1“Khân anhia hữm ntroŏq tỡ la cữu sễm ai anhia cũai I-sarel clŏ́c rana, anhia chỗi nhêng sâng; ma cóq anhia tếc dững achu, chơ asuoi charán ki yỗn cũai ca ndỡm. 2Khân cũai ca ndỡm charán ma ỡt yơng, tỡ la anhia tỡ dáng noau ndỡm, cóq anhia dững achu charán ki pỡ dống anhia. Toâq cũai ndỡm charán pỡq ravoât, cóq anhia culáh loah yỗn án. 3Cóq anhia táq machớng ki tê, khân anhia ramóh aséh dễn, tampâc, tỡ la máh crơng canŏ́h ca cũai I-sarel táq pứt.
4“Khân ntroŏq tỡ la cữu cũai I-sarel dớm, anhia chỗi nhêng sâng. Cóq anhia rachuai yỗn charán ki têq yuor loah.
5“Máh mansễm chỗi sớp tampâc samiang, cớp samiang chỗi sớp tampâc mansễm, yuaq Yiang Sursĩ, Ncháu anhia, kêt cũai táq ngkíq.
6“Khân anhia tamóh sóh chớm tâng pỡng nỡm aluang tỡ la tâng cutễq, ma chớm atu ntôm tarễl tỡ la panứm, tỡ la ỡt kĩaq con, anhia chỗi cỗp chớm atu ki. 7Têq anhia ĩt con chớm, ma chỗi cỗp mpiq án dŏq anhia têq ỡt tamoong dũn, cớp bữn dũ ramứh.
8“Toâq anhia táq dống tamái, cóq anhia táq rakêng mpễr mpuol tapín dŏq tỡ bữn noau satooh. Khân khoiq táq rakêng chơ, ma bữn cũai satooh cớp cuchĩt, ki anhia tỡ bữn tôt noâng.
9“Chỗi chóh sarnóh canŏ́h tâng nưong nho. Khân anhia chóh carchốc, palâi bar ramứh ki cỡt tỡ bữn bráh puai rit.
10“Chỗi yỗn ntroŏq tangcáh cái nia parnơi cớp aséh dễn.
11“Chỗi tâc tampâc ca táq toâq sóc cữu tan carchốc cớp aroâiq busín.
12“Cóq anhia yĩh rampóh tâng pỗn pứp chễu au tuar anhia.”

Môi-se Atỡng Tễ Mansễm Samiang

13“Khân bữn manoaq samiang ĩt lacuoi, ma moâm ki án tỡ ễq noâng lacuoi án, 14ngkíq án chuaq ralíh pai lacuoi án tỡ cỡn mansễm plot bo alới racoâiq.
15“Khân ngkíq, cóq mpiq mpoaq mansễm ki ĩt aroâiq ca sữn ntốq con alới bếq tâng sadâu bỡiq racoâiq, ma khân bữn aham tớt, cỡt tếc apáh mansễm ki lứq plot. Chơ alới dững aroâiq chu ntốq rasữq dŏq máh cũai sốt vil nhêng. 16Mpoaq mansễm ki cóq pai neq: ‘Cứq toâp cỡt cũai chiau con cumũr cứq yỗn racoâiq cớp samiang nâi, ma sanua án tỡ ễq noâng con cứq. 17Chơ án chuaq ralíh pai con cứq tỡ bữn plot toâq án ĩt táq lacuoi. Ma sanua anhia nhêng aham ca tớt tâng aroâiq sữn ntốq alới bếq!’ 18Chơ máh cũai sốt tâng vil cóq dững toân samiang ki. 19Cóq án tu muoi culám ŏ́c práq, chơ chiau yỗn mpoaq mansễm ki, cỗ tian án táq mansễm cũai I-sarel cỡt casiet. Ma tỡ bữn ống máh ki sâng, mansễm ki noâng cỡt níc lacuoi án, cớp án tỡ têq táh toau sốt dỡi tamoong án.
20“Ma khân santoiq samiang ki pai cỡt ŏ́c lứq, cớp ŏ́q tếc têq apáh pai mansễm ki lứq plot, 21cóq anhia dững mansễm ki chu ngoah toong dống mpoaq án; chơ yỗn máh cũai tâng vil cóq tám tamáu chóq án toau cuchĩt, yuaq án táq ranáq tanghang lứq tâng mpứng dĩ cũai tâng vil hái, cỗ án bếq parnơi ma tỡ yũah racoâiq. Táq ngkíq, anhia têq pupứt ranáq sâuq nâi.
22“Khân ramóh manoaq samiang bếq cớp lacuoi cũai canŏ́h, cóq anhia cachĩt nheq alới bar náq. Táq ngkíq, anhia têq pupứt chíq ŏ́c sâuq nâi tễ tỗp I-sarel.
23“Khân ramóh manoaq cũai samiang tâng vil ma bếq cớp mansễm ca noau khoiq dŏq voan chơ, 24cóq anhia dững aloŏh alới bar náq yáng tiah vil, cớp tám tamáu chóq alới toau cuchĩt. Mansễm ki cóq cuchĩt, la cỗ án ỡt tâng vil ma án tỡ bữn hễr yỗn noau toâq chuai. Ma samiang ki cóq cuchĩt, la cỗ án bếq cớp mansễm ca bữn sampuoq chơ. Táq ngkíq, anhia têq pupứt chíq ŏ́c sâuq nâi.
25“Ma khân bữn manoaq samiang ramóh manoaq mansễm yáng tiah vil, chơ án táq tỡ o na srứm cumũr ca khoiq roap voan cũai canŏ́h chơ, cóq anhia cachĩt ống manoaq samiang ki sâng. 26Chỗi táq ntrớu chóq mansễm ki, yuaq án tỡ bữn pĩeiq roap tôt cuchĩt. Ŏ́c nâi la machớng cớp manoaq samiang cachĩt manoaq samiang canŏ́h. 27Samiang ki ramóh mansễm ca khoiq roap voan yáng tiah vil, chơ án táq tỡ o srứm mansễm ki; tam mansễm ki hễr yỗn noau chuai, ma ŏ́q cũai rachuai án.
28“Khân bữn muoi noaq samiang ntôm táq tỡ o na srứm mansễm, cớp pĩeiq noau ramóh, ma mansễm ki noau tỡ yũah dŏq voan, 29samiang ki cóq tu mpoaq mansễm ki sỡng chít ŏ́c práq. Chơ cóq án ĩt mansễm ki táq lacuoi án, yuaq án khoiq ễp mansễm ki bếq cớp án. Án tỡ têq táh mansễm ki nheq dỡi tamoong án.
30“Chỗi yỗn cũai samiang aléq ma táq yỗn mpoaq án cỡt casiet táq na bếq cớp lacuoi cỗiq mpoaq.


