1Yiang Sursĩ tỡ ễq lứq cũai lôp na cân canân tỡ bữn pĩeiq; ma án bũi pahỡm cớp cũai cân canân lứq pĩeiq.
2Cũai achỗn tỗ ễ cỡt casiet; ma cũai rangoaiq dốq asễng tỗ bữm.
3Cũai tanoang tapứng, ŏ́c tanoang tapứng ki ayông níc án; ma cũai tỡ bữn tanoang tapứng cỡt pupứt cỗ tễ ranáq án táq bữm.
4Máh sanốc ntữn tỡ têq rachuai ntrớu toâq tangái Yiang Sursĩ rablớh cũai; ma ngê tanoang o têq chuai amoong cũai.
5Cũai tanoang o, ki ŏ́c tanoang o ki táq yỗn dỡi tamoong án ỡt ien khễ; ma cũai loâi, ŏ́c loâi ki táq yỗn dỡi tamoong án cỡt rúng pứt.
6Ngê tanoang o chuai amoong cũai tanoang tapứng; ma cũai cooc véc chuat loah tâng rabang bữm cỗ tian án lôp noau.
7Toâq cũai sâuq cuchĩt, ŏ́c án ngcuang la cuchĩt tê; máh án canưm tâng sanốc bữm la tỡ bữn cỡt kia ntrớu.
8Yiang Sursĩ chuai yỗn cũai tanoang o vớt tễ máh ranáq túh coat; ma ranáq túh coat ki toâq pỡ cũai loâi ễn.
9Cũai tỡ bữn sa‑âm Yiang Sursĩ, láih parnai dŏq pupứt loah dống vil án bữm; ma cũai tanoang o, ki bữn vớt, cỗ án rangoaiq.
10Toâq cũai tanoang o cỡt sốc bữn, ki máh cũai tâng dống vil cỡt bũi óh tê; toâq cũai sâuq cỡt rúng pứt, ki bữn sâng toâp sưong triau cupo bũi hỡr lứq.
11Cũai tanoang o atoâq ŏ́c bốn yỗn dống vil; ma cũai loâi talốh vil na láih parnai án pai.
12Cũai sacũl hap-pahap mumat níc yớu án bữm; ma cũai rangoaiq ỡt cubĩm bỗq sâng.
13Cũai adon dáh tâng bỗq dốq atữl níc cũai canŏ́h; ma cũai noau têq noap, án cayớm dŏq tâng mứt máh ŏ́c clỡp.
14Cruang ŏ́q cũai ayông, ki cỡt rúng ralốh; ma cruang aléq bữn sa‑ữi cũai tĩeih atỡng, cruang ki bữn ỡt plot ien.
15Cũai parkhán ễ yỗn práq pláih cũai tu noau, ki la samoât án ravoât ŏ́c túh coat yỗn tỗ án bữm; ma cũai ca tỡ bữn parkhán ngkíq, án lứq ỡt ien khễ.
16Mansễm bữn mứt o chóq cũai canŏ́h, bữn cũai yám noap án; ma samiang bữn mứt tachoât, án yoc lứq roap práq.
17Cũai bữn mứt saryóq, ŏ́c ki cỡt lơi yỗn tỗ án bữm; ma cũai tachoât atoâq ŏ́c túh coat yỗn tỗ án bữm.
18Cóng cũai loâi la tỡ bữn cỡt kia ntrớu; ma cóng cũai táq ranáq tanoang o bữn kia sa‑ữi lứq.
19Cũai aléq tanoang o, cũai ki bữn tamoong; ma cũai aléq moaq mứr ễ táq ranáq lôih, cũai ki lứq cuchĩt.
20Yiang Sursĩ kêt máh cũai bữn mứt pahỡm cooc; ma án ayooq máh cũai táq níc ranáq o.
21Máh cũai loâi, lứq pĩeiq alới cóq roap tôt; ma máh cũai tanoang o, alới tỡ bữn roap tôt ntrớu.
22Mansễm roâp riang o, ma táq ranáq tỡ bữn carsĩat o, la machớng sambễt yễng mŏ noau sacáp tâng múh alic.
23Máh ŏ́c cũai tanoang o ngcuang, toâq parsốt ŏ́c ki cỡt ống ranáq o; ma máh ŏ́c cũai loâi ngcuang, toâq parsốt ŏ́c ki táq yỗn Yiang Sursĩ cutâu mứt.
