1Koj xuas nuv ntseg chob nqug tau Levi‑athaa lug,
   lossws muab hlua khi tau nwg tug nplaig lov?
  2Koj muab hlua chaws tau nwg qhov ntswg,
   lossws muab nqai lauj nqai tau nwg puab tsaig lov?
  3Nwg yuav taij thov koj ntau lov?
   Nwg yuav has lug mog lug muas rua koj lov?
  4Nwg yuav nrug koj sws cog lug
   es koj txhad yuav nwg ua koj tug qhev
   moog ib txhws lov?
  5Koj yuav nrug nwg ua sw yaam le ib tug noog,
   lossws koj yuav muab hlua khi caab moog
   rua koj tej ntxhais hluas saib lov?
  6Tub luam yuav tuaj has nqe yuav nwg lov?
   Puab yuav muab nwg faib
   rua tej tub laag tub luam lov?
  7Koj xuas muv nkaug tau nwg daim tawv,
   lossws xuas muv nkaug
   chob tau nwg taubhau lov?
  8Cev teg ntsab nwg saib,
   xaav txug qhov kws sws ntsuag zug
   mas koj yuav tsw rov qaab ua dua.
  9Qhov kws yuav nteg nwg yog vaam do xwb.
   Thaus pum dheev nwg
   tuabneeg yuav poob sab nthaav.
  10Tsw muaj leejtwg nyaum txaus
   kws kaav zwg nwg.
   Mas leejtwg yuav sawv tiv tau kuv?
  11Leejtwg pub tau daabtsw rua kuv
   kws kuv yuav tsum pauj nwg?
  Txhua yaam kws nyob huv qaab ntuj nuav huvsw
   kuj yog kuv le.

  12“Kuv yuav tsw tseg qhov kws has txug
   nwg tej teg taw,
  hab nwg tug zug kws luj
   hab nwg lub cev kws zoo nkauj.
  13Leejtwg yuav laws tau
   nwg daim tawv saab nrau?
  Leejtwg yuav nkaug tau to
   nwg lub tsho hlau ob txheej?
  14Leejtwg yuav qheb tau nwg lub puab tsaig
   kws muaj kaug nav puag ncig
   txaus ntshai kawg?
  15Nwg lub nraus qaum muaj tej phaj hlau thaiv
   ua ib kaab saab lu ntum quas nti
   yaam le nas hom thawj rua.
  16Tej nplai hov nyob tuab ntwg,
   cua ntsawj tub nkaag tsw tau rua huv.
  17Tej nplai hov sws lu nkaus,
   ib nplai tshooj ib nplai, muab txaav tsw tau le.
  18Nwg txhub mas muaj duab ci laam lug,
   nwg lub qhov muag ci yaam le tug duab ci
   thaus kaaj ntug.
  19Teg tsau cig tawm huv nwg lub qhov ncauj lug,
   txaim tawg tawm lab vog lug.
  20Paa nchu tawm huv nwg lub qhov ntswg,
   yaam nkaus le lub laujkaub
   kws npau sau cub tawg lojkov.
  21Nwg le paa rauv thee cig,
   nplaim tawg tawm huv nwg lub qhov ncauj lug.
  22Nwg lub cej daab khov muaj zug heev,
   ntshai quas rwg rua ntawm nwg xubndag.
  23Nwg tej tawv plaab tuab npawv sws tais
   ob peb txheej,
   tawv nkawv txaav tsw tau le.
  24Nwg lub sab tawv yaam le pob zeb,
   hab tawv le txhwb nam zeb.
  25Thaus nwg tshwm plawg tuaj,
   tug kws muaj fwjchim kuj ntshai,
  thaus nwg nplawm dej txaws txua
   puab poob sab nthaav.
  26Txawm yog nav ntaaj raug nwg los tsw to,
   txawm yog muv nkaug muv laim hab xub vug
   los tsw to le.
