Nau Hôr Ma Đang Play Kriăk Ƀâu

1Ăn gâp mprơ ma nơm gâp rŏng du nau mprơ di ma đang play kriăk ƀâu păng. Nơm gâp rŏng geh du đang play kriăk ƀâu ta gôl jêng ngăn, jêh ri tăm tơm play kriăk ƀâu ueh lơn. 2Păng rdâk du rplay ngih tŭm ta nklang păng jêh ri kuyh ntu iet play. Păng kâp gân ma păng geh play ueh, ƀiă lah păng geh kanŏng play mhĭk.
3Pô ri aƀaơ aơ, Ơ phung gŭ tâm ƀon Yêrusalem jêh ri phung bu klâu bri Yuda, phat hom dôih gâp đah đang play kriăk ƀâu gâp. 4Moh nau khlay hôm tâm đang play kriăk ƀâu gâp, gâp mâu hŏ ƀư an ma păng ôh? Dôl gâp kâp gân ma păng mra geh play ueh mâm păng geh hĕ play mhĭk?
5Pô ri aƀaơ aơ gâp mra mbơh ma may nau gâp mra ƀư ma đang play kriăk ƀâu gâp. Gâp mra rôk lơi n'gar păng, jêh ri mpô mpa mra păng lĕ rngôch. Gâp mra ƀư rlâm lơi n'gar păng, jêh ri bu mra jot lơi păng. 6Gâp mra ăn păng rai, bu mâu mra nkra n'gĭng, mâu hôm brôi tơm păng ôh, rtau lok jêh ri lok tơm mra hon ta nây. Jêh ri gâp mra ntăm ma tŭk mâu hôm ăn dak mih ma păng ôh. 7Đang play kriăk ƀâu Yêhôva ma phung tahan jêng ngih Isarael, jêh ri phung bu klâu Yuda jêng ndơ ueh păng tăm. Păng kâp gân geh nau sŏng, ƀiă lah aơ, bu ƀư pling mham jêh, jêh ri păng kâp gân ma nau sŏng srăng, ƀiă lah aơ, geh nau nter nđêng. Nau rêh ni mbơh jêh ma phung ƀai.
8Rêh ni ngăn ma phung rdâk ngih dăch đah du rplay mir êng kŏ mâu hôm geh ntŭk ôh jêh ri bu ăn khân may gŭ êng ta nklang bri.
9Yêhôva ma phung tahan lah jêh ma tôr gâp: "Na nê̆ âk rplay ngih mra jêng rngol, ngih toyh jêh ri ueh mâu hôm geh bunuyh gŭ ôh. 10Jât hec tar đang play kriăk ƀâu mra geh du bat, jêh ri du ôm er ntil mra geh kanŏng du êpha." 11Rêh ni ngăn ma phung kah rngăl gay tĭng joi ndrănh gŭ nhêt kŏ tât măng kŏ dak play kriăk ƀâu srŏng khân păng. 12Khân păng geh n'hôm jêh ri gong rêng, gong, jêh ri rlet, jêh ri dak play kriăk ƀâu tâm nau khân păng nhêt sông, ƀiă lah khân păng mâu chrê ma kan Yêhôva ôh, mâu lĕ saơ kan ti păng ƀư. 13Yor pưt nau blau mĭn phung ƀon lan gâp mra hăn jêng bu nă. Phung bu yơk tâm khân păng khĭt rvet, jêh ri phung âk khân păng kroh ko ma nau ji hir. 14Yor nây ƀon phung khĭt kâp sa khân păng, jêh ri hă ăn huy mbung păng rlau keh. Phung kôranh jêh ri phung ƀon lan ƀon Siôn trŭnh hăn ta nây, lĕ rngôch phung âk nđâp phung sưr tŭp tâm nây.
15Phung ƀon lan toyh nđâp jê̆ mra rơ-ia nuih n'hâm, măt phung sưr bu tâm njŭr.
