Yô-sep Atỡng Tễ Ŏ́c Puo Rláu Mpáu

1Vớt bar cumo, puo ễn rláu mpáu. Án mpáu ỡt tayứng tâng tor crỗng Nil. 2Chơ án hữm tapul lám ntroŏq plứm o lứq loŏh tễ crỗng ki. Moâm charán ki loŏh, chơ án cha bát. 3Moâm ki puo hữm tapul lám ễn ntroŏq loŏh tễ crỗng ki. Ntroŏq nâi tỡ bữn plứm o ntrớu; án oiq lứq. Án toâq ỡt parnơi cớp ntroŏq ca toâq tễ nhũang tâng tor crỗng ki. 4Ngkíq tỗp ntroŏq oiq ki lưn chíq tỗp ntroŏq plứm o. Moâm ki án satŏh tamỡ.
5Chơ puo bếq loah, cớp án rláu mpáu sĩa. Trỗ nâi án hữm muoi nỡm saro bữn tapul racong chong o lứq. 6Cớp án hữm tapul racong ễn loŏh tapun tapul racong o ki. Tapul racong loŏh ntun ki tatễp, yuaq bữn cuyal ỡt ploaq rêng lứq tâng tapul racong ki. 7Ngkíq tapul racong moang tatễp lưn chíq tapul racong chong o ki. Moâm ki, puo satŏh tamỡ loah. Án dáng samoât lứq án rláu mpáu sâng.
8Toâq poang tarưp, án sâng tỡ bữn ien tâng mứt pahỡm. Ngkíq án arô nheq máh cũai mo khớt, cớp máh cũai rangoaiq ỡt tâng cruang Ê-yip-tô. Chơ án atỡng yỗn máh cũai ki tamứng tễ parnáu án rláu mpáu. Ma tỡ bữn cũai aléq têq atỡng tễ ramứh án mpáu ki.
9Ma bữn cũai ayững atĩ ca sốt ranáq aloŏh crơng nguaiq yỗn puo atỡng puo neq: “Sanua hếq mbỡiq sanhữ loah, hếq khoiq táq ranáq lôih chơ. 10Hếq sanhữ, bo anhia sâng cutâu tâng mứt chóq hếq bar náq ayững atĩ anhia, chơ anhia yỗn cũai sốt tahan kháng hếq tâng cuaq tũ. Bữn hếq cớp cũai sốt aloŏh bễng, hếq bar náq ỡt tâng cuaq tũ pỡ dống cũai sốt tahan. 11Ma bữn muoi sadâu hếq bar náq rláu mpáu, ma hếq miar mpáu, manoaq mpha tễ manoaq. 12Ma ntốq ki bữn muoi noaq cũai póng tễ tỗp Hê-brơ; án táq ranáq yỗn cũai sốt tahan kĩaq nhêng anhia. Hếq atỡng yỗn cũai Hê-brơ ki tamứng máh ŏ́c hếq khoiq rláu mpáu. 13Án atỡng tễ ramứh hếq mpáu ki pĩeiq lứq. Anhia khoiq chóh loah hếq yỗn táq ranáq anhia ĩn tễ nhũang chơ. Ma ayững atĩ anhia canŏ́h, ki anhia ayŏ́ng tâng aluang.”
14Tữ puo sâng santoiq ki, án ớn noau pỡq ĩt Yô-sep dững aloŏh chái tễ cuaq ki. Ngkíq Yô-sep cũah sóc bễc cớp tâc tampâc tamái. Moâm ki, án pỡq ramóh puo. 15Puo atỡng Yô-sep neq: “Cứq rláu mpáu, ma ŏ́q cũai têq atỡng cứq tễ ramứh cứq mpáu ki. Cứq khoiq sâng noau pai têq mới atỡng ŏ́c tễ parnáu rláu mpáu.”
16Yô-sep ta‑ỡi neq: “Ranáq têq atỡng ŏ́c tễ parnáu rláu mpáu, cứq tỡ têq táq bữm. Ma lứq Yiang Sursĩ toâp yỗn puo dáng raloaih tễ ramứh ki.”
