Y-Yôp Nduyh Phung Mĭt Jiăng Păng

1Y-Yôp plơ̆ sĭt lah: 2"Ơ! Ŭch lĕ nau bu ƀư nđêh nji gâp veh njing ăn di.
 Jêh ri lĕ nau jâk jêr gâp dơn gay veh njing ăn sŏng brăng!
3Yorlah aƀaơ ri păng jâk lơn ma choih tâm dak mƀŭt;
  Yor nây dăng gâp ngơi ro yơh.
4Yorlah hăr Nơm Geh Lĕ Nau Brah leng di ta gâp jêh;
 nuih n'hâm gâp nhêt rvăn dak kăch khân păng; nau Brah Ndu nkrit ƀư ma gâp.
5Mâm ƀư seh bri nhhiăng nter lĕ tơlah păng geh gơ̆ sa?
 Mâu lah ndrôk ƀuh lĕ tơlah păng geh rhe?
6Dơi lĕ bu sa ndơ sât nây tơlah mâu geh boh ôh?
 Bi ma ndơ nglang tâm tăp iăr, moh ndơ ƀâu păng?
7Gâp mâu ŭch sa ndơ nây ôh;
 ndơ nây jêng nâm bu ndơ sơng sa gâp tâm rmot.
8"Ơ! Gay dơi geh ngăn moh nau gâp dăn,
 jêh ri gay ma Brah Ndu ăn tât nau gâp ŭch!
9Gay ma Brah Ndu geh nau maak jot plên gâp,
 gay ma păng yơr ti păng jêh ri ngroh lơi gâp!
10Nau nây mra jêng nau njung leng ma gâp;
 gâp ăt mra maak tâm nau ji gâp glăm ngăn
 Yorlah gâp mâu mâp dun ôh nau Nơm Kloh Ueh ngơi.
11Ntŭk hôm geh n'hâm suan gay ăn gâp dơi gŭ kâp?
 Mâm jêng nau lôch dŭt ma gâp,
 kŏ tât gâp dơi gŭ nsrôih nsram?
12N'hâm suan gâp jêng nâm bu nau katang lŭ lĕ,
 mâu lah nglay săk gâp jêng kông lĕ?
13N'hêl nanê̆ gâp mâu geh nau dơi kơl gâp nơm ôh,
 nau blau mĭn gâp lĕ bu rdu ngai jêh bơh gâp.
 Mâu hĕ di kơt nĕ?
14Du huê rdja nuih rngot lĕ huăr
  bơi chalôt, di ngăn dơi geh mĭt jiăng
 văch tât kơl, klach lah păng chalơi nau klach yơk ma Nơm Geh Lĕ Nau Brah.
15Phung oh nâu gâp jêng phung
 ƀlêp ƀlêr nâm bu dak n'hor lĕ suăt dak,
  nâm bu n'hor dak hoch lĕ kroh.
16Păng rkhăl yor ma glo dak pler,
 yor pler lêk krŭt trong.
17Ƀiălah tơlah lĕ duh jêh khân păng
 suăt ro, tơlah geh nau duh ring
 khân păng du roh bơh ntŭk khân păng.
18Phung mpôl bunăch hăn rgăn der trong khân păng, hăn hao bri rdah, jêh ri rai lôch.
19Phung mpôl bunăch bơh n'gor bri
 Têma joi dak păng,
 phung nsong tăch drăp bơh n'gor bri
 Sêba rnơm ma păng;
20Ƀiălah khân păng ji bêk yorlah rnơm ma păng.
 Tơlah tât jêh ta n'hor dak, khân păng prêng.
21Aƀaơ ri khân may tâm ban ma gâp mâu geh du ntil ndơ, khân may saơ jêh nau rêh ni gâp, jêh ri khân may klach nsâr.
22Gâp mâp geh lah lĕ, 'Ăn hom ndơ ma gâp?
 Mâu lah 'Nhhơr hom ndơ nkhôm
 ma gâp ndô ndơ khân may?'
23Mâu lah, 'Tâm rklaih hom gâp bơh ti phung rlăng gâp'?
  Mâu lah 'Tâm chuai hom gâp bơh ti phung tŭn jot gâp'?
24"Nti hom ma gâp, jêh ri gâp mra gŭ klêm; ntĭm
 ăn gâp gĭt rbăng moh nau gâp lĕ tih jêh.
25Nau ngơi nanê̆ ngăn geh nau sŭk nsôr ngăn!
 Ƀiălah moh khlay nau khân may nduyh?
26Khân may mĭn gay ŭch dơi nduyh lĕ nau gâp ngơi?  Ƀiălah nau ngơi ma du huê bunuyh
 lĕ rdja nuih kanŏng nâm bu rlong sial.
27N'hêl nanê̆, khân may mpet phung kon đơi.
 Jêh ri kuyh ntu ăn rhuh mĭt jiăng khân may.
28"Ƀiălah aƀaơ ri ăn khân may
 geh nau maak uănh ma gâp;
 Yorlah gâp mâu ngơi mƀruh ôh ta  năp muh măt khân may.
29Gâp dăn ma khân may, rle hom,
 lơi ăn geh nau kue ôh.
 Mĭn hom rvê tay đŏng, ăn khân may
 Gĭt năl nau sŏng srăng gâp.
30Geh lĕ nau kue ta mpiăt gâp?
  Mâu di hĕ gâp dơi chiăm gay gĭt rbăng nau rêh ni gâp?


