Ŏ́c Ayooq Mantái Níc Tễ Yiang Sursĩ

  1Ŏ́c lôih cỡt samoât án atỡng níc tâng mứt pahỡm cũai yỗn táq ranáq lôih.
   Cũai ki tỡ bữn ngcŏh tháng Yiang Sursĩ.
  2Alới chanchớm alới sốt toâr lứq.
   Yuaq ngkíq, alới chanchớm Yiang Sursĩ tỡ bữn hữm,
   tỡ bữn noap lôih alới táq.
  3Máh santoiq ca loŏh tễ bỗq alới la sâuq lứq, bữn moang ŏ́c raphếq rathũ sâng.
   Alới tỡ ễq bữn mứt rangoaiq, cớp tỡ ễq táq ranáq o noâng.
  4Toâq alới bếq, alới ravoât níc ŏ́c sâuq;
   alới tỡ nai chanchớm ễ táq ranáq o.
   Cớp alới tỡ rơi cachian táh máh ramứh sâuq.

  5Ơ Yiang Sursĩ ơi! Ŏ́c ayooq tễ anhia la toâr chỗn toâq paloŏng.
   Ŏ́c pĩeiq tễ anhia ki sarỡih toâq ramứl.
  6Ŏ́c tanoang o tễ anhia la pacái samoât cóh.
  Ŏ́c anhia rasữq la pĩeiq lứq, cỡt samoât dỡq mưt yarũ.
  Ơ Yiang Sursĩ ơi! Lứq anhia chứm siem cũai, cớp charán hỡ.
  7Ŏ́c ayooq tễ anhia la pasếq lứq,
   cớp ŏ́c ki ỡt mantái níc tâng dũ náq cũai.
  Anhia bán kĩaq cũai samoât riang con ntruoi ỡt nhưp khlap mpiq án.
  8Alới cha pasâi nhơ tễ sana anhia chứm siem,
   cớp bữn nguaiq dỡq nhơ tễ anhia chuai yỗn bữn dỡq hoi.
  9Anhia la nỡm ŏ́c tamoong.
   Hếq têq hữm ŏ́c poang la cỗ nhơ poang tễ anhia.

  10Sễq anhia yỗn ŏ́c ayooq pỡ máh cũai ca dáng anhia,
   cớp yỗn ŏ́c sarũiq pỡ máh cũai ca bữn mứt pahỡm sabớng o.
  11Sễq anhia chỗi yỗn ayững cũai ỗt bữn tĩn sarúq cứq,
   tỡ la atĩ cũai loâi bữn cutớl cứq aloŏh.
  12Chơ cũai táq ranáq sâuq cỡt dớm;
   alới sapứl asễng cớp tỡ têq chỗn noâng.


For the director of music. Of David the servant of the Lord.
  1I have a message from God in my heart
   concerning the sinfulness of the wicked:
  There is no fear of God
   before their eyes.

  2In their own eyes they flatter themselves
   too much to detect or hate their sin.
  3The words of their mouths are wicked and deceitful;
   they fail to act wisely or do good.
  4Even on their beds they plot evil;
   they commit themselves to a sinful course
   and do not reject what is wrong.

  5Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens,
   your faithfulness to the skies.
  6Your righteousness is like the highest mountains,
   your justice like the great deep.
   You, Lord, preserve both people and animals.
  7How priceless is your unfailing love, O God!
   People take refuge in the shadow of your wings.
  8They feast on the abundance of your house;
   you give them drink from your river of delights.
  9For with you is the fountain of life;
   in your light we see light.

  10Continue your love to those who know you,
   your righteousness to the upright in heart.
  11May the foot of the proud not come against me,
   nor the hand of the wicked drive me away.
  12See how the evildoers lie fallen—
   thrown down, not able to rise!