Cansái Ũat Dŏq Khễn Yiang Sursĩ

  1Ơ Yiang Sursĩ, Ncháu cứq ơi!
   Cứq ễ yám noap cớp khễn ramứh anhia.
  Anhia khoiq táq ranáq salễh sa‑ữi ramứh;
   anhia táq máh ngê anhia khoiq aloŏh tễ mbŏ́q arái.
  2Anhia khoiq táq yỗn máh vil toâr cỡt rúng ralốh,
   cớp anhia talốh máh viang khâm ca curiaq vil alới.
  Máh dống cũai par‑ũal khoiq táq yỗn puo,
   khoiq pứt nheq chơ.
  3Máh cũai tễ cruang bữn chớc toâr,
   alới khễn anhia.
  Máh vil tâng cruang cũai tachoât,
   cỡt ngcŏh anhia.
  4Máh cũai cadĩt ca ŏ́q ntốq poâng, lúh chu anhia,
   chơ alới bữn ỡt plot ien tỡ bữn ŏ́c túh coat noâng.
  Anhia yỗn alới bữn ntốq campáng dŏq vớt tễ cuyal rapuq,
   cớp têq alới ỡt sandũ toâq phũac cutâu lứq.
  Máh cũai par‑ũal ca loâi lứq,
   toâq chíl samoât rapuq avêng catữ ong,
   5machớng phũac cutâu catữ cahễng.
  Ma anhia táq yỗn máh cũai par‑ũal hếq ỡt rangiac;
   anhia yỗn sưong cũai tachoât cuhễq catưp hếq cỡt rangiac,
   samoât ramứl táq yỗn cỡt lahỡi tâng tangái phũac hang lứq.

Yiang Sursĩ Thrũan Pêl Toâr Dŏq Cha Bũi

6Tâng cóh Si-ôn nâi, Yiang Sursĩ Sốt Toâr Lứq thrũan ranáq cha bũi yỗn nheq tữh cũai tâng cốc cutễq nâi, la cha bũi pêl toâr lứq, bữn moang sana ra‑ỗt cớp blŏ́ng nho ca ễm lứq. 7Tâng ntốq nâi, án pupứt nheq máh ŏ́c túh ngua ca cỡt samoât ramứl clũom nheq tữh cũai. 8Nỡ‑ra Yiang Sursĩ Ncháu Nheq Tữh Cũai lứq pupứt chíq ŏ́c cuchĩt yỗn pứt loâng. Án chut sarliang moat dũ náq cũai, cớp án pupứt ŏ́c casiet tễ máh cũai proai án chũop cốc cutễq nâi. Cứq Yiang Sursĩ toâp khoiq pai santoiq nâi.
9Tữ máh ranáq ki cỡt, dũ náq cũai ngin pai neq: “Án la Yiang hái! Tỗp hái sa‑âm án cớp án chuai amoong hái. Án toâp la Yiang Sursĩ! Tỗp hái sa‑âm cớp yám noap án; sanua cóq hái sâng bũi óh cớp ỡn chỡ, yuaq án khoiq chuai amoong hái.”

Yiang Sursĩ Manrap Cũai Mô-ap

10Yiang Sursĩ lứq curiaq cóh Si-ôn, ma cũai Mô-ap noau toâq tĩn sarúq samoât noau tĩn sarúq soc dŏq táq phốn. 11Tỗp alới carvai atĩ ariang cũai ntôm lôi dỡq, ma Yiang Sursĩ táq yỗn alới cỡt ieuq ot, cớp atĩ alới cỡt lakéh lakiei tỡ têq chuai ntrớu noâng. 12Án ễ talốh máh viang vil sarỡih tâng cutễq Mô-ap, cớp táq yỗn viang ki ralíh asễng tâng phốn cutễq.


Praise to the Lord

  1Lord, you are my God;
   I will exalt you and praise your name,
  for in perfect faithfulness
   you have done wonderful things,
   things planned long ago.
  2You have made the city a heap of rubble,
   the fortified town a ruin,
  the foreigners’ stronghold a city no more;
   it will never be rebuilt.
  3Therefore strong peoples will honor you;
   cities of ruthless nations will revere you.
  4You have been a refuge for the poor,
   a refuge for the needy in their distress,
  a shelter from the storm
   and a shade from the heat.
  For the breath of the ruthless
   is like a storm driving against a wall
   5and like the heat of the desert.
  You silence the uproar of foreigners;
   as heat is reduced by the shadow of a cloud,
   so the song of the ruthless is stilled.

  6On this mountain the Lord Almighty will prepare
   a feast of rich food for all peoples,
  a banquet of aged wine—
   the best of meats and the finest of wines.
  7On this mountain he will destroy
   the shroud that enfolds all peoples,
  the sheet that covers all nations;
   8he will swallow up death forever.
  The Sovereign Lord will wipe away the tears
   from all faces;
  he will remove his people’s disgrace
   from all the earth.

9In that day they will say,
  “Surely this is our God;
   we trusted in him, and he saved us.
  This is the Lord, we trusted in him;
   let us rejoice and be glad in his salvation.”

  10The hand of the Lord will rest on this mountain;
   but Moab will be trampled in their land
   as straw is trampled down in the manure.
  11They will stretch out their hands in it,
   as swimmers stretch out their hands to swim.
  God will bring down their pride
   despite the cleverness of their hands.
  12He will bring down your high fortified walls
   and lay them low;
  he will bring them down to the ground,
   to the very dust.