17Chơ puo sarŏh loah yỗn Yô-sep tamứng neq: “Tâng parnáu cứq rláu mpáu, la cứq tayứng tâng tor crỗng Nil. 18Cứq hữm tapul lám ntroŏq plứm o lứq loŏh tễ crỗng cớp cha bát pễr tor dỡq ki. 19Moâm ki cứq hữm tapul lám ễn ntroŏq loŏh tễ crỗng ki. Ma tỗp ntroŏq nâi tỡ bữn plứm o ntrớu, oiq lứq. Salễh lứq ŏ́c nâi, cứq tỡ nai hữm ntroŏq sâuq lứq ariang tỗp ki tâng cruang Ê-yip-tô nâi. 20Ma tỗp ntroŏq sâuq cớp oiq, lưn nheq máh ntroŏq plứm o. 21Ma tam tỗp ki lưn nheq máh tỗp ntroŏq loŏh nhũang tễ dỡq ki, ma noâng oiq patoat tiaq sĩa. Moâm ki cứq satŏh tamỡ.
22“Chơ cứq bếq loah, ma cứq mpáu sĩa. Cứq hữm tapul racong saro chong o ki loŏh tễ muoi nỡm saro. 23Cớp cứq hữm tapul racong tatễp ễn, loŏh ntun tapul racong chong o ki. Bữn cuyal ỡt ploaq rêng lứq, ngkíq saro ki tỡ o. 24Ma racong saro tatễp lưn chíq racong saro chong o. Nheq santoiq nâi cứq khoiq ruaih yỗn máh cũai mo khớt sâng, ma tỡ bữn noau têq atỡng cứq tễ ramứh ki.”
25Moâm puo atỡng ngkíq, Yô-sep ta‑ỡi án neq: “Bar ŏ́c parnáu nâi cỡt muoi ŏ́c sâng. Yiang Sursĩ apáh yỗn puo dáng án ễ táq ntrớu. 26Tapul lám ntroŏq plứm o la sacâm tễ tapul cumo. Cớp tapul racong saro chong o la sacâm tễ tapul cumo tê. Bar ŏ́c ki cỡt muoi ramứh sâng. 27Cớp tapul lám ntroŏq sâuq cớp oiq, machớng cớp tapul racong saro tatễp ca cuyal ỡt ploaq rêng lứq, ŏ́c ki sacâm tễ tapul cumo cỡt panhieih khlac tâng cruang nâi. 28Machớng cứq khoiq atỡng anhia, ống Yiang Sursĩ toâp apáh yỗn puo dáng máh ranáq án ễ táq ntun nâi. 29Anhia tamứng o! Bữn tapul cumo cruang Ê-yip-tô bữn khám crơng sana. 30Ma tapul cumo ntun ễn, tỡ bữn bữn ntrớu noâng, toau anhia khlĩr nheq tễ tapul cumo bữn sa‑ữi crơng sana, yuaq tapul cumo ntun, cruang nâi cỡt ŏ́q lứq crơng sana. 31Ngkíq máh cũai Ê-yip-tô khlĩr chíq cumo bữn crơng sana, yuaq ŏ́c panhieih khlac ki la ntâng lứq. 32Ma tễ ŏ́c puo mpáu bar trỗ, ŏ́c nâi la Yiang Sursĩ khoiq anoat chơ, cớp tỡ bữn dũn noâng Yiang Sursĩ táq yỗn ŏ́c nâi toâq.
33“Yuaq ngkíq, sễq puo rưoh manoaq rangoaiq, chơ chóh án yỗn nhêng salĩq nheq máh cruang Ê-yip-tô nâi. 34Cớp sễq puo chóh loah máh cũai canŏ́h ễn dŏq parỗm crơng sana tâng tapul cumo bữn pasâi chũop cruang Ê-yip-tô. Yỗn alới ĩt muoi pún tễ sỡng pún, chơ parỗm dŏq. 35Ngkíq máh cũai sốt ranáq ki cóq ĩt parỗm máh crơng sana tâng tapul cumo bữn sa‑ữi crơng sana. Chơ cóq alới dŏq crơng sana ki pỡ ntốq puo táq sốt. Cóq alới dŏq crơng sana nâi tâng vil cớp kĩaq yỗn samoât. 36Máh crơng sana nâi cóq thrũan dŏq tâng tapul cumo ntun bo cutễq tỡ têq amia crơng sana ntrớu tâng cruang Ê-yip-tô. Táq ngkíq, máh cũai tâng cruang nâi tỡ bữn cuchĩt cỗ tian ŏ́c panhieih khlac.”

