Y-Êlipas Ƀuah kơ Y-Yôp

1Leh anăn Y-Êlipas mơ̆ng ƀuôn Têman lŏ wĭt lač:
  2“Tơdah sa čô jhŏng ha blŭ kơ ih, ih srăng ênguôt mơ̆?
   Ƀiădah hlei pô dưi dôk ñăt?
  3Nĕ anei ih bi hriăm leh lu mnuih,
   leh anăn ih bi ktang leh kngan awăt.
  4Klei ih blŭ krơ̆ng leh pô têč hnêč,
   leh anăn ih bi kjăp leh kơŭt êun.
  5Ƀiădah ară anei klei anăn truh kơ ih pô, leh anăn ih amâo dưi gĭr ôh;
   klei anăn ngă kơ ih, leh anăn ih êdu ai.
  6Amâo djŏ hĕ klei ih huĭ mpŭ kơ Aê Diê jing klei ih knang,
   leh anăn klei ih dôk sĭt suôr jing klei ih čang hmăng?
  7Dôk mĭn bĕ, hlei pô amâo soh tuôm rai luč leh?
   Amâodah ti anôk phung kpă ênô tuôm rai tuč leh?
  8Tui si kâo ƀuh leh, phung pla klei wê
   leh anăn rah klei rŭng răng srăng wiă klei wê leh anăn klei rŭng răng.
  9Hŏng êwa bluh mơ̆ng Aê Diê, diñu djiê jih
   leh anăn hŏng klei ktang klei Aê Diê ngêñ, diñu rai tuč.
  10Aê Diê bi ñăt kriêp klei diñu gruh msĕ si êmông gu leh anăn klei diñu grêñ msĕ si êmông brêč.
   Aê Diê bi joh êgei êđai êmông gu.
  11Snăn, êmông gu ktang djiê kyua kƀah hlô dưi hiêk ƀơ̆ng,
   leh anăn êđai êmông gu bra đuĕ mdê mdê.
  12Arăng hưn sa klei kơ kâo hŏng klei hgăm,
   knga kâo hmư̆ leh klei arăng mhač anăn.
  13 Êjai dôk mĭn kơ klei bi ƀuh êjai mlam,
   êjai phung mnuih dôk pĭt snăk,
  14klei huĭ leh anăn klei ktư̆ yơ̆ng truh kơ kâo,
   brei jih jang klang kâo kpoh mgei.
  15Sa angĭn thut găn ti anăp ƀô̆ mta kâo,
   leh anăn kâo pŭ mlâo asei.
  16Mâo sa rup ti anăp ală kâo; angĭn thut anăn dôk hĕ,
   ƀiădah kâo amâo dưi thâo kral ñu ôh.
   Leh klei ñăt kriêp, kâo hmư̆ sa asăp:
  17‘Dưi mơ̆ sa čô mnuih thâo djiê jing kpă ênô hĭn ti anăp Aê Diê?
   Dưi mơ̆ sa čô mnuih jing êngeh hĭn kơ Pô Mjing ñu?
  18Wăt Aê Diê amâo dưi knang ôh kơ phung dĭng buăl ñu,
   leh anăn kčŭt klei soh kơ phung dĭng buăl jăk ñu;
  19Ƀai êjai hĭn kơ phung arăng mjing leh hŏng lăn lŭ,
   atur diñu jing ƀruih lăn,
   phung arăng bi mčah bi rai msĕ si muôr.
  20Diñu hdĭp mơ̆ng aguah ka truh tlam arăng bi rai diñu leh;
   diñu rai tuč hlŏng lar, amâo mâo pô uêñ ôh.
  21Tơdah aruăt klei hdĭp diñu tloh leh,
   diñu djiê yơh,
   leh anăn djiê amâo mâo klei tŭ dưn.’ ”



1Then Eliphaz the Temanite replied:
  2“If someone ventures a word with you, will you be impatient?
   But who can keep from speaking?
  3Think how you have instructed many,
   how you have strengthened feeble hands.
  4Your words have supported those who stumbled;
   you have strengthened faltering knees.
  5But now trouble comes to you, and you are discouraged;
   it strikes you, and you are dismayed.
  6Should not your piety be your confidence
   and your blameless ways your hope?

  7“Consider now: Who, being innocent, has ever perished?
   Where were the upright ever destroyed?
  8As I have observed, those who plow evil
   and those who sow trouble reap it.
  9At the breath of God they perish;
   at the blast of his anger they are no more.
  10The lions may roar and growl,
   yet the teeth of the great lions are broken.
  11The lion perishes for lack of prey,
   and the cubs of the lioness are scattered.

  12“A word was secretly brought to me,
   my ears caught a whisper of it.
  13Amid disquieting dreams in the night,
   when deep sleep falls on people,
  14fear and trembling seized me
   and made all my bones shake.
  15A spirit glided past my face,
   and the hair on my body stood on end.
  16It stopped,
   but I could not tell what it was.
  A form stood before my eyes,
   and I heard a hushed voice:
  17‘Can a mortal be more righteous than God?
   Can even a strong man be more pure than his Maker?
  18If God places no trust in his servants,
   if he charges his angels with error,
  19how much more those who live in houses of clay,
   whose foundations are in the dust,
   who are crushed more readily than a moth!
  20Between dawn and dusk they are broken to pieces;
   unnoticed, they perish forever.
  21Are not the cords of their tent pulled up,
   so that they die without wisdom?’