Aha-sia Puo Cruang Yuda

1Cũai Arap ca mut rapốn tâng dống puo Yê-hô-ram khoiq cachĩt táh máh con samiang puo; noâng ống Aha-sia con samiang ralŏ́h án toâp bữn tamoong. Ngkíq máh cũai proai tâng vil Yaru-salem chóh Aha-sia yỗn cỡt puo pláih mpoaq án. 2Bo Aha-sia cỡt puo án mbỡiq bar chít la bar cumo, ma án cỡt sốt tâng vil Yaru-salem ống muoi cumo sâng. Mpiq án ramứh Atha-lia la con puo Ahap cớp châu Ôm-ri puo cũai I-sarel. 3Aha-sia tũoiq samoât ranáq puo Ahap, yuaq mpiq án cỡt cũai radững án táq ranáq tỡ o. 4Án táq ranáq sâuq choâng moat Yiang Sursĩ puai máh cũai tâng dống sũ Ahap khoiq táq chơ, yuaq vớt mpoaq Aha-sia cuchĩt bữn cũai tễ dống sũ Ahap cỡt cũai tĩeih án. Cũai ki dững atoâq ranáq rúng pứt pỡ án. 5Án táq puai santoiq tỗp alới pai, chơ án pỡq cớp Yô-ram puo cũai I-sarel dŏq loŏh chíl Hasel puo cũai Si-ri. Bar tỗp tahan alới pỡq rachíl tâng vil Ramôt, cruang Ki-liat, ma puo Yô-ram chũl pỡ ntốq rachíl. 6Án píh chu pỡ vil Ye-triel dŏq tahâu bớc; chơ Aha-sia pỡq clơ án pỡ vil ki.
7Ma Yiang Sursĩ táq yỗn ranáq toâq sa‑óh tâng trỗ nâi dững atoâq ranáq rúng ralốh yỗn Aha-sia. Bo Aha-sia ỡt rlu tâng ntốq ki, án cớp Yô-ram bữn ramóh muoi noaq cũai samiang, ramứh Yê-hu con samiang Nim-si. Yiang Sursĩ rưoh Yê-hu dŏq dững atoâq ŏ́c rúng ralốh pỡ tŏ́ng toiq puo Ahap. 8Bo Yê-hu ntôm cachĩt máh cũai tễ tŏ́ng toiq Ahap samoât Yiang Sursĩ khoiq ớn, án ramóh muoi tỗp cũai sốt tễ cruang Yuda, dếh máh ramon samiang puo Aha-sia pỡq parnơi cớp Aha-sia. Yê-hu cachĩt táh nheq tỗp alới. 9Toâq noau chuaq Aha-sia, noau ramóh Aha-sia tooq pỡ vil Sa-mari. Chơ alới cỗp Aha-sia dững toâq pỡ Yê-hu cớp cachĩt táh án. Ma alới tứp án cỗ án la châu Yê-hô-saphat, la cũai ca puai Yiang Sursĩ nheq tễ mứt pahỡm.
 Tỡ bữn noau tễ tŏ́ng toiq Aha-sia bữn khlâiq dŏq cỡt sốt tâng cruang Yuda.

Atha-lia Cỡt Sốt Tâng Cruang Yuda

10Toâq Atha-lia, la mpiq puo Aha-sia, dáng con samiang án khoiq noau cachĩt, ngkíq án ớn noau pỡq cachĩt táh dũ náq cũai tễ tŏ́ng toiq puo Yuda. 11Aha-sia bữn muoi noaq amuaq miar mpiq, ramứh Yê-hô Sê-ba, lacuoi cũai tễng rit sang, ramứh Yê-hôi-ada. Án cutooq Yô-at con samiang Aha-sia, cớp dững án ỡt yơng chíq tễ máh con samiang puo ca noau ễ cachĩt; Yê-hô Sê-ba dững Yô-at cớp cũai rabán án, cutooq dŏq tâng muoi clống tâng Dống Sang Toâr. Án chuai amoong Yô-at yỗn vớt tễ atĩ Atha-lia cỗ án dững cutooq. 12Noau cutooq Yô-at tapoât cumo ễn, bo Atha-lia táq sốt cruang Yuda.


Ahaziah King of Judah

1The people of Jerusalem made Ahaziah, Jehoram’s youngest son, king in his place, since the raiders, who came with the Arabs into the camp, had killed all the older sons. So Ahaziah son of Jehoram king of Judah began to reign.
2Ahaziah was twenty-two years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem one year. His mother’s name was Athaliah, a granddaughter of Omri.
3He too followed the ways of the house of Ahab, for his mother encouraged him to act wickedly. 4He did evil in the eyes of the Lord, as the house of Ahab had done, for after his father’s death they became his advisers, to his undoing. 5He also followed their counsel when he went with Joram son of Ahab king of Israel to wage war against Hazael king of Aram at Ramoth Gilead. The Arameans wounded Joram; 6so he returned to Jezreel to recover from the wounds they had inflicted on him at Ramoth in his battle with Hazael king of Aram.
 Then Ahaziah son of Jehoram king of Judah went down to Jezreel to see Joram son of Ahab because he had been wounded.
7Through Ahaziah’s visit to Joram, God brought about Ahaziah’s downfall. When Ahaziah arrived, he went out with Joram to meet Jehu son of Nimshi, whom the Lord had anointed to destroy the house of Ahab. 8While Jehu was executing judgment on the house of Ahab, he found the officials of Judah and the sons of Ahaziah’s relatives, who had been attending Ahaziah, and he killed them. 9He then went in search of Ahaziah, and his men captured him while he was hiding in Samaria. He was brought to Jehu and put to death. They buried him, for they said, “He was a son of Jehoshaphat, who sought the Lord with all his heart.” So there was no one in the house of Ahaziah powerful enough to retain the kingdom.
10When Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah saw that her son was dead, she proceeded to destroy the whole royal family of the house of Judah. 11But Jehosheba, the daughter of King Jehoram, took Joash son of Ahaziah and stole him away from among the royal princes who were about to be murdered and put him and his nurse in a bedroom. Because Jehosheba, the daughter of King Jehoram and wife of the priest Jehoiada, was Ahaziah’s sister, she hid the child from Athaliah so she could not kill him. 12He remained hidden with them at the temple of God for six years while Athaliah ruled the land.