16Ƀiă lah Yêhôva ma phung ka han geh nau n'hao tâm nau sŏng, jêh ri Brah Ndu Kloh Ueh mra tâm mpơl păng nơm kloh ueh tâm nau sŏng srăng. 17Rnôk nây kon biăp mra sa gơ̆ nâm bu ndrêch gơ̆ khân păng nơm, jêh ri phung bu năch mra sa ta nklang ntŭk mir lĕ mƀărphung ndrŏng.
18Rêh ni ngăn ma phung dŭng đŏt nau kue ma nau mƀruh jêh ri nchâp bu ƀư tih nâm bu ma rse biăt lui ndeh, 19khân păng, "Ăn Yêhôva ƀư ndal, ăn păng ƀư ndăn kan păng, gay ma he dơi saơ. Ăn nau Nơm Kloh Ueh Isarael văch êp hom, gay ma he dơi gĭt nau nây."
20Rêh ni ngăn ma phung rnha ntơ nau mhĭk jêng ueh, jêh ri nau ueh jêng mhĭk, phung kơp nau ngo nsro ma nau ang, jêh ri ang nsro ma nau ngo, phung ăn nau tăng nsro nau njŭng, jêh ri nau njŭng nsro nau tăng. 21Rêh ni ngăn ma phung kơp khân păng nơm jêng phung gĭt mĭn jêh ri kơp ma khân păng nơm jêng phung gĭt rbăng.
22Rêh ni ngăn ma phung dăng nhêt dak play kriăk ƀâu, jêh ri phung dăng nhêt ndrănh, 23Phung kơp sŏng nơm ƀai yor drăp blŏl, jêh ri dun ƀư nau di ma phung sŏng.
24Yor nây, tâm ban ma mpiăt ŭnh sa rhe, jêh ri tâm ban ma mpiăt ŭnh sa gơ̆ kro, tâm ban pô nây lĕ reh khân păng mra jêng tâm ban ma ndơ ôm rai, jêh ri kao khân păng mra nthông tâm ban ma ndruyh neh; yor lah khân păng dun jêh nau vay Yêhôva ma phung tahan jêh ri tâm rmot nau Nơm Kloh Ueh Isarael ngơi.
25Yor nây nau Yêhôva ji nuih hit đah phung ƀon lan păng; păng yơr jêh ti tâm rdâng đah khân păng jêh ri dong khân păng. Yôk sâr n'gơ jêh ri săk jăn khĭt khân păng jêng tâm ban ma ndŏk ta nklang trong. Nđâp lah lĕ nau nây ka đôi, ăt nau păng ji nuih ê teng ôh, ƀiă lah ti păng ăt hôm yơr ƀư ƀaƀơ.
26Păng mra n'hao bok pla (bok kơ) ma phung ndŭl mpôl gŭ ngai jêh ri huăch kuăl khân păng bơh dŭt bri neh, jêh ri aơ, khân păng văch ma nau ndal, ngăch ngăn. 27Mâu geh du huê tâm khân păng mra rgănh, mâu lĕ geh du huê chêh, mâu geh nơm mra lâng săk bêch ôh. Rse bŭt khân păng mâu mra klaih ôh, rse ntâu jot khân păng mâu lĕ tăch. 28Hăr khân păng mplanh, jêh ri lĕ rngôch na khân păng van jêh. Nchop jâng seh khân păng jêng tâm ban ma lŭ, jêh ri jâng ndeh khân păng jêng tâm ban sial vănh blông 29Nau khân nter troh jêng tâm ban ma yau mŭr ngrông (ngŭr); khân păng nter tâm ban ma kon yau mŭr păng ngrông jêh ri kăp jun khân păng, khân păng djôt leo mpa khân păng kăp jêh, mâu geh nơm dơi nklaih ôh. 30Tâm nar nây khân păng mra ngrông (ngŭr) yor ma phung nây, tâm ban ma nteh dak mƀŭt. Tơ lah bu uănh ma bri neh, aơ nau ngo jêh ri nau uh ah, jêh ri ndâr nkŭm lơi nau ang păng.


