Khua Ngă Yang Prŏng Hloh Kơ Tơlơi Pơgop Phrâo

1Hơdôm tơlơi anŭn ƀing gơmơi hlak pơhiăp jing tơlơi anai: Ƀing ta hơmâo Pô khua ngă yang prŏng hloh, jing Pô dŏ be̱r ƀơi gah hơnuă grê pơtao Pô Kơdrưh Kơang amăng adai adih. 2Laih anŭn Ñu jing Pô khua ngă yang prŏng hloh hăng mă bruă mơta tơlơi rơgoh hiam amăng sang khăn jăng jăi sĭt Khua Yang hơmâo pơdơ̆ng đĭ laih, ƀu djơ̆ mơ̆ng mơnuih mơnam ôh.
3Yuakơ rĭm khua ngă yang prŏng hloh tŭ ruah mă kiăng kơ pơyơr abih dua hơdôm gơnam brơi pơyơr hăng khul gơnam ngă yang yơh. Tui anŭn, ăt kar kaĭ mơ̆n kơ Pô khua ngă yang prŏng hloh anŭn ăt hơmâo đơđa gơnam pơyơr kiăng kơ pơyơr mơ̆n. 4Tơdah Ñu dŏ ƀơi lŏn tơnah anai, Ñu ƀu či jing khua ngă yang ôh, yuakơ hơmâo laih ƀing mơnuih jing ƀing khua ngă yang pơyơr hơdôm gơnam brơi pơyơr tui hăng tơlơi juăt pơtă laih. 5Bruă ƀing khua ngă yang anŭn mă bruă amăng anih sang yang anŭn jing sa tơlơi ngă tui laih anŭn jing sa rup pơhơmutu kơ bruă ngă amăng adai adih. Anŭn yơh tui hăng tơlơi Môseh tŭ tơlơi pơkơđiăng laih mơ̆ng Ơi Adai tơdang ñu jĕ či pơdơ̆ng đĭ sang khăn jăng jăi tui anai, “Lăng pơñen bĕ tui anŭn ih dưi pơkra gơñu kar hăng hrôp Kâo pơrơđah laih kơ ih ƀơi čư̆.” 6Samơ̆ bruă mơnuă Yang Yêsu hơmâo mă tŭ laih jing bruă yom pơphan hloh kơ bruă gơñu jing tơlơi pơgop yơh. Amăng tơlơi pơgop anŭn, Yang Yêsu yơh jing Pô Krah Rơno̱m, jing Pô yom prŏng hloh kơ tơlơi pơgop hơđăp, yuakơ tơlơi anŭn kơnang ƀơi hơdôm tơlơi ƀuăn hiam hloh yơh.
7Yuakơ tơdah hơmâo tơlơi pơgiŏng hĭ hiam hlo̱m laih amăng tơlơi pơgop blung hlâo, sĭt ƀu či kiăng kơ hơmâo tơlơi pơgop tal dua ôh. 8Yuakơ tơdang pơrơđah kơ tơlơi pơgop ƀu hiam hlo̱m anŭn, Ơi Adai pơhiăp tui anai,
  “Khul hrơi mông či truh,
   tơdang Kâo či pơjing sa tơlơi pơgop phrâo
  hăng ƀing ană plei Israel
   laih anŭn ƀing ană plei Yudah yơh.
  9Tơlơi pơgop anŭn ƀu djơ̆ jing kar hăng tơlơi pơgop
   Kâo pơjing laih hăng ƀing ơi adon gơñu
  tơdang Kâo dui ba laih ƀing gơ̆ ƀơi tơngan ƀing gơ̆
   kiăng kơ dui ba ƀing gơ̆ tơbiă mơ̆ng lŏn čar Êjip ôh.
  Yuakơ ƀing gơñu ƀu dŏ kle̱p tŏng ten ôh hăng tơlơi pơgop Kâo
   laih anŭn Kâo wir đuaĭ hĭ mơ̆ng ƀing gơñu yơh.

  10“Yuakơ anai yơh jing tơlơi pơgop Kâo či pơjing hăng ƀing ană plei Israel
   tơdơi kơ hrơi mông anŭn, anŭn jing Khua Yang pơhiăp pơhaih laih.
  Kâo či pioh hơdôm tơlơi juăt Kâo amăng tơlơi pơmĭn gơñu,
   laih anŭn čih hơdôm tơlơi juăt anŭn amăng pran jua gơñu yơh.
  Kâo či jing Ơi Adai gơñu,
   laih anŭn ƀing gơñu či jing ană plei Kâo yơh.
  11Ƀu kiăng dơ̆ng tah kơ hlơi pô khŏm pơtô kơ pô re̱ng gah ñu,
   ƀôdah kơ ayŏng adơi ñu tui anai, ‘Thâo krăn bĕ Khua Yang.’
  Anŭn jing yuakơ abih bang ƀing gơñu či thâo krăn Kâo yơh,
   čơdơ̆ng mơ̆ng pô ƀu yom pơphan hlŏng truh pơ pô yom pơphan yơh.
  12Yuakơ Kâo či khăp pap kơ tơlơi sat ƀai gơñu
   laih anŭn ƀu či hơdơr kơ tơlơi soh gơñu dơ̆ng tah.”
13Tơdang yap kơ tơlơi pơgop anŭn jing phrâo, Ơi Adai hơmâo pơjing laih kơ tơlơi pơgop hơđăp ƀu tŭ yua dơ̆ng tah, laih anŭn hơdôm tơlơi ƀu tŭ yua hăng hơđăp laih či tañ rơngiă hĭ thĕng yơh.


The High Priest of a New Covenant

1Now the main point of what we are saying is this: We do have such a high priest, who sat down at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven, 2and who serves in the sanctuary, the true tabernacle set up by the Lord, not by a mere human being.
3Every high priest is appointed to offer both gifts and sacrifices, and so it was necessary for this one also to have something to offer. 4If he were on earth, he would not be a priest, for there are already priests who offer the gifts prescribed by the law. 5They serve at a sanctuary that is a copy and shadow of what is in heaven. This is why Moses was warned when he was about to build the tabernacle: “See to it that you make everything according to the pattern shown you on the mountain.” 6But in fact the ministry Jesus has received is as superior to theirs as the covenant of which he is mediator is superior to the old one, since the new covenant is established on better promises.
7For if there had been nothing wrong with that first covenant, no place would have been sought for another. 8But God found fault with the people and said :
  “The days are coming, declares the Lord,
   when I will make a new covenant
  with the people of Israel
   and with the people of Judah.
  9It will not be like the covenant
   I made with their ancestors
  when I took them by the hand
   to lead them out of Egypt,
  because they did not remain faithful to my covenant,
   and I turned away from them,

  10This is the covenant I will establish with the people of Israel
   after that time, declares the Lord.
  I will put my laws in their minds
   and write them on their hearts.
  I will be their God,
   and they will be my people.
  11No longer will they teach their neighbor,
   or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord,’
  because they will all know me,
   from the least of them to the greatest.
  12For I will forgive their wickedness
   and will remember their sins no more.”
13By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.