Tôt Tễ Ranáq Cucốh Sang Rup

1Máh cũai tanoang o cuchĩt, la tỡ bữn noau dáng, cớp tỡ bữn noau ramíng loâng. Ma toâq máh cũai tanoang o cuchĩt, tỡ bữn ŏ́c túh arức ntrớu noâng têq toâq pỡ alới. 2Máh cũai táq pỡq tanoang o, alới tamóh ŏ́c ien khễ, cớp toâq alới cuchĩt alới bữn ỡt rlu.
3“Ma máh anhia cũai lôih, cóq anhia toâq pỡ nâi dŏq roap ĩt ranáq rablớh! Anhia la con châu tỗp mansễm rien parnân, tỡ la cũai ca cooc lacuoi cayac noau, tỡ la máh mansễm chếq tỗ. 4Ma anhia yoc ayê ra‑ac noau? Anhia cũai lauq ơi, anhia ễq lứq cubier tambớr chóq noau? 5Lứq tỗp anhia toâp dốq cucốh sang rup yiang nêuq o, cớp bếq parnơi pưn nỡm aluang khớt khong anhia. Tỗp anhia cachĩt máh con anhia chiau sang tâng máh cưp tamáu cớp pễr máh dỡq tũm. 6Anhia dốq ĩt tamáu siel o, chơ achu táq rup yiang dŏq cucốh sang. Tỗp anhia tốh blŏ́ng nho cớp dững máh thữ racáu chiau sang yỗn máh rup ki. Nŏ́q anhia chanchớm cứq bũi pahỡm tễ máh ranáq anhia táq ki tỡ? 7Tỗp anhia chỗn tâng cóh sarỡih, chơ chiau sang crơng cớp bếq parnơi. 8Anhia achúh dŏq rup tanghang bân ngoah toong dống anhia. Tỗp anhia táh cứq; anhia tũot aloŏh nheq au sỗng, chơ sadáih achỗn tâng cachơng bếq, cớp bếq parnơi cớp cũai ca anhia ễ bữn, la cũai anhia chang práq yỗn bếq parnơi. Tâng ntốq ki anhia bũi pahỡm lứq táq ranáq tanghang. 9Tỗp anhia atia dỡq phuom cớp atia dỡq hang yỗn nêuq o, chơ pỡq cucốh sang yiang Mô-lêc. Anhia ớn máh cũai ayững atĩ anhia pỡq chuaq máh rup yiang chu ntốq yơng toau toâq dếh pỡ ntốq cũai cuchĩt ỡt. 10Tỗp anhia cỡt lakéh lakiei cỗ chuaq yiang canŏ́h, ma anhia tỡ bữn chĩuq pê. Tỗp anhia chanchớm máh yiang sarmũaq ki táq yỗn anhia bữn bán rêng; ngkíq yuaq anhia tỡ dáng lakéh noâng.”
11Yiang Sursĩ pai neq: “Yiang aléq nâi ma táq yỗn anhia ngcŏh cớp raphếq cứq, dếh khlĩr chíq cứq? Cỗ nŏ́q anhia tỡ ễq yám noap noâng cứq, cỗ cứq ỡt rangiac dũn lứq tỡ? 12Anhia chanchớm máh ranáq anhia táq la pĩeiq lứq; ma cứq lứq apáh yỗn cũai canŏ́h hữm ranáq anhia táq; cớp rup yiang ki tỡ têq rachuai ntrớu anhia. 13Toâq anhia arô noau chuai, ki yỗn máh yiang ki rachuai anhia. Khân toâq cuyal rêng muoi taláp sâng, án cũat dững nheq máh rup yiang ki. Cũai aléq poâng canưm cứq, cũai ki bữn ndỡm cruang cutễq nâi, cớp bữn sang toam cứq tâng Dống Sang Toâr cứq hỡ.”

