1Yiang Sursĩ atỡng ễn chóq Yop: 2“Yop ơi! Mới khớn cardỗq dếh Yiang Sursĩ Sốt Toâr Lứq tỡ? Ma sanua, mới chĩuq pê, ễ ta‑ỡi cứq tỡ?”
 Chơ Yop ta‑ỡi loah Yiang Sursĩ neq:
3-4“Yiang Sursĩ ơi! Cứq la cũai tỡ bữn kia ntrớu; nŏ́q têq cứq ta‑ỡi anhia? Cứq ễ ỡt rangiac sâng, tỡ bữn pai ntrớu noâng. 5Cứq khoiq pai trỗ muoi chơ, ma anhia tỡ bữn ta‑ỡi. Chơ cứq khoiq pai trỗ bar ễn; ma sanua cứq tỡ ễq pai ntrớu noâng.”
6Chơ sưong Yiang Sursĩ loŏh tễ cuyal rapuq muoi trỗ ễn, pai chóq Yop neq: 7“Sanua cóq mới yuor tayứng ariang manoaq samiang clŏ́q; cớp ta‑ỡi máh santoiq cứq ễ blớh mới. 8Mới noâng pai cứq tỡ bữn tanoang tapứng tỡ? Nŏ́q mới apớt pai cứq táq lôih, ma mới ngin pai mới la pĩeiq? 9Mới bán rêng li cứq tỡ? Sưong mới ralông casang ĩn sưong cứq tỡ? 10Khân ngkíq, mới yuor tayứng apáh ang‑ữr cớp chớc toâr mới; ĩt ramứh ranoâng cớp chớc puo dŏq acứp tâng tỗ mới. 11Cóq mới culoân chu cũai achỗn tỗ, cớp aloŏh ŏ́c cutâu chóq alới dŏq asễng cũai ki. 12Cóq mới nhêng chu dũ náq cũai ca achỗn tỗ, chơ âc alới asễng; cớp tĩn sarúq cũai tỡ o bân ntốq alới tayứng ki toâp. 13Tứp nheq tữh alới tâng cutễq; chŏ́q alới tâng ntốq cũai cuchĩt ỡt. 14Chơ cứq toâp ễ achưng alư mới, cớp ngin mới la cũai khoiq riap chơ.
15“Cóq mới nhêng chu charán ỡt tâng dỡq Bê-hê-môt, án ca cứq khoiq tễng machớng cứq khoiq tễng mới. Án lứq cha bát machớng ntroŏq cha tê. 16Ma tỗ chác án bữn bán rêng luat ngư, cớp ayững án la bán rêng tê. 17Soi án caldŏ́ng achỗn samoât nỡm aluang sê-da; sâiq cốc nlu án la bán rêng lứq. 18Nghang án lêng samoât sapoan; nlu án lêng samoât cốc tac. 19Án salễh hỡn tễ máh charán canŏ́h ca cứq khoiq tễng! Bữn ống Yiang ca tễng án toâp têq riap án. 20Máh cuar cóh bữn crơng sana dŏq chứm siem án; ntốq ki máh charán cruang lúh tamprũol lơiq. 21Án bếq anoang nhưp prul sarlia, cớp ỡt tooq mpứng dĩ nỡm aluang tâng talĩng toâr. 22Nỡm sarlia cớp nỡm aluang canŏ́h ca ỡt tâng dỡq, ki cỡt ntốq án ỡt rlu. 23Án tỡ bữn sâng ngcŏh ntrớu toâq dỡq hoi coar clúh án; án ỡt rangiac toâq crỗng Yôr-dan hoi clũom mieiq án. 24Noau têq táq yỗn moat án cỡt sũt, chơ bữn cỗp án? Têq tỡ cũai cỗp cớp clốh múh án?


1Moreover the Lordanswered Job, and said:
  2“Shall the one who contends with the Almighty correct Him?
   He who rebukes God, let him answer it.”

Job’s Response to God

3Then Job answered the Lord and said:
  4“Behold, I am vile;
   What shall I answer You?
   I lay my hand over my mouth.
   5Once I have spoken, but I will not answer;
   Yes, twice, but I will proceed no further.”

God’s Challenge to Job

6Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said:
  7“Now prepare yourself like a man;
   I will question you, and you shall answer Me:
  8“Would you indeed annul My judgment?
   Would you condemn Me that you may be justified?
   9Have you an arm like God?
   Or can you thunder with a voice like His?
   10Then adorn yourself with majesty and splendor,
   And array yourself with glory and beauty.
   11Disperse the rage of your wrath;
   Look on everyone who is proud, and humble him.
   12Look on everyone who isproud, and bring him low;
   Tread down the wicked in their place.
   13Hide them in the dust together,
   Bind their faces in hidden darkness.
   14Then I will also confess to you
   That your own right hand can save you.
  15“Look now at the behemoth, which I made along with you;
   He eats grass like an ox.
   16See now, his strength is in his hips,
   And his power is in his stomach muscles.
   17He moves his tail like a cedar;
   The sinews of his thighs are tightly knit.
   18His bones are like beams of bronze,
   His ribs like bars of iron.
   19He is the first of the ways of God;
   Only He who made him can bring near His sword.
   20Surely the mountains yield food for him,
   And all the beasts of the field play there.
   21He lies under the lotus trees,
   In a covert of reeds and marsh.
   22The lotus trees cover him with their shade;
   The willows by the brook surround him.
   23Indeed the river may rage,
   Yet he is not disturbed;
   He is confident, though the Jordan gushes into his mouth,
   24Though he takes it in his eyes,
   Or one pierces his nose with a snare.