Job: My Complaint Is Just

1Then Job answered and said:
  2“Oh, that my grief were fully weighed,
   And my calamity laid with it on the scales!
   3For then it would be heavier than the sand of the sea—
   Therefore my words have been rash.
   4For the arrows of the Almighty are within me;
   My spirit drinks in their poison;
   The terrors of God are arrayed against me.
   5Does the wild donkey bray when it has grass,
   Or does the ox low over its fodder?
   6Can flavorless food be eaten without salt?
   Or is there any taste in the white of an egg?
   7My soul refuses to touch them;
   They are as loathsome food to me.
  8“Oh, that I might have my request,
   That God would grant me the thing that I long for!
   9That it would please God to crush me,
   That He would loose His hand and cut me off!
   10Then I would still have comfort;
   Though in anguish I would exult,
   He will not spare;
   For I have not concealed the words of the Holy One.
  11“What strength do I have, that I should hope?
   And what is my end, that I should prolong my life?
   12Is my strength the strength of stones?
   Or is my flesh bronze?
   13Is my help not within me?
   And is success driven from me?
  14“To him who is afflicted, kindness should be shown by his friend,
   Even though he forsakes the fear of the Almighty.
   15My brothers have dealt deceitfully like a brook,
   Like the streams of the brooks that pass away,
   16Which are dark because of the ice,
   And into which the snow vanishes.
   17When it is warm, they cease to flow;
   When it is hot, they vanish from their place.
   18The paths of their way turn aside,
   They go nowhere and perish.
   19The caravans of Tema look,
   The travelers of Sheba hope for them.
   20They are disappointed because they were confident;
   They come there and are confused.
   21For now you are nothing,
   You see terror and are afraid.
   22Did I ever say, ‘Bring something to me’?
   Or, ‘Offer a bribe for me from your wealth’?
   23Or, ‘Deliver me from the enemy’s hand’?
   Or, ‘Redeem me from the hand of oppressors’?
  24“Teach me, and I will hold my tongue;
   Cause me to understand wherein I have erred.
   25How forceful are right words!
   But what does your arguing prove?
   26Do you intend to rebuke my words,
   And the speeches of a desperate one, which are as wind?
   27Yes, you overwhelm the fatherless,
   And you undermine your friend.
   28Now therefore, be pleased to look at me;
   For I would never lie to your face.
   29Yield now, let there be no injustice!
   Yes, concede, my righteousness still stands!
   30Is there injustice on my tongue?
   Cannot my taste discern the unsavory?