Yê-ramia Cớp Tỗp Rê-cap

1Bo Yê-hôi-akim con samiang Yô-sia cỡt puo cruang Yuda, Yiang Sursĩ atỡng cứq neq: 2“Cóq mới loŏh chuaq cũai tễ tŏ́ng toiq Rê-cap cớp mơi alới pỡq chu Dống Sang Toâr. Yỗn alới mut tâng muoi clống kễng Dống Sang Toâr, cớp aloŏh blŏ́ng nho yỗn alới nguaiq.”
3Ngkíq cứq pỡq coâiq máh tŏ́ng toiq Rê-cap neq: Ya-sania con samiang Yê-ramia, châu Habat-sania, dếh sễm ai Ya-sania cớp nheq tữh con samiang án. 4Cứq dững tỗp alới chu Dống Sang Toâr, chơ yỗn alới mut tâng clống tỗp rien tễ Hanan, la cũai tang bỗq Yiang Sursĩ; án la con samiang Ic-dalia. Clống ki tớt cớp clống máh cũai ayững atĩ sốt tâng Dống Sang Toâr, mŏ ỡt coah pỡng clống Masĩa con samiang Salum. Masĩa la cũai sốt tâng Dống Sang Toâr. 5Chơ cứq aloŏh khang blŏ́ng cớp avơi cachoc blŏ́ng nho yỗn tŏ́ng toiq Rê-cap, cớp atỡng alới neq: “Sễq mơi anhia nguaiq blŏ́ng nho!”
6Ma tỗp alới ta‑ỡi cứq neq: “Tỗp hếq tỡ bữn nguaiq blŏ́ng nho, cỗ Yô-nadap con samiang Rê-cap, achúc achiac hếq, atỡng hếq neq: ‘Anhia cớp máh con châu anhia dũ dỡi cóq chỗi nguaiq dũ thữ blŏ́ng. 7Cóq anhia chỗi chóh dống; chỗi táq nia sarái; cớp chỗi chóh tỡ la ndỡm nưong nho. Ma nheq dỡi tamoong cóq anhia ỡt níc tâng dống aroâiq, cớp dễq níc chu nâi chu ki.’ 8Tỗp hếq khoiq trĩh dũ ŏ́c Yô-nadap con samiang Rê-cap khoiq patâp hếq. Tỗp hếq cớp lacuoi hếq, dếh máh con mansễm samiang hếq la tỡ nai nguaiq blŏ́ng nho. 9Hếq tỡ nai táq dống ariang cũai canŏ́h; ma hếq ỡt níc tâng dống aroâiq cớp ŏ́q nưong nho, ŏ́q sarái, dếh ŏ́q sarnóh sarbống hỡ. 10Tỗp hếq cơi ỡt tâng dống aroâiq, cớp trĩh samoât lứq santoiq Yô-nadap, achúc achiac tỗp hếq, khoiq patâp. 11Ma tữ Nabũ-canêt-sa puo Ba-bulôn toâq chíl ễ cheng ndỡm cruang cutễq nâi, tỗp hếq dễq nheq chu vil Yaru-salem, dŏq viaq chíq tễ tỗp Ba-bulôn cớp tỗp Si-ri. Cỗ tian tễ ranáq nâi yuaq tỗp hếq toâq tarôq ỡt tâng vil Yaru-salem.”
12-13Chơ Yiang Sursĩ ớn cứq pỡq atỡng máh cũai Yuda cớp máh cũai tâng vil Yaru-salem neq: “Cứq Yiang Sursĩ Sốt Toâr Lứq, la Ncháu tỗp I-sarel, blớh anhia neq: ‘Cỗ nŏ́q anhia tỡ bữn tamứng cứq, cớp tỡ bữn trĩh máh santoiq cứq patâp anhia? 14Tŏ́ng toiq Yô-nadap, con samiang Rê-cap, trĩh santoiq Yô-nadap patâp la chỗi nguaiq blŏ́ng nho; ngkíq toau tangái nâi la alới tỡ bữn nguaiq. Cứq khoiq atỡng níc anhia, ma anhia tỡ bữn tamứng. 15Sa‑ữi trỗ chơ cứq khoiq ớn máh cũai tang bỗq táq ranáq cứq toâq níc pỡ anhia, cớp atỡng anhia chỗi táq noâng ranáq sâuq, ma cóq anhia táq ống ranáq pĩeiq sâng. Tỗp alới catoaih anhia, chỗi cucốh cớp puai noâng máh yiang canŏ́h, dŏq anhia têq ỡt tâng cutễq cứq khoiq chiau yỗn anhia cớp achúc achiac anhia. Ma tỗp anhia tỡ bữn pachêng cutũr tamứng cứq, cớp tỡ bữn kễ ntrớu tễ cứq atỡng anhia. 16Tŏ́ng toiq Yô-nadap yống pacái lứq máh ŏ́c achúc achiac alới khoiq patâp; mŏ tỗp anhia tỡ bữn trĩh cứq.’ 17Yuaq ngkíq, cứq Yiang Sursĩ Sốt Toâr Lứq, la Ncháu tỗp I-sarel, atỡng anhia neq: ‘Cứq ễ dững atoâq máh ranáq cuchĩt pứt ca cứq khoiq pai chóq tỗp Yuda cớp tỗp Yaru-salem. Cứq táq ngkíq, yuaq cứq khoiq atỡng alới, ma alới tỡ bữn tamứng. Cứq khoiq arô alới, ma alới tỡ bữn ta‑ỡi.’”
18Moâm ki cứq atỡng tŏ́ng toiq Rê-cap ễn tễ máh santoiq Yiang Sursĩ Sốt Toâr Lứq, la Ncháu tỗp I-sarel, pai neq: “Tỗp anhia khoiq trĩh santoiq Yô-nadap achúc achiac anhia, cớp anhia táq puai ariang án tĩeih atỡng, dếh táq dũ ramứh án khoiq patâp dŏq. 19Ngkíq, cứq Yiang Sursĩ Sốt Toâr Lứq, la Ncháu tỗp I-sarel, ữq samoât samơi bữn níc cũai samiang tễ tŏ́ng toiq Yô-nadap, con samiang Rê-cap, dŏq táq ranáq cứq.”