God’s Disappointing Vineyard

  1Now let me sing to my Well-beloved
   A song of my Beloved regarding His vineyard:
  My Well-beloved has a vineyard
   On a very fruitful hill.
   2He dug it up and cleared out its stones,
   And planted it with the choicest vine.
   He built a tower in its midst,
   And also made a winepress in it;
   So He expected it to bring forth good grapes,
   But it brought forth wild grapes.
  3“And now, O inhabitants of Jerusalem and men of Judah,
   Judge, please, between Me and My vineyard.
   4What more could have been done to My vineyard
   That I have not done in it?
   Why then, when I expected it to bring forth good grapes,
   Did it bring forth wild grapes?
   5And now, please let Me tell you what I will do to My vineyard:
   I will take away its hedge, and it shall be burned;
   And break down its wall, and it shall be trampled down.
   6I will lay it waste;
   It shall not be pruned or dug,
   But there shall come up briers and thorns.
   I will also command the clouds
   That they rain no rain on it.”
  7For the vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel,
   And the men of Judah are His pleasant plant.
   He looked for justice, but behold, oppression;
   For righteousness, but behold, a cry for help.

Impending Judgment on Excesses

  8Woe to those who join house to house;
   They add field to field,
   Till there is no place
   Where they may dwell alone in the midst of the land!
   9In my hearing the Lord of hosts said,
   “Truly, many houses shall be desolate,
   Great and beautiful ones, without inhabitant.
   10For ten acres of vineyard shall yield one bath,
   And a homer of seed shall yield one ephah.”
  11Woe to those who rise early in the morning,
   That they may follow intoxicating drink;
   Who continue until night, till wine inflames them!
   12The harp and the strings,
   The tambourine and flute,
   And wine are in their feasts;
   But they do not regard the work of the Lord,
   Nor consider the operation of His hands.
  13Therefore my people have gone into captivity,
   Because they have no knowledge;
   Their honorable men are famished,
   And their multitude dried up with thirst.
   14Therefore Sheol has enlarged itself
   And opened its mouth beyond measure;
   Their glory and their multitude and their pomp,
   And he who is jubilant, shall descend into it.
   15People shall be brought down,
   Each man shall be humbled,
   And the eyes of the lofty shall be humbled.
   16But the Lord of hosts shall be exalted in judgment,
   And God who is holy shall be hallowed in righteousness.
   17Then the lambs shall feed in their pasture,
   And in the waste places of the fat ones strangers shall eat.
  18Woe to those who draw iniquity with cords of vanity,
   And sin as if with a cart rope;
   19That say, “Let Him make speed and hasten His work,
   That we may see it;
   And let the counsel of the Holy One of Israel draw near and come,
   That we may know it.
  20Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
   Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
   Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
  21Woe to those who arewise in their own eyes,
   And prudent in their own sight!
  22Woe to men mighty at drinking wine,
   Woe to men valiant for mixing intoxicating drink,
   23Who justify the wicked for a bribe,
   And take away justice from the righteous man!
  24Therefore, as the fire devours the stubble,
   And the flame consumes the chaff,
   Sotheir root will be as rottenness,
   And their blossom will ascend like dust;
   Because they have rejected the law of the Lord of hosts,
   And despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.
   25Therefore the anger of the Lord is aroused against His people;
   He has stretched out His hand against them
   And stricken them,
   And the hills trembled.
   Their carcasses were as refuse in the midst of the streets.
  For all this His anger is not turned away,
   But His hand is stretched out still.
  26He will lift up a banner to the nations from afar,
   And will whistle to them from the end of the earth;
   Surely they shall come with speed, swiftly.
   27No one will be weary or stumble among them,
   No one will slumber or sleep;
   Nor will the belt on their loins be loosed,
   Nor the strap of their sandals be broken;
   28Whose arrows are sharp,
   And all their bows bent;
   Their horses’ hooves will seem like flint,
   And their wheels like a whirlwind.
   29Their roaring will be like a lion,
   They will roar like young lions;
   Yes, they will roar
   And lay hold of the prey;
   They will carry it away safely,
   And no one will deliver.
   30In that day they will roar against them
   Like the roaring of the sea.
   And if onelooks to the land,
   Behold, darkness and sorrow;
   And the light is darkened by the clouds.