Nau Mbơh Sơm Ơm Ôi Gay Ma Brah Ndu Kơl Nau mprơ ơm Y-David du ndĕ đah kon păng Y-Apsalôm

1Ơ Yêhôva, phung rlăng đah gâp jêng âk ngăn. Phung dâk tâm lơh đah gâp jêng âk lơn đŏng.
2Âk nơm lah ma huêng gâp, mâu geh ôh nau tâm rklaih păng tâm Brah Ndu (Sêla)
3Lah may, Ơ Yêhôva, jêng khêl gâp; may jêng nau chrêk rmah gâp jêh ri Nơm ăn gâp ngơ̆ bôk
4Bâr gâp nter vơl ma Yêhôva
 Păng lŏ plơ̆ lah ma gâp tă bơh yôk kloh ueh Păng (Sêla)
5Gâp lâng săk jêh ri bêch;
 Gâp kah rngăl yor lah Yêhôva chiă uănh gâp
6Gâp mâu klach ôh ma âk rbăn bunuyh nchueng jŭm gâp
7Dâk hom may, ơ Yêhôva; tâm rklaih gâp, Ơ Brah Ndu gâp
 Yorlah may dong jêh ta trô bom lĕ rngôch phung rlăng gâp; may ƀư pêch jêh sêk phung ƀai.
8Nau tâm rklaih jêng Yêhôva de; Ăn phung ƀon lan may geh nau ueh lăng may.


The Lord Helps His Troubled People

A Psalm of David when he fled from Absalom his son.
  1Lord, how they have increased who trouble me!
   Many are they who rise up against me.
   2Many are they who say of me,
   “There is no help for him in God.”
  3But You, O Lord, area shield for me,
   My glory and the One who lifts up my head.
   4I cried to the Lord with my voice,
   And He heard me from His holy hill.
  5I lay down and slept;
   I awoke, for the Lord sustained me.
   6I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people
   Who have set themselves against me all around.
  7Arise, O Lord;
   Save me, O my God!
   For You have struck all my enemies on the cheekbone;
   You have broken the teeth of the ungodly.
   8Salvation belongs to the Lord.
   Your blessing is upon Your people.