ma nau tât ma khân may jêng ueh, jêh ri gay ma khân may dơi lăp sŏk pha n'gor ueh Yêhôva ton gay ăn ma phung che khân păng 19ma nau khân may nsot lĕ rngôch phung rlăng khân may tă bơh ta năp khân may, tĭng nâm Yêhôva ton jêh.
20Tơ lah kon bu klâu khân may ôp ma khân may kăndơ̆, 'Nâm bu ntĭt nau mbơh, nau vay, jêh ri nau ntăm Yêhôva Brah Ndu he ntăm jêh ma khân may?' 21Pô ri ăn khân may lah ma kon bu klâu khân may.' Hên jêng jêh dĭk ma Pharaôn tâm n'gor Êjipt, jêh ri Yêhôva njŭn jêh hên luh bơh n'gor Êjipt ma ti brah; 22jêh ri Yêhôva tâm mpơl jêh nau tâm mbên jêh ri nau khlay ngăn, toyh jêh ri rêh ni, ƀư ma n'gor Êjipt, ma Pharaôn jêh ri ma lĕ rngôch ngih păng ta năp măt hên. 23Jêh ri păng njŭn leo jêh hên luh bơh nây, gay ma păng njŭn jêh hên lăp jêh ri ăn ma hên n'gor păng ton jêh ma phung che he. 24Yêhôva ntăm jêh ma he ăn he ƀư tĭng nâm lĕ rngôch nau vay aơ, ăn klach ma Yêhôva Brah Ndu he, gay jêng ueh ma he ƀaƀơ, gay ma păng prăp he rêh, nâm bu nar aơ. 25Mra jêng nau sŏng srăng ma he tơ lah he njrăng gay ƀư tĭng lĕ rngôch nau ntăm aơ ta năp Yêhôva Brah Ndu he, tĭng nâm nau păng ntăm jêh ma he.'


The Greatest Commandment

1“Now this isthe commandment, and these are the statutes and judgments which the Lord your God has commanded to teach you, that you may observe them in the land which you are crossing over to possess, 2that you may fear the Lord your God, to keep all His statutes and His commandments which I command you, you and your son and your grandson, all the days of your life, and that your days may be prolonged. 3Therefore hear, O Israel, and be careful to observe it, that it may be well with you, and that you may multiply greatly as the Lord God of your fathers has promised you—‘a land flowing with milk and honey.’
4“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lordis one! 5You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.
6“And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. 7You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. 8You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. 9You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

Caution Against Disobedience

10“So it shall be, when the Lord your God brings you into the land of which He swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give you large and beautiful cities which you did not build, 11houses full of all good things, which you did not fill, hewn-out wells which you did not dig, vineyards and olive trees which you did not plant—when you have eaten and are full— 12then beware, lest you forget the Lord who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 13You shall fear the Lord your God and serve Him, and shall take oaths in His name. 14You shall not go after other gods, the gods of the peoples who are all around you 15(for the Lord your God is a jealous God among you), lest the anger of the Lord your God be aroused against you and destroy you from the face of the earth.
16“You shall not tempt the Lord your God as you tempted Him in Massah. 17You shall diligently keep the commandments of the Lord your God, His testimonies, and His statutes which He has commanded you. 18And you shall do what is right and good in the sight of the Lord, that it may be well with you, and that you may go in and possess the good land of which the Lord swore to your fathers, 19to cast out all your enemies from before you, as the Lord has spoken.
20“When your son asks you in time to come, saying, ‘What is the meaning of the testimonies, the statutes, and the judgments which the Lord our God has commanded you?’ 21then you shall say to your son: ‘We were slaves of Pharaoh in Egypt, and the Lord brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand; 22and the Lord showed signs and wonders before our eyes, great and severe, against Egypt, Pharaoh, and all his household. 23Then He brought us out from there, that He might bring us in, to give us the land of which He swore to our fathers. 24And the Lord commanded us to observe all these statutes, to fear the Lord our God, for our good always, that He might preserve us alive, as it is this day. 25Then it will be righteousness for us, if we are careful to observe all these commandments before the Lord our God, as He has commanded us.’