Nau Rêh Vi Yor Nau Roh Rai Tâm Nau Tâm Lơh, Vơh Vơl Gay Geh Nau Kơl

 Nau mprơ ơm di ma bâr suan Êdut, Miktam Y-David gay ma sâm nti. Tơlah păng tâm lơh đah Aramsôba jêh ri đah Aramnaharêm jêh ri Y-Yôab lo plơ̆ tâm lơh đah jât ma bar rbăn nuyh phung Êđôm tâm rlung boh.
1Ơ Brah Ndu, may dun jêh hên, may ăn hên jêng prah prung rung rai jêh.
 May nuih jêh, lo rdâk an hên đong
2may ăn neh ntu jêng sâr, jêh ri đang
 Lo nkra lơi ntuk rluh đang yor păng n'gơ
3may ăn jêh phung ƀon lan saơ ndơ dăng may ăn jêh hên nhêt du ntil ndrănh nhul ji bôk
4may ăn bok rup kơ ma phung klach yơk ma may.
 Gay ma bu tâm mpơl păng, yor nau nanê̆. (Sêla)
5Gay ma nơm may rong, dơi geh nau tâm rklaih
 Tâm rklaih hên ma ti ma may, jêh ri lo plơ̆ lah ma hên.
6Brah Ndu ngơi jêh tâm nau kloh ueh păng, gâp mra dơi.
 Gâp mra tâm pă Sichem, gâp mra veh rlung Sulkôt
7Gilêat jêng ndơ gâp, Manase tâm ban lĕ
 Êpraim jêng n'gang bôk gâp tâm ban lĕ
 Yuda jêng mâng hađăch gâp.
8Môab jêng ntu dak gâp um
 Gâp mra klup ndrom jâng gâp ta kalơ Êđôm
 Ơ n'gor Philistin, nter răm maak hom yor gâp
9Mbu mra njun leo gâp tâm ƀon nâp rjăp
 Mbu njun gâp tâm Êđôm?
10Ơ Brah Ndu, mâu di may he dun jêh hên?
 Jêh ri may mâu hôm uch hăn ndrel ma phung kahan hên, Ơ Brah Ndu ah.
11Kơl koh dong an hên đah phung rlăng
 Yorlah nau bunuyh koh dong jêng dơm dam
12Ma Brah Ndu he ƀư dơi lĕ rngôch
 Yorlah Păng yơh mra jot blên phung rlăng.


Urgent Prayer for the Restored Favor of God

To the Chief Musician. Set to “Lily of the Testimony.” A Michtam of David. For teaching. When he fought against Mesopotamia and Syria of Zobah, and Joab returned and killed twelve thousand Edomites in the Valley of Salt.
  1O God, You have cast us off;
   You have broken us down;
   You have been displeased;
   Oh, restore us again!
   2You have made the earth tremble;
   You have broken it;
   Heal its breaches, for it is shaking.
   3You have shown Your people hard things;
   You have made us drink the wine of confusion.
  4You have given a banner to those who fear You,
   That it may be displayed because of the truth.
   5That Your beloved may be delivered,
   Save with Your right hand, and hear me.
  6God has spoken in His holiness:
   “I will rejoice;
   I will divide Shechem
   And measure out the Valley of Succoth.
   7Gilead is Mine, and Manasseh is Mine;
   Ephraim also is the helmet for My head;
   Judah is My lawgiver.
   8Moab is My washpot;
   Over Edom I will cast My shoe;
   Philistia, shout in triumph because of Me.”
  9Who will bring me to the strong city?
   Who will lead me to Edom?
   10Is it not You, O God, who cast us off?
   And You, O God, who did not go out with our armies?
   11Give us help from trouble,
   For the help of man is useless.
   12Through God we will do valiantly,
   For it is He who shall tread down our enemies.