Puo Chóh Yô-sep Cỡt Sốt Cruang Ê-yip-tô

37Moâm Yô-sep atỡng, puo cớp máh cũai ca sâng santoiq ki, alới sâng pĩeiq lứq. 38Ngkíq puo atỡng máh cũai ayứng atĩ án neq: “Pỡ léq hái têq chuaq yỗn tamóh ĩn cũai nâi; án bữn Raviei Yiang Sursĩ ỡt cớp án.”
39Chơ puo atỡng Yô-sep neq: “Cỗ Yiang Sursĩ khoiq yỗn mới dáng tễ máh ramứh nâi, lứq samoât tỡ bữn cũai aléq noâng khễuq cớp rangoaiq ariang mới. 40Cứq ễ chóh mới yỗn cỡt cũai nhêng salĩq nheq máh proai cứq, cớp alới cóq trĩh parnai mới. Ống cứq toâp bữn chớc toâr hỡn tễ mới.”
41Chơ puo pai ễn chóq Yô-sep: “Cứq ễ chóh mới yỗn cỡt sốt nheq máh cruang Ê-yip-tô nâi.”
42Moâm ki, puo pũot sambễt tễ atĩ án. Sambễt nâi la tếc chớc puo, chơ án chóq sambễt ki tâng atĩ Yô-sep. Cớp án asớp tampâc táq toâq aroâiq chễp o lứq yỗn Yô-sep, dếh chóq sanoâc yễng tâng tacong Yô-sep hỡ. 43Chơ puo yỗn Yô-sep sễ kĩen bữn bar ayững ariang cũai sốt pưn án dốq bữn. Cớp bữn tahan pỡq nhũang pau neq: “Pang yơng tễ rana, yỗn cũai sốt pỡq!”
 Na ranáq nâi puo chóh Yô-sep yỗn cỡt cũai sốt chũop cruang Ê-yip-tô.
44Chơ puo atỡng Yô-sep neq: “Cứq la puo máh cũai tâng cruang Ê-yip-tô nâi, ma cứq tỡ yỗn cũai aléq táq ntrớu tỡ la pỡq chu nâi chu ki, khân mới ma tỡ bữn yỗn.”
45Puo amứh Yô-sep ramứh tamái ễn la Saphe-nat Pania, cớp án yỗn Yô-sep manoaq mansễm ramứh A-sanat yỗn táq lacuoi. Mpoaq A-sanat ramứh Phô-ti-phê-ra cỡt cũai tễng rit sang tâng vil Ôn. Ngkíq Yô-sep cỡt sốt chũop nheq tâng cruang Ê-yip-tô.
46Yô-sep bữn pái chít cumo bo án mbỡiq táq ranáq yỗn puo cruang Ê-yip-tô. Án loŏh tễ puo, chơ pỡq sa‑óh chũop nheq tâng cruang Ê-yip-tô. 47Tâng tapul cumo ca bữn sa‑ữi muo, cutễq amia máh crơng sana. 48Chơ tâng tapul cumo ki Yô-sep parỗm máh crơng sana tâng cruang Ê-yip-tô. Cớp án tampễq dŏq máh crơng sana ki dŏq tâng dũ vil. Máh palâi sarnóh tễ vil léq án yỗn dŏq tâng vil ki loâng. 49Yô-sep parỗm bữn sa‑ữi lứq máh crơng sana, toau cỡt ariang chũah tâng tor dỡq mưt. Ngkíq án tỡ rơi ngih noâng, cỗ crơng sana nâi sa‑ữi la‑ỡq.