Yiang Sursĩ Parkhán Lứq Rachuai

14Yiang Sursĩ pai neq: “Cóq ĩt aloŏh nheq máh crơng catáng rana, cớp atức rana yỗn máh proai cứq pỡq.
15“Cứq la Yiang Sursĩ ca bráh o, án ca tamoong níc. Cứq ỡt tâng ntốq sarỡih cớp bráh o lứq; cớp cứq ỡt nứng cũai asễng tỗ cớp rapĩen cỡt mứt tamái ễn, dŏq mứt pahỡm alới sabớng cớp ngcuang loah. 16Cứq khoiq yỗn cũai proai cứq bữn tamoong; cứq tỡ bữn tếq, tỡ la nhôp alới noâng. Ma khân cứq táq ngkíq, ki dũ náq alới lứq cuchĩt. 17Cứq cutâu mứt chóq tỗp alới, la cỗ tian alới táq lôih cớp ham crơng sa‑ữi; yuaq ngkíq, cứq yỗn alới roap tôt cớp táh alới. Ma alới noâng táq puai níc samoât mứt pahỡm alới yoc.
18“Cứq hữm chơ ngê alới, ma cứq chống yoc ễ tahâu alới yỗn cỡt bán. Cứq ễ ayông cớp rachuai tỗp alới; cứq ễ aliam alới ca túh ngua. 19Cứq ễ yỗn dũ náq cũai ỡt ien khễ, dếh cũai cheq cớp cũai yơng hỡ. Cứq ễ tahâu alới yỗn cỡt bán loah. 20Ma máh cũai sâuq, alới cỡt samoât dỡq mưt chanchưn canoâq níc, chơ canoâq achỗn chu tor lúq cớp crơng nhơp.”
21Yiang Sursĩ pai neq: “Cũai sâuq tỡ têq bữn ỡt ien khễ.”


Israel’s Futile Idolatry

  1The righteous perishes,
   And no man takes it to heart;
   Merciful men are taken away,
   While no one considers
   That the righteous is taken away from evil.
   2He shall enter into peace;
   They shall rest in their beds,
   Each one walking in his uprightness.
  3“But come here,
   You sons of the sorceress,
   You offspring of the adulterer and the harlot!
   4Whom do you ridicule?
   Against whom do you make a wide mouth
   And stick out the tongue?
   Are you not children of transgression,
   Offspring of falsehood,
   5Inflaming yourselves with gods under every green tree,
   Slaying the children in the valleys,
   Under the clefts of the rocks?
   6Among the smooth stones of the stream
   Is your portion;
   They, they, are your lot!
   Even to them you have poured a drink offering,
   You have offered a grain offering.
   Should I receive comfort in these?
   7“On a lofty and high mountain
   You have set your bed;
   Even there you went up
   To offer sacrifice.
   8Also behind the doors and their posts
   You have set up your remembrance;
   For you have uncovered yourself to those other than Me,
   And have gone up to them;
   You have enlarged your bed
   And made a covenant with them;
   You have loved their bed,
   Where you saw their nudity.
   9You went to the king with ointment,
   And increased your perfumes;
   You sent your messengers far off,
   And even descended to Sheol.
   10You are wearied in the length of your way;
   Yet you did not say, ‘There is no hope.’
   You have found the life of your hand;
   Therefore you were not grieved.
  11“And of whom have you been afraid, or feared,
   That you have lied
   And not remembered Me,
   Nor taken it to your heart?
   Is it not because I have held My peace from of old
   That you do not fear Me?
   12I will declare your righteousness
   And your works,
   For they will not profit you.
   13When you cry out,
   Let your collection of idols deliver you.
   But the wind will carry them all away,
   A breath will take them.
   But he who puts his trust in Me shall possess the land,
   And shall inherit My holy mountain.”

Healing for the Backslider

  14And one shall say,
   “Heap it up! Heap it up!
   Prepare the way,
   Take the stumbling block out of the way of My people.”
  15For thus says the High and Lofty One
   Who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy:
   “I dwell in the high and holy place,
   With him who has a contrite and humble spirit,
   To revive the spirit of the humble,
   And to revive the heart of the contrite ones.
   16For I will not contend forever,
   Nor will I always be angry;
   For the spirit would fail before Me,
   And the souls which I have made.
   17For the iniquity of his covetousness
   I was angry and struck him;
   I hid and was angry,
   And he went on backsliding in the way of his heart.
   18I have seen his ways, and will heal him;
   I will also lead him,
   And restore comforts to him
   And to his mourners.
  19“I create the fruit of the lips:
   Peace, peace to him who is far off and to him who is near,”
   Says the Lord,
   “And I will heal him.”
   20But the wicked are like the troubled sea,
   When it cannot rest,
   Whose waters cast up mire and dirt.
  21There is no peace,”
   Says my God, “for the wicked.”