1Cansái ũat nâi puo Sa-lamôn chĩc languat laham clữi tễ canŏ́h.

Cumũr Pai

  2Yỗn ai hũn hĩt níc cứq a‑ễm;
   yuaq ŏ́c ayooq ai ngiam hỡn tễ blŏ́ng nho.
  3Hỡi phuom chanchức tễ tỗ ai;
   ramứh ai phuom ariang noau atia dỡq phuom.
  Lứq tỡ bữn liaq ntrớu máh cumũr ma ayooq ai.
  4Cóq ai dững cứq a‑ễm pỡq nứng ai;
   hái lúh parnơi.
  Sễq ai cỡt puo cứq a‑ễm, cớp dững cứq a‑ễm mut tâng clống ai bếq,
   dŏq ai cớp cứq a‑ễm bữn ŏ́c bũi parnơi.
  Toâq hái ayooq saryóq parnơi,
   lứq hái bũi clữi tễ nguaiq blŏ́ng nho ễn.
   Ngkíq cứq a‑ễm tỡ bữn dớt ntrớu máh cumũr ma ayooq ai.
  5Máh cumũr tễ vil Yaru-salem ơi! Cứq la cũai cũm, ma cũm nêuq nơ,
   ariang dống aroâiq pỡ ntốq aiq Kê-da;
   cớp o ariang aroâiq noau tíng tâng dống puo Sa-lamôn.
  6Chỗi nhêng cloân chu cứq cỗ cứq cũm;
   cứq cũm cỗ moat mandang claq.
  Máh ai ca muoi mpiq cớp cứq,
   alới nhôp cớp ễp cứq kĩaq dếh táq níc ranáq tâng nưong nho.
   Ngkíq yuaq cứq bĩq bữn rlu dŏq pasang tỗ chác.
  7Ơ ai cứq a‑ễm ayooq ơi! Sễq ai atỡng cứq a‑ễm dáng,
   ntốq léq ai ễ dững bán máh cữu ai yỗn chuaq cha?
  Toâq mandang toâng ai ễ dững máh cữu ỡt rlu pỡ ntốq léq?
  Cỗ nŏ́q ai ma táq yỗn cứq a‑ễm cóq chi-chuaq níc ai tâng mpứng dĩ máh tỗp charán cũai canŏ́h?

Tatoam Pai

  8Ơ mansễm la‑ĩat o lứq ơi! Nŏ́q a‑ễm tỡ bữn dáng ntốq ki tỡ?
   Khân a‑ễm tỡ bữn dáng,
   ki yỗn a‑ễm boi máh lứm cữu.
  Cóq a‑ễm chuaq ruang bát dŏq bán máh mbễq lơ-lơ
   khong a‑ễm ca ỡt cheq máh dống aroâiq tỗp mantán dốq ỡt rlu.
  9A‑ễm cứq ai ayooq ơi!
   Thán riang a‑ễm payoc mứt pahỡm máh cũai samiang.
   A‑ễm la samoât aséh cán ca payoc aséh tôl puo Ê-yip-tô.
  10Mieiq a‑ễm nêuq lứq rapóc cớp latai;
   tacong a‑ễm cỡt nêuq yỗn ngcuac sanoâc tamáu moat.
  11Cứq ễ táq yỗn a‑ễm sanoâc yễng,
   cớp atớt dếh práq.

Cumũr Pai

  12Bo puo cứq a‑ễm ntôm bếq muoi rarêng tâng cachơng,
   hỡi dỡq phuom cứq atia pláh chũop clống.
  13Ai cứq a‑ễm ayooq, la samoât tũi siet phuom
   cứq a‑ễm ngcuac tâng tacong cớp dŏq tâng apơm.
  14Ai cứq a‑ễm ayooq la samoât máh piar bỗn-rabỗn
   tâng nưong nho pỡ vil En Kê-di.

Tatoam Pai

  15A‑ễm cứq ai ayooq ơi! A‑ễm la mansễm thán riang o;
   moat a‑ễm la raloang nêuq o samoât chớm tariap.

Cumũr Pai

  16Ai cứq a‑ễm ayooq ơi! Roâp riang ai o lứq,
   táq yỗn cứq a‑ễm bũi pahỡm.
  Bát bai ramoong cỡt ntốq hái bếq;
  17abễng aluang sê-da cỡt samoât mpuol dống hái,
   aluang sango cỡt samoât chỗih dống hái.


Solomon’s Love for a Shulamite Girl

1The song of songs, which is Solomon’s.

The Banquet

The Shulamite

  2Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth—
   For your love is better than wine.
   3Because of the fragrance of your good ointments,
   Your name is ointment poured forth;
   Therefore the virgins love you.
   4Draw me away!

The Daughters of Jerusalem

  We will run after you.

The Shulamite

  The king has brought me into his chambers.

The Daughters of Jerusalem

  We will be glad and rejoice in you.
  We will remember your love more than wine.

The Shulamite

  Rightly do they love you.
  5I am dark, but lovely,
   O daughters of Jerusalem,
   Like the tents of Kedar,
   Like the curtains of Solomon.
   6Do not look upon me, because I am dark,
   Because the sun has tanned me.
   My mother’s sons were angry with me;
   They made me the keeper of the vineyards,
   But my own vineyard I have not kept.

(To Her Beloved)

  7Tell me, O you whom I love,
   Where you feed your flock,
   Where you make it rest at noon.
   For why should I be as one who veils herself
   By the flocks of your companions?

The Beloved

  8If you do not know, O fairest among women,
   Follow in the footsteps of the flock,
   And feed your little goats
   Beside the shepherds’ tents.
   9I have compared you, my love,
   To my filly among Pharaoh’s chariots.
   10Your cheeks are lovely with ornaments,
   Your neck with chains of gold.

The Daughters of Jerusalem

  11We will make you ornaments of gold
   With studs of silver.

The Shulamite

  12While the king is at his table,
   My spikenard sends forth its fragrance.
   13A bundle of myrrh is my beloved to me,
   That lies all night between my breasts.
   14My beloved is to me a cluster of henna blooms
   In the vineyards of En Gedi.

The Beloved

  15Behold, you are fair, my love!
   Behold, you are fair!
   You have dove’s eyes.

The Shulamite

  16Behold, you arehandsome, my beloved!
   Yes, pleasant!
   Also our bed is green.
   17The beams of our houses are cedar,
   And our rafters of fir.