50Nhũang ễ toâq cumo tỡ bữn cỡt muo ntrớu, Yô-sep bữn bar lám con samiang. Mpiq bar lám con ki ramứh A-sanat con Phô-ti-phê-ra, la cũai tễng rit sang tâng vil Ôn. 51Yô-sep amứh con clúng án la Ma-nasê, cớp án pai neq: “Cỗ Yiang Sursĩ táq yỗn cứq khlĩr nheq máh ŏ́c túh arức, cớp nheq tữh dống sũ mpoaq cứq.” 52Yô-sep amứh con ndĩ la Ep-ra-im, cớp án pai neq: “Yiang Sursĩ khoiq yỗn cứq bữn moang ŏ́c o sâng tâng cruang cứq ramóh ŏ́c túh ngua.”
53Tapul cumo ca bữn sa‑ữi máh crơng sana tâng cruang Ê-yip-tô vớt chơ. 54Ki toâq tapul cumo ŏ́q lứq ễn crơng sana, cỡt pĩeiq santoiq Yô-sep khoiq pai tễ nhũang chơ. Cớp nheq tữh cruang canŏ́h la ŏ́q tê. Ma dũ ntốq tâng cruang Ê-yip-tô noâng bữn dũ crơng sana cha. 55Toâq cũai Ê-yip-tô cỡt panhieih, alới pỡq susễq crơng sana tễ puo. Ma puo ớn nheq tữh cũai Ê-yip-tô ki neq: “Anhia pỡq chu Yô-sep. Ntrớu án ớn anhia táq, anhia cóq táq ngkíq.”
56Ŏ́c panhieih khlac pláh dũ ntốq tâng cruang Ê-yip-tô. Chơ Yô-sep pớh máh dống án dŏq crơng sana, chếq yỗn cũai Ê-yip-tô chỡng. 57Ma hỡn tễ ki ễn, bữn cũai tễ dũ cruang canŏ́h toâq pỡ cruang Ê-yip-tô yoc ễ chỡng crơng sana tễ Yô-sep, cỗ tian dũ cruang ŏ́q lứq tê.


Pharaoh’s Dreams

1When two full years had passed, Pharaoh had a dream: He was standing by the Nile, 2when out of the river there came up seven cows, sleek and fat, and they grazed among the reeds. 3After them, seven other cows, ugly and gaunt, came up out of the Nile and stood beside those on the riverbank. 4And the cows that were ugly and gaunt ate up the seven sleek, fat cows. Then Pharaoh woke up.
5He fell asleep again and had a second dream: Seven heads of grain, healthy and good, were growing on a single stalk. 6After them, seven other heads of grain sprouted—thin and scorched by the east wind. 7The thin heads of grain swallowed up the seven healthy, full heads. Then Pharaoh woke up; it had been a dream.
8In the morning his mind was troubled, so he sent for all the magicians and wise men of Egypt. Pharaoh told them his dreams, but no one could interpret them for him.
9Then the chief cupbearer said to Pharaoh, “Today I am reminded of my shortcomings. 10Pharaoh was once angry with his servants, and he imprisoned me and the chief baker in the house of the captain of the guard. 11Each of us had a dream the same night, and each dream had a meaning of its own. 12Now a young Hebrew was there with us, a servant of the captain of the guard. We told him our dreams, and he interpreted them for us, giving each man the interpretation of his dream. 13And things turned out exactly as he interpreted them to us: I was restored to my position, and the other man was impaled.”
14So Pharaoh sent for Joseph, and he was quickly brought from the dungeon. When he had shaved and changed his clothes, he came before Pharaoh.
15Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I had a dream, and no one can interpret it. But I have heard it said of you that when you hear a dream you can interpret it.”
16“I cannot do it,” Joseph replied to Pharaoh, “but God will give Pharaoh the answer he desires.”
17Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “In my dream I was standing on the bank of the Nile, 18when out of the river there came up seven cows, fat and sleek, and they grazed among the reeds. 19After them, seven other cows came up—scrawny and very ugly and lean. I had never seen such ugly cows in all the land of Egypt. 20The lean, ugly cows ate up the seven fat cows that came up first. 21But even after they ate them, no one could tell that they had done so; they looked just as ugly as before. Then I woke up.