1“You shall not see your brother’s ox or his sheep going astray, and hide yourself from them; you shall certainly bring them back to your brother. 2And if your brother is not near you, or if you do not know him, then you shall bring it to your own house, and it shall remain with you until your brother seeks it; then you shall restore it to him. 3You shall do the same with his donkey, and so shall you do with his garment; with any lost thing of your brother’s, which he has lost and you have found, you shall do likewise; you must not hide yourself.
4“You shall not see your brother’s donkey or his ox fall down along the road, and hide yourself from them; you shall surely help him lift them up again.
5“A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman’s garment, for all who do so are an abomination to the Lord your God.
6“If a bird’s nest happens to be before you along the way, in any tree or on the ground, with young ones or eggs, with the mother sitting on the young or on the eggs, you shall not take the mother with the young; 7you shall surely let the mother go, and take the young for yourself, that it may be well with you and that you may prolong your days.
8“When you build a new house, then you shall make a parapet for your roof, that you may not bring guilt of bloodshed on your household if anyone falls from it.
9“You shall not sow your vineyard with different kinds of seed, lest the yield of the seed which you have sown and the fruit of your vineyard be defiled.
10“You shall not plow with an ox and a donkey together.
11“You shall not wear a garment of different sorts, such as wool and linen mixed together.
12“You shall make tassels on the four corners of the clothing with which you cover yourself.

Laws of Sexual Morality

13“If any man takes a wife, and goes in to her, and detests her, 14and charges her with shameful conduct, and brings a bad name on her, and says, ‘I took this woman, and when I came to her I found she was not a virgin,’ 15then the father and mother of the young woman shall take and bring out the evidence of the young woman’s virginity to the elders of the city at the gate. 16And the young woman’s father shall say to the elders, ‘I gave my daughter to this man as wife, and he detests her. 17Now he has charged her with shameful conduct, saying, “I found your daughter was not a virgin,” and yet these are the evidences of my daughter’s virginity.’ And they shall spread the cloth before the elders of the city. 18Then the elders of that city shall take that man and punish him; 19and they shall fine him one hundred shekels of silver and give them to the father of the young woman, because he has brought a bad name on a virgin of Israel. And she shall be his wife; he cannot divorce her all his days.
20“But if the thing is true, and evidences of virginity are not found for the young woman, 21then they shall bring out the young woman to the door of her father’s house, and the men of her city shall stone her to death with stones, because she has done a disgraceful thing in Israel, to play the harlot in her father’s house. So you shall put away the evil from among you.
22“If a man is found lying with a woman married to a husband, then both of them shall die—the man that lay with the woman, and the woman; so you shall put away the evil from Israel.
23“If a young woman who is a virgin is betrothed to a husband, and a man finds her in the city and lies with her, 24then you shall bring them both out to the gate of that city, and you shall stone them to death with stones, the young woman because she did not cry out in the city, and the man because he humbled his neighbor’s wife; so you shall put away the evil from among you.
25“But if a man finds a betrothed young woman in the countryside, and the man forces her and lies with her, then only the man who lay with her shall die. 26But you shall do nothing to the young woman; there is in the young woman no sin deserving of death, for just as when a man rises against his neighbor and kills him, even so is this matter. 27For he found her in the countryside, and the betrothed young woman cried out, but there was no one to save her.
28“If a man finds a young woman who is a virgin, who is not betrothed, and he seizes her and lies with her, and they are found out, 29then the man who lay with her shall give to the young woman’s father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife because he has humbled her; he shall not be permitted to divorce her all his days.
30“A man shall not take his father’s wife, nor uncover his father’s bed.