Nau Y-David Nơm Mbơh Nau Sŏng Păng

  Nau mprơ ơm Y-David
1Gâp mra mprơ ma nau ueh jêh ri nau sŏng;
  Ma may yơh, Ơ Yêhôva gâp mra mprơ tâm rnê;
2Gâp mra njrăng tâm trong rah vah,
  Ndah jŏ may mra văch ta gâp?
  Gâp mra hăn tâm ngih gâp ma nuih n'hâm rah vah.
3Gâp mâu mra dơm du ntil ndơ mhĭk ôh ta năp măt gâp;
  Gâp tâm rmot ma kan phung teng trong ƀư;
  Kan nây mâu mra djang ma gâp ôh
4Nuih n'hâm tih mhĭk mra du ngai đah gâp;
  Gâp mâu mra gĭt năl bunuyh mhĭk ôh.
5Mbu nâm nchơt ma nau nđâp ma phung chiau meng păng, gâp mra ƀư rai păng,
  Bu nâm geh nau uănh sưr, jêh ri nuih n'hâm sưr, gâp mâu mra dơn păng ôh.
6Măt gâp mra uănh ma phung răp jăp tâm n'gor, gay ăn khân păng gŭ ndrel ma gâp;
  Mbu nâm hăn tâm nau rah vah, nơm nây mra pah kan ma gâp.
7Mbu nâm jao păng nơm, ma nau ndơm, mâu mra gŭ tâm ngih gâp ôh;
  Mbu nâm ngơi nau mƀruh, mâu mra gŭ rjăp ta năp măt gâp ôh.
8Ăp ôi gâp mra ƀư rai lĕ rngôch phung ƀai tâm n'gor;
  Gay ma lĕ rngôch phung ƀư kue mra roh bơh ƀon Yêhôva.


Of David. A psalm.
  1I will sing of your love and justice;
   to you, Lord, I will sing praise.
  2I will be careful to lead a blameless life—
   when will you come to me?

  I will conduct the affairs of my house
   with a blameless heart.
  3I will not look with approval
   on anything that is vile.

  I hate what faithless people do;
   I will have no part in it.
  4The perverse of heart shall be far from me;
   I will have nothing to do with what is evil.

  5Whoever slanders their neighbor in secret,
   I will put to silence;
  whoever has haughty eyes and a proud heart,
   I will not tolerate.

  6My eyes will be on the faithful in the land,
   that they may dwell with me;
  the one whose walk is blameless
   will minister to me.

  7No one who practices deceit
   will dwell in my house;
  no one who speaks falsely
   will stand in my presence.

  8Every morning I will put to silence
   all the wicked in the land;
  I will cut off every evildoer
   from the city of the Lord.