The Rekabites

1This is the word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord during the reign of Jehoiakim son of Josiah king of Judah: 2“Go to the Rekabite family and invite them to come to one of the side rooms of the house of the Lord and give them wine to drink.”
3So I went to get Jaazaniah son of Jeremiah, the son of Habazziniah, and his brothers and all his sons—the whole family of the Rekabites. 4I brought them into the house of the Lord, into the room of the sons of Hanan son of Igdaliah the man of God. It was next to the room of the officials, which was over that of Maaseiah son of Shallum the doorkeeper. 5Then I set bowls full of wine and some cups before the Rekabites and said to them, “Drink some wine.”
6But they replied, “We do not drink wine, because our forefather Jehonadab son of Rekab gave us this command: ‘Neither you nor your descendants must ever drink wine. 7Also you must never build houses, sow seed or plant vineyards; you must never have any of these things, but must always live in tents. Then you will live a long time in the land where you are nomads.’ 8We have obeyed everything our forefather Jehonadab son of Rekab commanded us. Neither we nor our wives nor our sons and daughters have ever drunk wine 9or built houses to live in or had vineyards, fields or crops. 10We have lived in tents and have fully obeyed everything our forefather Jehonadab commanded us. 11But when Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon invaded this land, we said, ‘Come, we must go to Jerusalem to escape the Babylonian and Aramean armies.’ So we have remained in Jerusalem.”
12Then the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah, saying: 13“This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: Go and tell the people of Judah and those living in Jerusalem, ‘Will you not learn a lesson and obey my words?’ declares the Lord. 14‘Jehonadab son of Rekab ordered his descendants not to drink wine and this command has been kept. To this day they do not drink wine, because they obey their forefather’s command. But I have spoken to you again and again, yet you have not obeyed me. 15Again and again I sent all my servants the prophets to you. They said, “Each of you must turn from your wicked ways and reform your actions; do not follow other gods to serve them. Then you will live in the land I have given to you and your ancestors.” But you have not paid attention or listened to me. 16The descendants of Jehonadab son of Rekab have carried out the command their forefather gave them, but these people have not obeyed me.’
17“Therefore this is what the Lord God Almighty, the God of Israel, says: ‘Listen! I am going to bring on Judah and on everyone living in Jerusalem every disaster I pronounced against them. I spoke to them, but they did not listen; I called to them, but they did not answer.’ ”
18Then Jeremiah said to the family of the Rekabites, “This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: ‘You have obeyed the command of your forefather Jehonadab and have followed all his instructions and have done everything he ordered.’ 19Therefore this is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: ‘Jehonadab son of Rekab will never fail to have a descendant to serve me.’ ”