22“In my dream I saw seven heads of grain, full and good, growing on a single stalk. 23After them, seven other heads sprouted—withered and thin and scorched by the east wind. 24The thin heads of grain swallowed up the seven good heads. I told this to the magicians, but none of them could explain it to me.”
25Then Joseph said to Pharaoh, “The dreams of Pharaoh are one and the same. God has revealed to Pharaoh what he is about to do. 26The seven good cows are seven years, and the seven good heads of grain are seven years; it is one and the same dream. 27The seven lean, ugly cows that came up afterward are seven years, and so are the seven worthless heads of grain scorched by the east wind: They are seven years of famine.
28“It is just as I said to Pharaoh: God has shown Pharaoh what he is about to do. 29Seven years of great abundance are coming throughout the land of Egypt, 30but seven years of famine will follow them. Then all the abundance in Egypt will be forgotten, and the famine will ravage the land. 31The abundance in the land will not be remembered, because the famine that follows it will be so severe. 32The reason the dream was given to Pharaoh in two forms is that the matter has been firmly decided by God, and God will do it soon.
33“And now let Pharaoh look for a discerning and wise man and put him in charge of the land of Egypt. 34Let Pharaoh appoint commissioners over the land to take a fifth of the harvest of Egypt during the seven years of abundance. 35They should collect all the food of these good years that are coming and store up the grain under the authority of Pharaoh, to be kept in the cities for food. 36This food should be held in reserve for the country, to be used during the seven years of famine that will come upon Egypt, so that the country may not be ruined by the famine.”
37The plan seemed good to Pharaoh and to all his officials. 38So Pharaoh asked them, “Can we find anyone like this man, one in whom is the spirit of God ?”
39Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Since God has made all this known to you, there is no one so discerning and wise as you. 40You shall be in charge of my palace, and all my people are to submit to your orders. Only with respect to the throne will I be greater than you.”

Joseph in Charge of Egypt

41So Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I hereby put you in charge of the whole land of Egypt.” 42Then Pharaoh took his signet ring from his finger and put it on Joseph’s finger. He dressed him in robes of fine linen and put a gold chain around his neck. 43He had him ride in a chariot as his second-in-command, and people shouted before him, “Make way !” Thus he put him in charge of the whole land of Egypt.
44Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I am Pharaoh, but without your word no one will lift hand or foot in all Egypt.” 45Pharaoh gave Joseph the name Zaphenath-Paneah and gave him Asenath daughter of Potiphera, priest of On, to be his wife. And Joseph went throughout the land of Egypt.
46Joseph was thirty years old when he entered the service of Pharaoh king of Egypt. And Joseph went out from Pharaoh’s presence and traveled throughout Egypt. 47During the seven years of abundance the land produced plentifully. 48Joseph collected all the food produced in those seven years of abundance in Egypt and stored it in the cities. In each city he put the food grown in the fields surrounding it. 49Joseph stored up huge quantities of grain, like the sand of the sea; it was so much that he stopped keeping records because it was beyond measure.
50Before the years of famine came, two sons were born to Joseph by Asenath daughter of Potiphera, priest of On. 51Joseph named his firstborn Manasseh and said, “It is because God has made me forget all my trouble and all my father’s household.” 52The second son he named Ephraim and said, “It is because God has made me fruitful in the land of my suffering.”
53The seven years of abundance in Egypt came to an end, 54and the seven years of famine began, just as Joseph had said. There was famine in all the other lands, but in the whole land of Egypt there was food. 55When all Egypt began to feel the famine, the people cried to Pharaoh for food. Then Pharaoh told all the Egyptians, “Go to Joseph and do what he tells you.”
56When the famine had spread over the whole country, Joseph opened all the storehouses and sold grain to the Egyptians, for the famine was severe throughout Egypt. 57And all the world came to Egypt to buy grain from Joseph, because the famine was severe everywhere.