  27Nwg saib hlau zoo yaam le quav nyaab,
   hab tooj lab zoo yaam le ntoo po.
  28Raab xub kuj lawv tsw tau nwg tswv,
   lub qai zeb kws fav ntawm txuj hlua
   kuj zoo le quav nyaab.
  29Raab qws ntaus kuj zoo le quav nyaab xwb,
   nwg thuaj luag raab muv kws nkaug tuaj
   lub suab yaa.
  30Nwg lub qaab plaab ntse
   yaam le tej txhais laujkaub tawg,
  nwg nkaag huv cov aav nplaum
   zoo le lub thob log ntaus qoob.
  31Nwg ua rua dej huv qaab thu
   npau le lub laujkaub dej npau,
  nwg ua rua havtxwv
   npau le lub fwj roj tsw qaab.
  32Dej txaws dawb vog ib kaab lawv nwg qaab,
   ua rua luas xaav has tas
   dej havtxwv dawb hau.
  33Sau lub nplajteb tsw muaj ib yaam daabtsw
   zoo thooj le nwg,
  nwg yog tug kws tswm tau lug
   tassws tsw paub ntshai daabtsw le.
  34Nwg saib tsw taug txhua yaam kws nyob sab,
   nwg ua vaajntxwv kaav txhua yaam
   kws khaav quas ntxhas.”


  1“Can you draw out Leviathan with a hook,
   Or snare his tongue with a line which you lower?
   2Can you put a reed through his nose,
   Or pierce his jaw with a hook?
   3Will he make many supplications to you?
   Will he speak softly to you?
   4Will he make a covenant with you?
   Will you take him as a servant forever?
   5Will you play with him as with a bird,
   Or will you leash him for your maidens?
   6Will your companions make a banquet of him?
   Will they apportion him among the merchants?
   7Can you fill his skin with harpoons,
   Or his head with fishing spears?
   8Lay your hand on him;
   Remember the battle—
   Never do it again!
   9Indeed, any hope of overcoming him is false;
   Shall one not be overwhelmed at the sight of him?
   10No one is so fierce that he would dare stir him up.
   Who then is able to stand against Me?
   11Who has preceded Me, that I should pay him?
   Everything under heaven is Mine.
  12“I will not conceal his limbs,
   His mighty power, or his graceful proportions.
   13Who can remove his outer coat?
   Who can approach him with a double bridle?
   14Who can open the doors of his face,
   With his terrible teeth all around?
   15His rows of scales are his pride,
   Shut up tightly as with a seal;
   16One is so near another
   That no air can come between them;
   17They are joined one to another,
   They stick together and cannot be parted.
   18His sneezings flash forth light,
   And his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning.
   19Out of his mouth go burning lights;
   Sparks of fire shoot out.
   20Smoke goes out of his nostrils,
   As from a boiling pot and burning rushes.
   21His breath kindles coals,
   And a flame goes out of his mouth.
   22Strength dwells in his neck,
   And sorrow dances before him.
   23The folds of his flesh are joined together;
   They are firm on him and cannot be moved.
   24His heart is as hard as stone,
   Even as hard as the lower millstone.
   25When he raises himself up, the mighty are afraid;
   Because of his crashings they are beside themselves.
   26Though the sword reaches him, it cannot avail;
   Nor does spear, dart, or javelin.
   27He regards iron as straw,
   And bronze as rotten wood.
   28The arrow cannot make him flee;
   Slingstones become like stubble to him.
   29Darts are regarded as straw;
   He laughs at the threat of javelins.
   30His undersides are like sharp potsherds;
   He spreads pointed marks in the mire.
   31He makes the deep boil like a pot;
   He makes the sea like a pot of ointment.
   32He leaves a shining wake behind him;
   One would think the deep had white hair.
   33On earth there is nothing like him,
   Which is made without fear.
   34He beholds every high thing;
   He is king over all the children of pride.”