24Aléq rachuai cũai canŏ́h sa‑ữi, án bữn roap loah sa‑ữi hỡn tễ ki ễn; ma cũai rahĩt, án cỡt cadĩt pớp lứq ễn.
25Cũai bữn mứt la‑a, máh ranáq án táq lứq pân cỡt; cũai rachuai yớu, lứq yớu chuai loah án.
26Noau dốq pupap cũai cutooq racáu, yuaq án ễ chếq moat hỡn, ma noau pai ŏ́c bốn yỗn cũai ca ễ chếq racáu yỗn yớu.
27Khân manoaq ravoât ranáq o, noau yám noap án; ma khân án ravoât ranáq sâuq, ranáq sâuq ki toâq loah pỡ án.
28Cũai aléq ma poâng tâng sanốc ntữn, án cỡt samoât sala sangot cớp roŏh; ma cũai tanoang o cỡt sốc bữn achỗn samoât sala ramoong.
29Cũai aléq ma táq yỗn cũai tâng dống sũ án cỡt túh, cũai ki ŏ́q bữn roap mun ntrớu. Máh cũai sacũl cóq cỡt sũl yỗn máh cũai rangoaiq.
30Ranáq cũai tanoang o táq la samoât palâi tễ aluang yỗn cũai bữn tamoong; cũai chuai cũai canŏ́h bữn tamoong, án la cũai rangoaiq.
31Khân cũai tanoang o roap cóng tễ máh ranáq án táq tâng dỡi nâi, hỡn tễ ki ễn máh cũai loâi cớp cũai tỡ bữn trĩh Yiang Sursĩ cóq roap tôt tễ máh ranáq alới khoiq táq.


  1Dishonest scales are an abomination to the Lord,
   But a just weight is His delight.
  2When pride comes, then comes shame;
   But with the humble is wisdom.
  3The integrity of the upright will guide them,
   But the perversity of the unfaithful will destroy them.
   4Riches do not profit in the day of wrath,
   But righteousness delivers from death.
   5The righteousness of the blameless will direct his way aright,
   But the wicked will fall by his own wickedness.
   6The righteousness of the upright will deliver them,
   But the unfaithful will be caught by their lust.
  7When a wicked man dies, his expectation will perish,
   And the hope of the unjust perishes.
   8The righteous is delivered from trouble,
   And it comes to the wicked instead.
   9The hypocrite with his mouth destroys his neighbor,
   But through knowledge the righteous will be delivered.
   10When it goes well with the righteous, the city rejoices;
   And when the wicked perish, there is jubilation.
   11By the blessing of the upright the city is exalted,
   But it is overthrown by the mouth of the wicked.
  12He who is devoid of wisdom despises his neighbor,
   But a man of understanding holds his peace.
  13A talebearer reveals secrets,
   But he who is of a faithful spirit conceals a matter.
  14Where there is no counsel, the people fall;
   But in the multitude of counselors there is safety.
  15He who is surety for a stranger will suffer,
   But one who hates being surety is secure.
  16A gracious woman retains honor,
   But ruthless men retain riches.
   17The merciful man does good for his own soul,
   But he who is cruel troubles his own flesh.
   18The wicked man does deceptive work,
   But he who sows righteousness will have a sure reward.
   19As righteousness leads to life,
   So he who pursues evil pursues it to his own death.
   20Those who are of a perverse heart are an abomination to the Lord,
   But the blameless in their ways are His delight.
   21Though they join forces, the wicked will not go unpunished;
   But the posterity of the righteous will be delivered.
  22As a ring of gold in a swine’s snout,
   So is a lovely woman who lacks discretion.
  23The desire of the righteous is only good,
   But the expectation of the wicked is wrath.
  24There is one who scatters, yet increases more;
   And there is one who withholds more than is right,
   But it leads to poverty.
   25The generous soul will be made rich,
   And he who waters will also be watered himself.
   26The people will curse him who withholds grain,
   But blessing will be on the head of him who sells it.
  27He who earnestly seeks good finds favor,
   But trouble will come to him who seeks evil.
  28He who trusts in his riches will fall,
   But the righteous will flourish like foliage.
  29He who troubles his own house will inherit the wind,
   And the fool will beservant to the wise of heart.
  30The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life,
   And he who wins souls is wise.
  31If the righteous will be recompensed on the earth,
   How much more the ungodly and the sinner.